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Reasonable minds may disagree

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1Reasonable minds may disagree Empty Reasonable minds may disagree 7/2/2012, 6:50 pm



Sincere, serious people looking for straight talk about political issues are up against some real challenges when it comes to getting the facts. Political spin has been taken to a whole new level in this election season. Sometimes we sound like aliens trying to communicate with beings from another planet and wonder where in the world others are coming up with the outrageous things they are saying...can they really believe that?!
I think some of this problem is by design. The media manipulators want to divide the voters and confuse them into believing what ever it is they stand for. This is not a good way to run a country. We should not have to wade through a bunch of spin to get to the reality of a situation. Sure, some spin is to be expected but the spin machine has run off the tracks turning people in to misinformed folks unable to discuss issues or figure out what the facts really are. I just Googled "fact checking sites" and came up with this list. Maybe this will come in handy. | A Project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases. Offers email ...
Ask FactCheck - Viral Spiral - Obama's 'War on Women'? - Articles
PolitiFact | Sorting out the truth in politics immigration. What do our many fact-checks on immigration, border security and the Dream Act say about the current debate? >>more. More from ... Urban Legends Reference Pages myths, rumors, and misinformation. Use the search box above to locate your item of interest, or click one of the icons below to browse the site by category.
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The Fact Checker the truth behind the political rhetoric. ... A typical example is the screen grab from the Obama Web site above, depicting the problems that would await ...
6 Best Fact Checking Websites That Help You Distinguish Between ... 14, 2010 – The Hot Topics for such Misinformation are generally Politics, Government Policies, Religion and various Scams and Hoaxes. Some websites ...
New Fact Checking Site for Energy Issues - Forbes 20, 2012 – I'm attending the 9th annual Renewable Energy Finance Forum - Wall Street today, hosted by the American Council on Renewable Energy ...
Is It Really True? The 5 Best Fact-Checking Websites

by Tina Sieber - in 147 Google+ circles - More by Tina Sieber
Apr 17, 2012 – Fact checking has its origin in the early 20th century, when magazines began to verify statements made in non-fictional texts prior to publication ...
How Romney Fibs—and Gets Away With It | Mother Jones

by David Corn - More by David Corn
Apr 5, 2012 – But it doesn't cut Medicare." By the way, Obama's law expanded certain Medicare benefits. The fact checking site also points out that Presidents ... that forwarded email Truth or Fiction ... home of, the place to check out forwarded emails to see whether they are hoaxes, urban legends, scams, myrban myths, or the truth. ... control of Google Ads, not, which is a non-partisan site.
MediaShift . Political Fact-Check Sites Proliferate, But Can They ...

by Mark Glaser - in 24,790 Google+ circles - More by Mark Glaser
Sep 24, 2008 – Right now, though, it's the partisan fact-check sites that are getting more traction and are more popular among bloggers who link to them.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Amen. It's now all but impossible to find any information that is not just spin.
Even what bills itself as "the no-spin zone" is nothing but spin.
It reminds me of that liquid product called "Real Lemon" that's some conglomeration of anything except a real lemon.



I've been watching the Romney campaign go through its repositioning re the personal mandate.
Framing. It is all totally about framing. When the Heritage Foundation first came out in favor of the personal mandate they said it was a way to insure personal responsibility. They noted that those who could afford health insurance but didn't buy it and couldn't pay for their care out of pocket were "free riders" on the system letting the rest of us pay for their care.
Then, suddenly when this idea made its way into the ACA it suddenly became a socialist plot and a government take-over. They didn't even blink at this sudden transformation. No indeed.
Now Romney is trying to run away from the system he pioneered in Mass. Now the distinction they try to draw is that it is really totally different because it is being implemented on a national level rather than just one state. The idea is to insure personal responsibility. The state/nation is just a conjured up argument that only the R's care about. They are grasping at straws.

On top of this Romney's campaign can't get its story straight about the mandate being a tax or a penalty. Who cares what it is called? I guess Roberts cared because he called it a tax and said it was Constitutional.
The girations Romney's campaign is going through is comical to watch. Even the WSJ ranted about how crazy it was.

The Republican establishment is starting to give voice to serious concerns about the viability of the presidential campaign of former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney, displaying pessimism about his chances to beat President Barack Obama in November.

An editorial in the conservative Wall Street Journal, a column by influential neoconservative Bill Kristol and a series of tweets from News Corp mogul Rupert Murdoch all voice similar fears of a campaign that is playing it too safe, being too vague and giving voters no reason to vote for Romney in November.

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