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Is it wrong to not have sympathy for people that do this ?

Hospital Bob
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Bob wrote:Clarification shmarification. The only thing ever put in mouths in your threads is the words you're putting in other people's mouths. And nothing is being "put into" anybody's ass. You're confusing all that with a steady stream of childish diarrea . And it aint coming out of your ass, it's coming out of your mouth. lol

Bob are you drunk because I am going to have to get drunk to really understand what you wrote here..? That or ask a 6 year old to explain the childish nature of it....

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

How the hell are you supposed to understand anything when you don't even understand humans actually did land on the fucking moon. lol



Bob wrote:How the hell are you supposed to understand anything when you don't even understand humans actually did land on the fucking moon. lol

Well Bob even that is obviously way beyond your ability to comprehend. There is evidence available but you need to just watch myth busters so you can be sure....they are never wrong even when they send a cannon ball through house after house because they are too stupid to operate a simple cannon....

Last edited by TEOTWAWKI on 11/2/2012, 11:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Bob wrote:Clarification shmarification. The only thing ever put in mouths in your threads is the words you're putting in other people's mouths. And nothing is being "put into" anybody's ass. You're confusing all that with a steady stream of childish diarrea . And it aint coming out of your ass, it's coming out of your mouth. lol

Bob are you drunk because I am

Okay l e t' s t a k e i t r e a l s l o w f o r t h o s e w h o d o n' t k n o w h u m a n s l a n d e d o n t h e m o o n.

If you need me to repeat that 100 times like the school marm used to do on the blackboard I can oblige.



Bob wrote:
Bob wrote:Clarification shmarification. The only thing ever put in mouths in your threads is the words you're putting in other people's mouths. And nothing is being "put into" anybody's ass. You're confusing all that with a steady stream of childish diarrea . And it aint coming out of your ass, it's coming out of your mouth. lol

Bob are you drunk because I am

Okay l e t' s t a k e i t r e a l s l o w f o r t h o s e w h o d o n' t k n o w h u m a n s l a n d e d o n t h e m o o n.

If you need me to repeat that 100 times like the school marm used to do on the blackboard I can oblige.

Bob how many committed monogamous relationships among gays do you know of ? One out of a hundred ?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I think I get it now. You think Neil Armstrong was a queer who lied about landing on the moon to cover up putting random penises in asses.
Or maybe you think the moon is a big penis. Or maybe you have a small penis.
Or maybe your penis fell off cause you looked at the sun without sunglasses.
Or maybe you thought that missile Dick Cheney fired into the Pentagon was actually Dick's penis.
Am I getting close?



Bob wrote:I think I get it now. You think Neil Armstrong was a queer who lied about landing on the moon to cover up putting random penises in asses.
Or maybe you think the moon is a big penis. Or maybe you have a small penis.
Or maybe your penis fell off cause you looked at the sun without sunglasses.
Or maybe you thought that missile Dick Cheney fired into the Pentagon was actually Dick's penis.
Am I getting close?

Your lack of any ability to argue a point is more than diminished by your unrelated and childlike obfuscation...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob


Bob how many committed monogamous relationships among gays do you know of ? One out of a hundred ?
I'm not so obsessed with that to take surveys. It's not something I lie awake nights thinking about. and frankly I pity anyone who does. lol



Bob wrote:

Bob how many committed monogamous relationships among gays do you know of ? One out of a hundred ?
I'm not so obsessed with that to take surveys. It's not something I lie awake nights thinking about. and frankly I pity anyone who does. lol

Was that an example of how to waste words in order to evade the would make a damn fine politician...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

By the way, I never thought I was any good at multitasking. But right now I'm able to converse with you AND listen to Alex Jones on the radio in the background.
I hope you're aware that you're missing all the profound stuff I'm hearing by wasting your and my time with this bullshit. lol



Bob wrote:By the way, I never thought I was any good at multitasking. But right now I'm able to converse with you AND listen to Alex Jones on the radio in the background.
I hope you're aware that you're missing all the profound stuff I'm hearing by wasting your and my time with this bullshit. lol

Dude me and Alex are linked on an astral level....I think he speaks....

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob


Was that an example of how to waste words in order to evade the would make a damn fine politician...
No that was an attempt to tell you I don't take surveys about how many queers have how many sexual encounters and who they have them with.

And the first time I said "fuck" and "goddamn" about ten times in the first stump speech, I think we would find out how successful I would be at politician'ing. lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

It's time to point out to you how you just gave away your bigotry with a gross stereotype.
You are under the impression that just because I'm bisexual, that all I know are homosexuals and all I talk about with those homosexuals is who they have sex with.

Here's what reality is, teo. Right now I don't have any association of any kind with anyone who is homosexual. Maybe only with the exception of chrissy, vectorman and riceme. But I have as much association with them as you do. So how in the bejeezus am I supposed to know any more about the question you asked me than you or anyfuckingbody else.

Last edited by Bob on 11/2/2012, 11:53 pm; edited 1 time in total



TEOTWAWKI wrote: if you put something vile in your mouth then it's a whole different thing from putting something vile in your ass.....

You think about this a lot, don't you?



Is it wrong to not have sympathy for people that do this ? - Page 2 Th?id=I.4893561944475223&pid=15

This is why everyone should just accept that all mature willing companions should be granted the same rights. Open your hearts brothers and sisters and join...



Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I've got to get to sleep cause I gotta wake up early. Look forward to continuing this tomorrow if anybody wants to. If not it's no dick up my ass either. lol



salinsky wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote: if you put something vile in your mouth then it's a whole different thing from putting something vile in your ass.....

