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Is it wrong to not have sympathy for people that do this ?

Hospital Bob
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Go out and sing somewhere tonight. Please have some fun. Life is way too short. You are personally attacking and not for a moment understanding that Jesus would not condone your eye for eye mean spirit on this thread. Independent thought should stand on the merits of the argument, yet when you attack logic, when you attack truth, and ultimately attack people personally your ideas fail. Please do not for a second give up your independent thought, but please recognize that you at times have an anger which simply cannot be explained as a difference in philosophy is deep seated, and often hurtful. Your ideas can stand on their own merits without that baggage, and as a distant observer who has stayed away from this thread.....I was raised as a christian and hold the beliefs I had as a child....I have been made fun of my beliefs on these forms as silly superstition, but they give me peace and guidance, however I have never understood my beliefs in their entirety, nor do I completely understand the bible because I still do not know what came before or what will follow, but I do know Bob is a good person, and that in all my reading of the bible I find nothing which allows me to be judgmental. Again, celebrate your talent, show us some more utube.....because in the end I certainly will not be thinking about your mean spirited attacks....rather I will be thinking about your rendition of Eric Burdon.......and if you cannot go out tonight....simply go to Pandora Radio and type in Mumford and Son, and listen for four hours.....and then get back to me and see if I was wrong .



Floridatexan wrote:Teo, you've really flipped the big one. How can you post gospel music and spew such hatred and venom in the same breath? Want some grace? Try treating other people with some respect. And try concentrating on your own shortcomings instead of trying to project your problems onto other people.

I have my opinion. It's not hate. You are just so deluded you think anyone that thinks different from your narrow indoctrination is hateful. You only like Obama because he's black. If he was white you would see him for the total failure he is but your blind bias won't allow you to see. There are none so blind as those that refuse to see.

You are most certainly "hating" on people because they're different from you, and you're trying to use your religion to justify it, which is the exact opposite of what the good book teaches.

"Judge not, ..."



Funny how I am accused of attacking when it seems to me that I am the focus of attacks from more than one source...I guess when you defend yourself in the liberal mind it is an attack....

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous
are both alike an abomination to the Lord.



Floridatexan wrote:

You are most certainly "hating" on people because they're different from you, and you're trying to use your religion to justify it, which is the exact opposite of what the good book teaches.

"Judge not, ..."

You are right FT. It is rhetoric such as this that give true Christians a bad name. No wonder most people look upon people that call themselves with such skepticism. It is hypocrisy at its best.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Funny how I am accused of attacking when it seems to me that I am the focus of attacks from more than one source...I guess when you defend yourself in the liberal mind it is an attack....

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous
are both alike an abomination to the Lord.

YOU ARE being attacked for stating how you feel which is freedom of speech if i recall correctly from these people.

I dont attack you because I know you have made progress in your heart regarding the subject.

but just remember when your dealing with people like this, they do not beleive in what you do, but they will throw what you beleive up in your face each and every time. Its thier ammo. They dont think for themselves so all they got is to use any form of ammo they can find.

This whole experiance with you atempting to be somewhat more open to the subject has certainly proven why we dont have progress on the issue to begin with. These people are a bunch of god damn assholes and if you dont emmdiatly move into thier perfect comformity you dont fit. Now thats what i call single minded. Meaning they really only run on one braincell and pretty much nothing else.

I probaly wont fight beside you on this as i am doomed to be alone. Because I think, therefore I am dangerous.



Alkaia wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Funny how I am accused of attacking when it seems to me that I am the focus of attacks from more than one source...I guess when you defend yourself in the liberal mind it is an attack....

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous
are both alike an abomination to the Lord.

YOU ARE being attacked for stating how you feel which is freedom of speech if i recall correctly from these people.

I dont attack you because I know you have made progress in your heart regarding the subject.

but just remember when your dealing with people like this, they do not beleive in what you do, but they will throw what you beleive up in your face each and every time. Its thier ammo. They dont think for themselves so all they got is to use any form of ammo they can find.

This whole experiance with you atempting to be somewhat more open to the subject has certainly proven why we dont have progress on the issue to begin with. These people are a bunch of god damn assholes and if you dont emmdiatly move into thier perfect comformity you dont fit. Now thats what i call single minded. Meaning they really only run on one braincell and pretty much nothing else.

