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Happy Thanksgiving to whoever is left

2 posters

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Wishing you all, whoever you are, a safe and peaceful holiday feast.

I'm cooking just for me this year.   Doubtless I'm not the only one, but it's not a lot of fun.  Still, I'm trying to carry on.

One thing I'll be listing in my mental "thankful for" category is this forum, and especially the supportive contributors who keep it going and provide some real respite from the MAGA noise of the day.  Zsomething, among those, is a true treasure. Thanks, z, for all you do.

Floridatexan likes this post



Happy Thanksgiving, Linda and zsomething. I think everyone else is gone. I didn't tell anyone at the time, but I lost my husband August 26, 2023. So, Linda, you and I have something else in common.

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