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Any bets on the tax suit?

2 posters

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1Any bets on the tax suit? Empty Any bets on the tax suit? 11/2/2012, 10:50 am



My bet is that we will lose.

Not on legal grounds but simply on the grounds that Escambia county has spent the money and could not in a lifetime pay it back.

Once in a long time ago, we could believe in our government.

It's sad, very sad.

2Any bets on the tax suit? Empty Re: Any bets on the tax suit? 11/3/2012, 10:20 pm



Tax suit?

3Any bets on the tax suit? Empty Re: Any bets on the tax suit? 11/4/2012, 7:36 am


Equitable title will be enforced as it is in every state of the Union. The real estate taxes on PB on leaseholds will continue, and folks will finally realize that wasting money on lawyers who told them exactly what they wanted to hear was just the opposite of what should have been done on PB. It always should have been about Fee Simple......but Lo and Behold, two years after they announced that they were going to get fee simple passed....nothing. Buyers will be reluctant to buy leaseholds which are a diminishing value asset as they all are slowly ticking down to zero value, and some folks in the respective counties are realizing in some cases the county will be able to resell the leaseholds as early as some fifty years in the future. Once this topic begins being discussed....and it will be could not give away a leasehold on Navarre Beach or Pensacola Beach.

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