I probaly wont fight beside you on this as i am doomed to be alone. Because I think, therefore I am dangerous.

So what you are saying is that Teo can have his opinions and throw those opinions in the face of others who do not have the same opinions, but those of us that do have different opinions are not allowed to throw ours in his face.

Most of your posts do not indicate that you think for yourself.



I could just back out and let the Bible this...

1 Timothy 1

We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for
the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave
traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the
sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

Different translation....

They are people who are not spiritual, and nothing is sacred to them. They kill their fathers and mothers, and murder others. 10 They are people who are sexually unfaithful, and people who have intercourse with the same sex. They are kidnappers,[a] liars, individuals who give false testimonies in court, and those who do anything else that is opposed to sound teaching. 11 Sound teaching agrees with the glorious gospel of the blessed God that has been trusted to me.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:I could just back out and let the Bible this...

1 Timothy 1

We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for
the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave
traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the
sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

Different translation....

They are people who are not spiritual, and nothing is sacred to them. They kill their fathers and mothers, and murder others. 10 They are people who are sexually unfaithful, and people who have intercourse with the same sex. They are kidnappers,[a] liars, individuals who give false testimonies in court, and those who do anything else that is opposed to sound teaching. 11 Sound teaching agrees with the glorious gospel of the blessed God that has been trusted to me.

The Bible is nothing more than a history book. Written by mortal man and interrupted by mortal man. Other than an historical event, I cannot believe anything printed in it.



Shall I to make you feel good about homosexuality and your promotion of it disavow what is plain as day in the Bible...I don't think I am big enough to do that...perhaps you can wrest the scriptures to suit you but I will just take it at face value as my own problems are enough as someone has mentioned.. I am not perfect but I am trusting in Jesus. That's all I got...So trust in Isis or Obama or Romney or whatever... I know in whom I have believed and am persuaded he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day....



Ghost_Rider1 wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:I could just back out and let the Bible this...

1 Timothy 1

We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for
the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave
traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the
sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

Different translation....

They are people who are not spiritual, and nothing is sacred to them. They kill their fathers and mothers, and murder others. 10 They are people who are sexually unfaithful, and people who have intercourse with the same sex. They are kidnappers,[a] liars, individuals who give false testimonies in court, and those who do anything else that is opposed to sound teaching. 11 Sound teaching agrees with the glorious gospel of the blessed God that has been trusted to me.

The Bible is nothing more than a history book. Written by mortal man and interrupted by mortal man. Other than an historical event, I cannot believe anything printed in it.

Oh so you can judge the greatest book ever written with snobbish impunity but I can't judge cornholing...seems fair...



Alkaia wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Funny how I am accused of attacking when it seems to me that I am the focus of attacks from more than one source...I guess when you defend yourself in the liberal mind it is an attack....

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous
are both alike an abomination to the Lord.

YOU ARE being attacked for stating how you feel which is freedom of speech if i recall correctly from these people.

I dont attack you because I know you have made progress in your heart regarding the subject.

but just remember when your dealing with people like this, they do not beleive in what you do, but they will throw what you beleive up in your face each and every time. Its thier ammo. They dont think for themselves so all they got is to use any form of ammo they can find.

This whole experiance with you atempting to be somewhat more open to the subject has certainly proven why we dont have progress on the issue to begin with. These people are a bunch of god damn assholes and if you dont emmdiatly move into thier perfect comformity you dont fit. Now thats what i call single minded. Meaning they really only run on one braincell and pretty much nothing else.

I probaly wont fight beside you on this as i am doomed to be alone. Because I think, therefore I am dangerous.

So what you are saying is that Teo can have his opinions and throw those opinions in the face of others who do not have the same opinions, but those of us that do have different opinions are not allowed to throw ours in his face.

Most of your posts do not indicate that you think for yourself.[/quote]

if you truely beleive that, then you are even more stupid than i originally gave you credit for.

Teo can fight for himself and i made comment to that as well.

But all the false outrage over this is rediculously hideous. The ONLY other person here who is actually a homo is not even posting. people who sleep with anything dont count.

ONLY a person who has to live in this life as a homosexual FULLY would understand or care what it is like to try and make progress with a individual on this subject. the rest of you are just pushing your idealogies into the subject matter.

What you all have done here is pretty much like just have a gay pride parade with people walking around with dildos to prove a point. Witht hat type of mentality its no damn wonder people hate.

