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Mediterranean Plus

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1Mediterranean Plus Empty Mediterranean Plus 11/7/2012, 7:07 pm



Anyone know what happened to Mediterranean Plus on 9th & Creighton?
Are they hopefully relocating somewhere?

2Mediterranean Plus Empty Re: Mediterranean Plus 11/7/2012, 9:34 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

theprez wrote:Anyone know what happened to Mediterranean Plus on 9th & Creighton?
Are they hopefully relocating somewhere?

They closed a few months ago. Not sure if they plan to open anywhere else.

3Mediterranean Plus Empty Closed for good 11/10/2012, 1:11 pm


I don't think you'll see them open anywhere else, at least not if my friend is correct in reporting that they told her some time back they were retiring and returning to their homeland. (Greece? Not sure.) Too bad - a lot of folks liked the place.

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