... America picked fascism. Weird. We're an even stupider country than I thought... and we all know my opinion wasn't very high.
So, let's start a thread to babble about some random stuff concerning it.
We're going to have to put up with the boring dumbfuck and his boring dumbfuck cultists for another four years, or possibly forever if they do like I suspect they're going to do and change our "elections" to be like they are in Hungary and Russia. There's a reason the Republicans are so in love with Orban and Putin and want to use them as a pattern -- they don't have real elections. Everybody gets to "vote" to pacify them and shut them up, but with Republicans in charge of the whole machine at all branches of government, they won't actually count them, they'll just release results that show they win every time because they're super-popular and everybody loves them and hates the libtards, yay, boo. Oh, occasionally a Democrat might win here or there in unimportant races, just to make it look legit or when the Repubs want to get rid of some problematic guy, but I fully expect "Hungarian elections" from now on... or at least until they abuse it too much and get pitchforks. IF I could believe that they won't "Hungarianize" the voting system, then this setback wouldn't bother me as much, because Donald Trump and his cabal of idiots is going to fuck up. If people have the actual capability to vote them out, then they will. But, that is an "if." You don't idolize a guy like Orban and invite him to speak at your conferences if you wanna stick with America's Constitution and democratic-republic ways of doing things.
Anyway, it's the shallowest of levels, but... I don't think I've ever been more worn-out with enduring any human being (other than possibly my co-worker... more on that in a minute) than I am with this guy. Everybody's just fucking sick of his boring shtick and tired of looking at his goddamn stupid face, and now... arrrrgh. He's insufferable. And you know he's going to keep having those boring idiot rallies, even though he can't run again, just 'cuz he can't stand not to have the attention. More years of listening to him prattle mindlessly with his vocabulary that's so small it makes Reader's Digest read like fucking Dostoevsky.
One kinda-positive thing really stands out to me that seems to be going ignored amidst all the noise: Trump claims he got a "mandate" that he didn't really get. Oh, yeah, he did get landslide numbers, it was nasty, but let's look at how he got them:
In 2020, the final popular vote totals were:
Biden - 81,283,501
Trump - 74, 223, 975
All the votes in 2024 aren't done with the counting yet (although most of what's missing is California which isn't likely to help Trump's final numbers much), but the most recent numbers I found are:
Harris - 71, 239,855
Trump - 74,834,277
What do you notice?
That's right -- Trump's numbers this time aren't much higher than they were four years ago. So far he's got 610,302 more votes this time than he did in 2020, and by the final count I'd imagine that'll be around a million. That's really not that much of a gain.
So Trump didn't really "win" so much as Harris lost. The election was decided not by people turning toward Trump... just by people not bothering to show up to vote for Harris. There were some demographics that slid more toward Trump, but, overall, no major gain. A lot of those demographics are pretty nonsensical, like Latino men voting for a guy who's likely gonna deport a few of the guys who voted for him; face it, he's not gonna give a shit if he gets sloppy and ships out some "legals." And I know the Republicans love to say "we're not against immigrants, we just hate illegals" but that's a bunch of horseshit -- they don't want ANYBODY coming here, at least not anybody non-white. Trump made that clear when he declared America to be "the world's garbage can," because of immigration. He -- and his supporters -- consider anyone from anywhere else to be garbage, and "pollution" to their society. One of the groups they targeted the most in the campaign were those supposed "they're eating the cats, they're eating the geese" Haitians... who are not illegal immigrants. They're here legally, but they're #1 on Trump's target list. So, don't give me that "illegal" shit -- it's just bigotry and they think they can "parse" their way out of that.
(By the way, I know Trumpers got all upset at Biden sounding like he called them "garbage," but I assure you, while he was misspeaking, I am not misspeaking when I tell you that Trump supporters are not only garbage, they're pieces of shit. Maybe a few exceptions, but, not many, and not any we know. Sorry, but if they vote for things like this guy's been preaching, they're not anything like a decent person, so I'm not gonna be "politically correct" and say they are.)
So, anyway, yeah, Democrats definitely have a problem, but it's important to keep the focus where it belongs: it's not that Trump's getting much more popular. Republicans are still stuck in about the same spot. I know they won't care much because a win is a win, but they can't really feel all that good, looking at their numbers. They can be happy that their opposition got weaker... but their side didn't really get stronger.
