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...and even in the Corps, political correctness has begun to run amok...

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Wow. They are going to take a .01 breathalyzer test and ruin a Marine's career. This surely is not the Corps I joined many moons ago. I wonder how many NJPs and such will be given for a guy who stayed out late with his brother Marines celebrating a well earned promotion or birth of a child? You can blow more than .01 after taking a dose of Nyquil. It's idiotic. More wussification of what is supposed to be America's 9-11 Force. I can't imagine how these rules could have been put into place back in my father's era of the military as well. We all know theWWII- Nam vets were rough characters for the most part. Drinking has been part of the culture of the Corps since it was founded in a bar -Tun Tavern on Nov 10, 1775. It's truly going to be a nightmare for those still serving, especially those who are in Fleet Marine Force line units. Chesty is rolling over in his grave.


Something does not seem right about the decimal points in this article. I agree 100% if they are going to use the threshold which is 8 times below the current .08 levels in most states for driving......a person can only process one ounce of alcohol an hour, and some folks on a late night binge, would wake up the next morning legally sober by state standards but in violation of the regulations. The old DUI standard was .1, not .01 or approximately 20% higher BAC before being in violation of the law. This is like saying they have a zero tolerance, and I hope they do not take sampling after somebody has an off duty day.

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