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Jerry's Cajun Cafe

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1Jerry's Cajun Cafe Empty Jerry's Cajun Cafe 6/22/2012, 9:01 pm



Gee-us This has to be the most over reported closing of all time. bounce I guess next it will be " Jerry's Cajun Cafe" has been closed for 2 days now. WTF Sleep Sleep Sleep

2Jerry's Cajun Cafe Empty Re: Jerry's Cajun Cafe 6/22/2012, 10:26 pm



Never ate there but read the google reviews and they were not kind. Hall, as long as Golden Corral stays open, we'll be ok.

3Jerry's Cajun Cafe Empty Re: Jerry's Cajun Cafe 6/28/2012, 8:43 pm



hallmarkgrad wrote:Gee-us This has to be the most over reported closing of all time. bounce I guess next it will be " Jerry's Cajun Cafe" has been closed for 2 days now. WTF Sleep Sleep Sleep

Yep no kidding. Can't even believe the closing of a restaurant here makes for big news.
Their food was never that great in my opinion. I can cook better Cajun food for myself.

4Jerry's Cajun Cafe Empty Re: Jerry's Cajun Cafe 6/29/2012, 8:53 am



After workin on boats with cajuns for 30 years.. I know what cajun food is.. I only went to jerrys once and that was when they were still at 9th & Creighton..

5Jerry's Cajun Cafe Empty Re: Jerry's Cajun Cafe 6/30/2012, 8:31 pm



I also spent my entire adult life working down the bayou, the one and only time I dined at Jerry's was at 9th and Creighton and it was mediocre at best.

6Jerry's Cajun Cafe Empty Re: Jerry's Cajun Cafe 2/6/2013, 6:24 pm



UPS wrote:After workin on boats with cajuns for 30 years.. I know what cajun food is.. I only went to jerrys once and that was when they were still at 9th & Creighton..

For a sit down dining restaurant Jerry's Cajun was only mediocre fare but I suspect the new setting will be perceived as better quality food. I wish them success at their new location.

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