So, there's that.
I will say that, as much as I hate Trump winning the popular vote, I am glad that at least it was the popular vote this time. I despise the electoral college for some pretty bulletproof reasons I've explained before, so at least if he actually won the popular vote -- which this country should be going by -- I can't complain as much. Don't like the result, always gonna hate losing, but at least it's a legit thing and not some "hijink." Or, at least it is as it stands. I guess it could change once all the votes are counted, but, it probably won't change that much.
Also, you would think this would end their whole nonsensical "2020 was stolen!" bullshit. But reality's not really Republicans' thing, so they're still clinging to that fantasy. Somehow, it makes sense to them that the fed -- when it was under Donald Trump's control, "rigged" the election against him. But now, when it's under Biden's control, they didn't rig it. I mean... go figure.
By the way, Trump's "too big to rig" movement didn't really work out, anyway, since he didn't increase his vote count from much. They were pushing hard for bigger turnout... they just didn't get it. O' course, Harris did even worse with that, I'll admit. Fact is (and it's an ugly fact indeed), way too much of this country just still is not going to vote for a woman, especially a Black one. It's stupid, but, that's where we are. Yeah, there are economic factors and messaging problems and stuff, but... I really do think that "not voting for a black woman" thing is at the core of it.
I can't fault Harris -- she ran a great campaign, put together quickly, and she worked her butt off on the campaign trail. Everybody can always find a thing or two they'd have done differently in Monday-morning-quarterbacking, but overall, I can't fault her for much. And people are knocking Biden for not getting out sooner, for having tried for a second term at all, and o' course I wish he hadn't, but I can't really fault him overmuch, either -- he was doing a good job and wanted to keep doing it, but he just lost control of the narrative. I don't think he's senile, but he definitely doesn't present good optics, and once a story gets out there, people don't really give a shit if it's true or not.
Which is the only reason the Republican party operates at all, by the way: they've got nothing to recommend them in actual-factual real-world-results, but, their voters like to be told "stories." And they believe 'em, no matter what bullshit they are.
Which leads me to this: here's the bitterly fun thing we're all going to get to do, and it's a re-run of what happened before... but I wanna make sure y'all look at it: Republicans have been crying and crying and crying that Biden's economy is "terrible" and awful and bad.
But, keep your eye on the numbers, because I guaranfuckinggoddamntee you that, oh, six months from now at the most (I honestly don't think it'll even take that long), the same or lesser numbers will suddenly be cheered by Republicans, because suddenly when they think they can credit Trump with them, the stuff that was "terrible" before will suddenly be "fantastic."
We've seen that sitcom before, but I just wanna make sure y'all watch for it. And call it out when you see it. It won't really do any good -- Trumpers are brainwashed to the fucking bone -- but it's still satisfying.
Now, I'm hoping we're all as wrong as possible on our pessimism. This is still our country and we have to live in it (I'll be spending the money they wish I'd use on moving-to-Canada expenses to buy more weaponry instead), and none of us want to see it do badly just to "own the conservatards." I really want to be able to retire someday, so I'm hoping the Social Security I paid into for decades will still be there, and I'm hoping all the investments I've sunk so much into won't collapse (which they did during Trump's first reign -- I fortunately made it all back and then some under Biden's supposedly-"terrible" economy). I don't want women to suffer, or immigrants to suffer, or minorities to suffer, or even dumbass Trump voters to suffer just so they can learn how stupid they are when they find out what they actually voted for. I'm not into self-fulfilling prophecies, so, though I'll freely admit I hate Trump and Republicans, I hope they'll do a good job. I doubt they will, but no one will be happier than me if I'm wrong. I'll still vote against 'em if I have the chance, because history's shown me that Democrats still do a better job, but... still, the wronger we are about fascism/economic collapse/international embarrassment, etc., the better, right? Right. Hoping for the best doesn't mean we ever have to like the sonofabitch.
Although while we're being hopeful, let's stare down some shit that's already happening:
- The pieces of shit are already definitely feeling emboldened.
With Trump's win, his fanbase are taunting women with "Your Body, My Choice." https://www.yahoo.com/news/body-choice-emboldened-far-men-191536054.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall That shit's all over Elon Musk's incredibly poisonous and idiotic little shitbag-pacification-system.
