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New App for my phone

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1New App for my phone Empty New App for my phone 4/3/2013, 5:22 pm



New App for my phone 312879_408758235860553_169359020_n

2New App for my phone Empty Re: New App for my phone 4/3/2013, 5:33 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Now if they'll just come out with a typewriter ap, a black & white picture ap, and an 8-track tape player ap, us geezers will be good to go. lol
By the way, does that rotary phone have a party line with it? I doubt those young whippersnapper geeks who make that stuff even know what that is. I know they don't know what a 45 rpm record is because I showed a 25 year old one and he thought it was a frisbee. lol

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