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Jean Auel

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1Jean Auel  Empty Jean Auel 7/9/2010, 11:05 pm



Still waiting for the last installment in the Clan of the Cave Bear Series.
Yes, I know it sounds silly, but she is very detailed in the every day
living conditions and locations of the best Neanderthal sites found to date.

2Jean Auel  Empty Re: Jean Auel 7/10/2010, 4:51 pm



I saw the title of your post and hoped you were announcing the publication of her new book. It's been over 12 years, for goodness sakes! How much research does she need? I want-I NEED - to know if Ayla ever finds Durk again!!!!

3Jean Auel  Empty Re: Jean Auel 8/9/2010, 1:26 am



So sorry I didn't get back to this Forum.

I looked at the latest update, and the sad news is that:

The official announcement of the title and publication date was made on May 27th, 2010.
The book, entitled The Land of Painted Caves, will be simultaneously published in a
worldwide release on March 29, 2011.
Yes, 2011. Sad

I would give anything to be able to tour the sites that she researched.

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