By the way: one good personal note about Xitter: at least we don't have to put up with our resident troll anymore -- he's too busy spending what seems like every minute of his apparently-not-valuable-at-all time over there howling the same dumb, brainwashed things over and over into a void. The fact that nobody even reads him or talks to him doesn't seem to phase him at all, except me once in a while when I just want to laugh over how sad the smoking ruins of his pitiful life are. Xitter, overall, has turned into a toxic waste dump. Unchecked Nazi shit all over the place, MAGAs spitting racial slurs as black people, calling women all kinds of vile things, every other word is "retard" lately. When you give conservatives "free speech," the first thing they do with it is start saying racist/sexist/homophobic shit.
In all truth, the worst thing you can do to most Republicans is give 'em the unchecked power to show you who they are. They will ALWAYS do the worst things possible.
Anyway, there's lots more on that front: https://www.isdglobal.org/digital_dispatches/your-body-my-choice-hate-and-harassment-towards-women-spreads-online/
Shit like this:
I hope I don't ever see any guy saying that kind of shit to a woman, because I'm not sure I could stop myself from doing something really bad to him, consequences be damned.
And shit like this is happening: https://www.aol.com/black-people-receiving-racist-text-232451459.html Trump's little shitbags feel like they won't face any consequences of their actions, so they're dragging the racist shit right out there in public. Nazis have increased their marching in public since Trump took over. Here's the most recent example from a couple days ago - https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/11/11/2285228/-Nazi-demonstrators-in-Michigan?pm_campaign=trending&pm_source=sidebar&pm_medium=web But it's been steady. Groups like Patriot Front, Blood Tribe, etc. are emboldened. Order of the Black Sun wave DeSantis flags:
And on a personal note, as the son of an immigrant, if my idiotic MAGA co-worker who talks to herself all day doesn't quit getting triggered by the right-wing bullshit she watches on her computer and whispering "Go back to your own country, I don't want you here, I don't want you here, oh boo hoo hoo, poor you, go back where you came from, shut up, we don't want you here!" loud enough to be heard, we're gonna have an incident. I put up with a LOT of her bullshit all day long just to keep peace in the office, but I am NOT gonna put up with a whole lot more of that particular shit. I don't want to cause tense situations at work by telling somebody off, and I don't want to maybe cost somebody their job, even if they're an asshole, but there's only so much of that kind of thing I'm gonna endure. She talks to herself all day, every day. I am convinced she can't even think unless she hears herself say things. When she's not complaining to herself about almost everything (usually saying "Oh my god!" over and over), then she's chanting weird prayers or singing gospel songs or old 70's pop songs ("Afternoon Delight," usually). Our supervisor has had to say things to her a few times for getting too loud, so there is a precedent. Like I said, I'm trying not to have to do anything, I'm hoping it'll just pass, but... jeez. Thing is, I'm nice to the idiot, too -- she's always bugging me to help her because her I.Q. is probably around 80 and everybody has to do half her job for her. Her mom even baked me a cake once 'cuz I helped her so much when her leg was broken. And now I get to listen to "go back where you came from" shit. I know it's not aimed at me, or my dad, but... shit.
Thing is, immigrants aren't affecting her in any way, shape, or form. They're not doing a damn thing to her. She only hates them because she's been told to hate them.
And, of course, she's a "Christian." She goes around the room all the time lately to the other Christians, saying "We won't be here in a year anyway, because the rapture is going to happen soon."
I wonder what her beloved Jesus would think of her attitude toward immigrants? Hmmm, I think there are some verses about that. https://authentictheology.com/2019/07/06/10-bible-verses-on-welcoming-immigrants-treating-them-well/ Maybe she shouldn't count on that "rapture" too much.
-- We're going to have an intelligence crisis in this country. Think about it: what countries are going to be willing to share their intel with a guy who is clearly in Vladimir Putin's pocket, and who has a pitiful need to be a submissive wretch to every adversarial dictator he thinks is "tough." He keeps saying "it's GOOD that I have a good relationship with Putin/Kim/Orban." NO IT REALLY ISN'T. Donald Trump cannot recognize who intends America harm (because he doesn't really care if they cause America harm as long as they pretend to like him), and he's also got a big track record of playing sloppy with classified documents and classified information (even just to "show off" - https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-allegedly-revealed-classified-info-nuclear-submarines-according-rcna119173 . Our allies are going to be hesitant to share their intel with us anymore, because it'll put their own sources and agents at risk, and who can trust Trump not to tip off his "friends" Putin, Kim, etc.? America is about to become isolated in a very crucial area. I hope it won't result in terrorist attacks or power-moves by foreign adversaries, but... let's just say I'm not gonna be surprised.
