Go out and sing somewhere tonight. Please have some fun. Life is way too short. You are personally attacking and not for a moment understanding that Jesus would not condone your eye for eye mean spirit on this thread. Independent thought should stand on the merits of the argument, yet when you attack logic, when you attack truth, and ultimately attack people personally your ideas fail. Please do not for a second give up your independent thought, but please recognize that you at times have an anger which simply cannot be explained as a difference in philosophy .....it is deep seated, and often hurtful. Your ideas can stand on their own merits without that baggage, and as a distant observer who has stayed away from this thread.....I was raised as a christian and hold the beliefs I had as a child....I have been made fun of my beliefs on these forms as silly superstition, but they give me peace and guidance, however I have never understood my beliefs in their entirety, nor do I completely understand the bible because I still do not know what came before or what will follow, but I do know Bob is a good person, and that in all my reading of the bible I find nothing which allows me to be judgmental. Again, celebrate your talent, show us some more utube.....because in the end I certainly will not be thinking about your mean spirited attacks....rather I will be thinking about your rendition of Eric Burdon.......and if you cannot go out tonight....simply go to Pandora Radio and type in Mumford and Son, and listen for four hours.....and then get back to me and see if I was wrong .
Go out and sing somewhere tonight. Please have some fun. Life is way too short. You are personally attacking and not for a moment understanding that Jesus would not condone your eye for eye mean spirit on this thread. Independent thought should stand on the merits of the argument, yet when you attack logic, when you attack truth, and ultimately attack people personally your ideas fail. Please do not for a second give up your independent thought, but please recognize that you at times have an anger which simply cannot be explained as a difference in philosophy .....it is deep seated, and often hurtful. Your ideas can stand on their own merits without that baggage, and as a distant observer who has stayed away from this thread.....I was raised as a christian and hold the beliefs I had as a child....I have been made fun of my beliefs on these forms as silly superstition, but they give me peace and guidance, however I have never understood my beliefs in their entirety, nor do I completely understand the bible because I still do not know what came before or what will follow, but I do know Bob is a good person, and that in all my reading of the bible I find nothing which allows me to be judgmental. Again, celebrate your talent, show us some more utube.....because in the end I certainly will not be thinking about your mean spirited attacks....rather I will be thinking about your rendition of Eric Burdon.......and if you cannot go out tonight....simply go to Pandora Radio and type in Mumford and Son, and listen for four hours.....and then get back to me and see if I was wrong .