I'm a lesbian and I dont want people like you defending his speech. Id rather deal with it in my own way, and I have over the years. and any progress I might have had is probaly out the door because of dumb ass busy bodies like yourself wo feel like they need to take up the torch for a subject they know not a god damn thing about.

so fuck off



Chrissy we all fall short..that is a constant refrain in the Book of Books. As a man I feel love and want mercy for all man, as a seeker of god I must be careful that love doesn't become a license allowing sin.
The oft quoted verse of Christ forgiving the prostitute also says Christ asked her to to go and sin no more......

We are all subject to weaknesses whether birthed by nature or nurture.....

I don't judge you Chrissy, nor anyone else here...I simply ask and define and hone my opinions...



Ghost_Rider1 wrote:
Alkaia wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Funny how I am accused of attacking when it seems to me that I am the focus of attacks from more than one source...I guess when you defend yourself in the liberal mind it is an attack....

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous
are both alike an abomination to the Lord.

YOU ARE being attacked for stating how you feel which is freedom of speech if i recall correctly from these people.

I dont attack you because I know you have made progress in your heart regarding the subject.

but just remember when your dealing with people like this, they do not beleive in what you do, but they will throw what you beleive up in your face each and every time. Its thier ammo. They dont think for themselves so all they got is to use any form of ammo they can find.

This whole experiance with you atempting to be somewhat more open to the subject has certainly proven why we dont have progress on the issue to begin with. These people are a bunch of god damn assholes and if you dont emmdiatly move into thier perfect comformity you dont fit. Now thats what i call single minded. Meaning they really only run on one braincell and pretty much nothing else.

I probaly wont fight beside you on this as i am doomed to be alone. Because I think, therefore I am dangerous.

So what you are saying is that Teo can have his opinions and throw those opinions in the face of others who do not have the same opinions, but those of us that do have different opinions are not allowed to throw ours in his face.

Most of your posts do not indicate that you think for yourself.[/quote]

if you truely beleive that, then you are even more stupid than i originally gave you credit for.

Teo can fight for himself and i made comment to that as well.

But all the false outrage over this is rediculously hideous. The ONLY other person here who is actually a homo is not even posting. people who sleep with anything dont count.

ONLY a person who has to live in this life as a homosexual FULLY would understand or care what it is like to try and make progress with a individual on this subject. the rest of you are just pushing your idealogies into the subject matter.

What you all have done here is pretty much like just have a gay pride parade with people walking around with dildos to prove a point. Witht hat type of mentality its no damn wonder people hate.

I'm a lesbian and I dont want people like you defending his speech. Id rather deal with it in my own way, and I have over the years. and any progress I might have had is probaly out the door because of dumb ass busy bodies like yourself wo feel like they need to take up the torch for a subject they know not a god damn thing about.

so fuck off

I think you got me all wrong Chrissy. I could care less what people do in their private lives. I women want to love another woman or a man love another man, then who am I to say whether it is right or wrong. I leave people and their private lives to their own devices. I have absolutely no qualms at all about homosexuality.



Which you are certainly free to do Teo..!!




I think you got me all wrong Chrissy. I could care less what people do in their private lives. I women want to love another woman or a man love another man, then who am I to say whether it is right or wrong. I leave people and their private lives to their own devices. I have absolutely no qualms at all about homosexuality. [/quote]

No your qualms are with those that believe anything you don't find worthy of your higher intellect...Perfectly okay to attack Christians because hey they are ignorant sky fairy followers...drinking the kool-aid of ignorance in the age of your vast enlightenment.....

If they ever do another Star Trek and need a Khan you would be already are the superior man...



Teo... do you want the govt to enforce your beliefs?



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Chrissy we all fall short..that is a constant refrain in the Book of Books. As a man I feel love and want mercy for all man, as a seeker of god I must be careful that love doesn't become a license allowing sin.
The oft quoted verse of Christ forgiving the prostitute also says Christ asked her to to go and sin no more......

We are all subject to weaknesses whether birthed by nature or nurture.....

I don't judge you Chrissy, nor anyone else here...I simply ask and define and hone my opinions...

Teo, I know you dont.

and I respect that about you because I understand your premise.