-- Putin's already gloating over Trump's subservience to him by broadcasting nude photos of Trump's wife on Russian television. It's a total "what you gonna do about it, bitch?" move just to rub it in how much Trump is his little suck-up. And all Trump's going to do about it is rescue Putin from Ukraine. I'm hoping Ukraine will continue to get funding from NATO, because America's not in the freedom business anymore. We had one of our worst enemies on the ropes, without having to involve any of our own troops, but Trump will rescue him. What a fucking stupid miserable waste, and a loss to America. O' course, it'll be a bigger one to Ukraine. And Gaza's going to face a real nightmare, because Trump's going to tell Bibi "do whatever you want, kill them all." We're probably not going to have many strong allies left by the end of this... the only allies Trump seems to want are the ones who are actually our enemies.
-- Speaking of intelligence crises, Trump's announced he's getting rid of the Department of Education and sending responsibility for education "back to the states." Oh, great. After having been to a Mississippi school, get ready for a bunch of fucking morons who are gonna learn NOTHING but religion (which is anti-education to begin with). I went to a private school in Mississippi, I saw first-hand how far behind we were compared to the private schools once I got to college. Hardly anyone from my high school graduating class made it through college. Whenever I run into an old classmate now they're spraying houses for bugs or delivering FedEx packages. Nothing wrong with those jobs, but... that's all you're gonna get out of a lot of these states. The Christian version of madrassas. And that worked out really well for Afghanistan, didn't it?
-- Looks like we're going to have a Stupidity Cabinet. Elon Musk, the most overrated supposed "genius" (who's never actually developed anything) is going to be in charge of cutting the budget. I don't want to sound mean, but... the guy's autistic. One thing autistic people are not good at, through no fault of their own, is understanding humans. The budget is all about the needs of humans. And Elon's not even redeemed by having to learn how to work around his Asperger's -- because he's rich, he's never had to adjust. So, that's a recipe for disaster. Then we have RFK Jr., a fucking nut, in charge of medicine. A guy who doesn't believe in vaccines will be dealing with future pandemics. Good fucking luck, world. What's funny is, he's already talking about taking away Doritos and Gummi Bears. Imagine the conniption fit right-wingers would pitch if some Democrat did that? Ye godz. Then, funniest of all, Mr. "I wonder who's win in a fight, a werewolf or a vampire?!" Hershell Walker is going to be put in charge of our missile defense shield. Trump wants us to have an "iron dome" because "iron dome" sounds really cool. We already have the missile defense we need, but Trump doesn't understand much of anything so he's gonna waste time and money on this shit, and put a guy with the brain of a toddler in charge of it. Okay.
-- I wonder how MAGAs are going to react when those tarriffs start doing their thing? They pitched fits because eggs were expensive... wait'll the price of fucking everything goes up. Also, they think "drill baby drill" is going to fix everything. America's already drilling at maximum capacity. That's already stupid (the U.S. has something like approximately 5 year's worth of oil in the ground to meet our needs... once we use that up we'll be a sitting duck for any military who wants to duke it out with us) even when Biden was doing it, but the real problem isn't we aren't drilling enough, it's that we have hardly any refineries. So we ship that oil off to other countries to refine it. Ya ain't gonna get cheap gas without something like the pandemic happening to slow consumption. Stopping electric cars is only gonna make that worse. But, the "libs" like electric cars, so we gotta stop 'em to make the libs sad, ha ha ha. I swear, the United States may become the first country in history to "spite" itself into decline.
-- The Christian fertility cult may have started a big backlash. There's something called the "4B Movement" kicking in, with women deciding to stay single and not have babies, directly due to MAGA. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/11/10/2284893/-The-4B-Movement-women-s-last-option-to-live-in-peace-and-safety?utm_campaign=trending I've got a friend who works in another department, and several girls in their 20's work there. They all came in really upset last week. One of them had obviously been crying a lot. She's got a conservative boyfriend, and she's about to break up with him because of stupid shit he does. And she's declared she's not getting married and not having kids, because she doesn't want 'em brought into this world. She's lost faith in humanity, basically.
