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guns are hot

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1guns are hot Empty guns are hot 11/19/2012, 5:34 pm



In today getting some guns valued at a local place their phones are ringing people wanting good values on guns. I have one really nice one which could bring a couple of bucks. Anyone interested:

Ruger single six .22 magnum SS Centennial Edition good shape

Glock 7 second generation in box never fired 2 clips

Winchester Police 1200 pump nickel rosewood stock 2 3/4 and 3 inch perfect condition

here is the prize:

Smith and Wesson model 640 .357 custom brazilian rosewood grip never fired. Bring your wallet for that one Smile

Oh I'm keeping my grandfathers LC Smith double barrel 12 gauge just in case. shoots straight.

2guns are hot Empty Re: guns are hot 11/19/2012, 6:06 pm



Better hurry up and sell while Obama doesn't require registration for private gun sales.

3guns are hot Empty Re: guns are hot 1/2/2013, 12:42 pm


I have a Colt 45 with a military slide and an Essex frame that I bought in 1972 while in Quantico, VA.. The grip is roughed up to prevent it from slipping out of your hard, and it has a pretty easy pull or hair trigger. It was built by one of the marines in the armory between his sniper classes that he was instructing... I took it to the fair grounds to one of the gun shows last year to see about getting a laser sight put on it. I put it on the counter and the guy said "do you know what you have there"?? It's a custom pistol built by Carlos Hathcock.. He got tears in his eyes telling stories for the next 1/2 hr about when he worked with Carlos as an armorer and firearms instructor. Carlos was a Marine Corps sniper, who was the one the movie The Sniper with Tom Berringer was based on.. I was offered $10,000 for the pistol if I have the receipt with Carlos' signature. NO, I did not sell it and did not get a laser sight. NO, it is NOT for sale!!!

4guns are hot Empty Re: guns are hot 1/2/2013, 7:23 pm



Wow!! Jake that is unreal I have read Carlos book at least twice. What a great thing you have. Thanks for sharing the story.

5guns are hot Empty Re: guns are hot 1/2/2013, 7:27 pm


That gun will probably be buried with me, hopefully many years from now.. YES, I still shoot it once in a while.. It does NOT rattle when you shake it like a normal 45 does..

6guns are hot Empty Carlos Hathcock 1/12/2013, 9:51 pm

A View

[quote="hallmarkgrad"][b]Wow!! Jake that is unreal I have read Carlos book at least twice. What a great thing you have. Thanks for sharing the story.[/b][/quote]

He was one hell of a Marine!

7guns are hot Empty Re: guns are hot 1/12/2013, 11:36 pm


He was 100% professional at work and just a tender teddy bear and one of the nicest people you could ever meet with NO ego or attitude once he was outside the gate.. When I knew him the book and movie weren't even thought about yet and I had no idea how many kills he had because he never talked about them, but would talk as long as you wanted about camouflage..

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