You think about this a lot, don't you?

Naw it really only shows up here among you gay folks.. You would think Bob would be more knowledgeable on it seeing how he is consumed by it....Maybe you need to take up the torch ? I mean a gay commie isn't a rare thing....



salinsky wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote: if you put something vile in your mouth then it's a whole different thing from putting something vile in your ass.....

You think about this a lot, don't you?

Naw it really only shows up here among you gay folks.. You would think Bob would be more knowledgeable on it seeing how he is consumed by it....Maybe you need to take up the torch ? I mean a gay commie isn't a rare thing....

I'm straight, so I don't think about it much. Obviously, you do.



salinsky wrote:
salinsky wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote: if you put something vile in your mouth then it's a whole different thing from putting something vile in your ass.....

You think about this a lot, don't you?

Naw it really only shows up here among you gay folks.. You would think Bob would be more knowledgeable on it seeing how he is consumed by it....Maybe you need to take up the torch ? I mean a gay commie isn't a rare thing....

I'm straight, so I don't think about it much. Obviously, you do.

Salacious, are you 12 years old ? Do you have girly magazines under your mattress ? I can then overlook your childishness. Otherwise grow up and quit being a sniveling little commie with nothing to add to the discussion but cheap shots...



Bob wrote:Obviously with their silence, chrissy and vectorman must be in agreement with you that the sexual orientation they didn't choose is no different than "wanting to kill themselves with fake LSD" or "wanting to cut themselves with a razor and swimming in sewage".
Either that or they've just heard so much of this crap from so many over the course of their lives that they're so worn down by it that they're tired of fighting it.
So you win with them, asshole. But not with me.

I'm straight, but you know my family history, Bob. I used to get on here and the PNJ and defend, defend, defend (and even go on the offensive at times) but it didn't change anyone's mind. I am just grateful I think the way I think and feel the way I do.

Teo and others will always think the way they do. That's their burden to bear, not ours.



PBulldog2 wrote:
Bob wrote:Obviously with their silence, chrissy and vectorman must be in agreement with you that the sexual orientation they didn't choose is no different than "wanting to kill themselves with fake LSD" or "wanting to cut themselves with a razor and swimming in sewage".
Either that or they've just heard so much of this crap from so many over the course of their lives that they're so worn down by it that they're tired of fighting it.
So you win with them, asshole. But not with me.

I'm straight, but you know my family history, Bob. I used to get on here and the PNJ and defend, defend, defend (and even go on the offensive at times) but it didn't change anyone's mind. I am just grateful I think the way I think and feel the way I do.

Teo and others will always think the way they do. That's their burden to bear, not ours.

I love perfect people like you and Bob.....the rest of us bigots will muddle on hoping someday to rise to the level of your enlightenment...that day will be a shining Sodom and Gomorrah moment for us all....



I love perfect people like you and Bob.....the rest of us bigots will muddle on hoping someday to rise to the level of your enlightenment...that day will be a shining Sodom and Gomorrah moment for us all....

Enlightenment isn't hard to find, Teo. All you have to do is open your heart. I'm surprised you haven't learned that in your religion. I am not a member of any organized religion, but even I know that's how enlightenment comes.

I'm not so sure about your Sodom and Gomorrah moment. Methinks that was a little Bible joke, eh?

Here's another road to personal enlightenment: "So we agree that acceptance is the key to all our problems today." (This is tougher one to understand, though.)



PBulldog2 wrote:

I love perfect people like you and Bob.....the rest of us bigots will muddle on hoping someday to rise to the level of your enlightenment...that day will be a shining Sodom and Gomorrah moment for us all....

Enlightenment isn't hard to find, Teo. All you have to do is open your heart. I'm surprised you haven't learned that in your religion. I am not a member of any organized religion, but even I know that's how enlightenment comes.

I'm not so sure about your Sodom and Gomorrah moment. Methinks that was a little Bible joke, eh?

Heart and mind are synonymous in the Bible. My mind is open but not to an absurdity masquerading as normal and violently fostered as such on school children by the Government indoctrination centers we call schools now days....



I don't go to church, so it's all about the heart for me. My mind does nothing but get me in big trouble, especially is it doesn't concur with my heart.

Understanding anothers' situation involves opening your heart to their pain and their beliefs. It's about empathy, not sympathy. It doesn't mean you have to think as the other person does - that involves the brain. But if you truly open your heart, you may be able to feel another person's pain, happiness, whatever emotion they feel.

That said, it can be very difficult to do when the brain offers it's little barbs during the process.

If a person can learn to do this consistently, it will change your life.



Well all I am offering is my opinion. What do you all think ? That if
everyone can be coerced by the herd force to say 2+2 = 5 that it will
indeed then be true. Sorry the universe doesn't work that way. That mean
old god gave us all a mind and choices to make with that mind. I choose
not to sanction abortion or homosexuality or bestiality or pedophilia
or communism or fascism or adultery or rape or incest or Democrats or
Republicans or Satanic cults or Sultan-ism or polygamy or Feminists or
Drunkards or druggies or gluttons or anything else I find wrong,
disgusting or criminal. So live with it...if you can't then who's the
bigot ? Not me, I am just a person with opinions and happily, no power
to bind them on anyone else....

I have a sneaky suspicion that this world belongs to Satan anyway when I read these words......

15Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world.
17The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.
5And the devil, taking him up into a high mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
6And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give you, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
7If you therefore will worship me, all shall be yours.
8And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get you behind me, Satan: for it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.

You will note Jesus never called the Devil a liar when he said he had the power to give Jesus everything in the world....

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