I love you for who you are and even more than that, i respect a person who has conviction.

its ok to me for us to disagree on the "intent" but I will defend with my own sinners blood your right to have that conviction. Because we share a common conviction like it or not.

Im angry so i think ill just go back to my country songs on the utube thread.

good luck I love you




I think you got me all wrong Chrissy. I could care less what people do in their private lives. I women want to love another woman or a man love another man, then who am I to say whether it is right or wrong. I leave people and their private lives to their own devices. I have absolutely no qualms at all about homosexuality. [/quote]

No your qualms are with those that believe anything you don't find worthy of your higher intellect...Perfectly okay to attack Christians because hey they are ignorant sky fairy followers...drinking the kool-aid of ignorance in the age of your vast enlightenment.....

If they ever do another Star Trek and need a Khan you would be already are the superior man...[/quote]

Nope, I have nothing against Christians either. If they want to believe in God or a god then that's OK with me. What I do have qualms with is those that profess to be Christians only on Sunday, after all your Bible says that "you shall know them by the fruit they bear".

Oh and BTW, I have no idea who Khan is as I have never seen nor been a fan of Star Trek.



PkrBum wrote:Teo... do you want the govt to enforce your beliefs?

I don't want the government to enforce anything...I want them out of our lives....If what I believe doesn't suit someone I want them to throw it in the trash can. I like Brussels sprouts but it bothers me not if you don't ...I think they would be good for you but I would NEVER push prod or punish you to eat them ....



Ghost_Rider1 wrote:

I think you got me all wrong Chrissy. I could care less what people do in their private lives. I women want to love another woman or a man love another man, then who am I to say whether it is right or wrong. I leave people and their private lives to their own devices. I have absolutely no qualms at all about homosexuality.

No your qualms are with those that believe anything you don't find worthy of your higher intellect...Perfectly okay to attack Christians because hey they are ignorant sky fairy followers...drinking the kool-aid of ignorance in the age of your vast enlightenment.....

If they ever do another Star Trek and need a Khan you would be already are the superior man...[/quote]

Nope, I have nothing against Christians either. If they want to believe in God or a god then that's OK with me. What I do have qualms with is those that profess to be Christians only on Sunday, after all your Bible says that "you shall know them by the fruit they bear".

Oh and BTW, I have no idea who Khan is as I have never seen nor been a fan of Star Trek.[/quote]

And I don't watch football...still a great country....



PkrBum wrote:Teo... do you want the govt to enforce your beliefs?

I don't want the government to enforce anything...I want them out of our lives....If what I believe doesn't suit someone I want them to throw it in the trash can. I like Brussels sprouts but it bothers me not if you don't ...I think they would be good for you but I would NEVER push prod or punish you to eat them ....

There you have it folks... Teo does not want his beliefs enforced by the govt.

And I like brussels sprouts so much I try to grow them... badly this year.



Floridatexan wrote:Teo, you've really flipped the big one. How can you post gospel music and spew such hatred and venom in the same breath? Want some grace? Try treating other people with some respect. And try concentrating on your own shortcomings instead of trying to project your problems onto other people.

Is it wrong to not have sympathy for people that do this ? - Page 4 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtU6osI3rS-103Tlk3qjlAiGp2PY2QLYi-c1zawKaOejYEOlp6

You would never spew hatred and venom towards other people who are accepting of alternate sexual preferences and granting them the same rights homosexuals are demanding now would you?... Yeah right.....



Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Chrissy, I think you hate queers even more than teo does.
The whole thing sorta reminds me of when Sammy Davis Jr. liked to hug Richard Nixon. lol

Is it wrong to not have sympathy for people that do this ? - Page 4 040716_sammynixon_vlrg.grid-4x2

Coming to this place and reading some of the posts is like entering some kind of bizarre alternate reality. I love it. lol



Your use of the word hate is just more of your inflammatory nonsense as usual....I never once said I hate gays. I find certain foods distasteful but I don't hate them....I find some people on this forum unreasonable and overly dramatic but I don't hate them. The closest group I would apply the word hate to would be the neocons then commies and fascists....they are all psychopaths with no regard for human life...they hate everyone that is not like if you are saying that gays hate everyone that are not like them well...I doubt you are saying that....

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:I never once said I hate gays... The closest group I would apply the word hate to would be the neocons then commies and fascists.
Right and you told salinsky how most gays are commies but you only hate commies and not gays. lol

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