Hell, so have I, really. I already knew we had a large population of shitbags. I'm glad that, at least, that didn't really grow very much. I've already written off the Republicans -- they're hopelessly stupid people and you'll never stop them from being led like a bunch of sheep. But I am disappointed that there weren't enough decent people to counter it. People had their chance to stop this shit, and they blew it.
Anyway, that's enough ranting from me for the while... more later, I'm sure. I didn't cover a tenth of the stuff that's likely in store for our country.
And it's y'all's turn, anyway.
So, let's start a thread to babble about some random stuff concerning it.
We're going to have to put up with the boring dumbfuck and his boring dumbfuck cultists for another four years, or possibly forever if they do like I suspect they're going to do and change our "elections" to be like they are in Hungary and Russia. There's a reason the Republicans are so in love with Orban and Putin and want to use them as a pattern -- they don't have real elections. Everybody gets to "vote" to pacify them and shut them up, but with Republicans in charge of the whole machine at all branches of government, they won't actually count them, they'll just release results that show they win every time because they're super-popular and everybody loves them and hates the libtards, yay, boo. Oh, occasionally a Democrat might win here or there in unimportant races, just to make it look legit or when the Repubs want to get rid of some problematic guy, but I fully expect "Hungarian elections" from now on... or at least until they abuse it too much and get pitchforks. IF I could believe that they won't "Hungarianize" the voting system, then this setback wouldn't bother me as much, because Donald Trump and his cabal of idiots is going to fuck up. If people have the actual capability to vote them out, then they will. But, that is an "if." You don't idolize a guy like Orban and invite him to speak at your conferences if you wanna stick with America's Constitution and democratic-republic ways of doing things.
Anyway, it's the shallowest of levels, but... I don't think I've ever been more worn-out with enduring any human being (other than possibly my co-worker... more on that in a minute) than I am with this guy. Everybody's just fucking sick of his boring shtick and tired of looking at his goddamn stupid face, and now... arrrrgh. He's insufferable. And you know he's going to keep having those boring idiot rallies, even though he can't run again, just 'cuz he can't stand not to have the attention. More years of listening to him prattle mindlessly with his vocabulary that's so small it makes Reader's Digest read like fucking Dostoevsky.
One kinda-positive thing really stands out to me that seems to be going ignored amidst all the noise: Trump claims he got a "mandate" that he didn't really get. Oh, yeah, he did get landslide numbers, it was nasty, but let's look at how he got them:
In 2020, the final popular vote totals were:
Biden - 81,283,501
Trump - 74, 223, 975
All the votes in 2024 aren't done with the counting yet (although most of what's missing is California which isn't likely to help Trump's final numbers much), but the most recent numbers I found are:
Harris - 71, 239,855
Trump - 74,834,277
What do you notice?
That's right -- Trump's numbers this time aren't much higher than they were four years ago. So far he's got 610,302 more votes this time than he did in 2020, and by the final count I'd imagine that'll be around a million. That's really not that much of a gain.
So Trump didn't really "win" so much as Harris lost. The election was decided not by people turning toward Trump... just by people not bothering to show up to vote for Harris. There were some demographics that slid more toward Trump, but, overall, no major gain. A lot of those demographics are pretty nonsensical, like Latino men voting for a guy who's likely gonna deport a few of the guys who voted for him; face it, he's not gonna give a shit if he gets sloppy and ships out some "legals." And I know the Republicans love to say "we're not against immigrants, we just hate illegals" but that's a bunch of horseshit -- they don't want ANYBODY coming here, at least not anybody non-white. Trump made that clear when he declared America to be "the world's garbage can," because of immigration. He -- and his supporters -- consider anyone from anywhere else to be garbage, and "pollution" to their society. One of the groups they targeted the most in the campaign were those supposed "they're eating the cats, they're eating the geese" Haitians... who are not illegal immigrants. They're here legally, but they're #1 on Trump's target list. So, don't give me that "illegal" shit -- it's just bigotry and they think they can "parse" their way out of that.
(By the way, I know Trumpers got all upset at Biden sounding like he called them "garbage," but I assure you, while he was misspeaking, I am not misspeaking when I tell you that Trump supporters are not only garbage, they're pieces of shit. Maybe a few exceptions, but, not many, and not any we know. Sorry, but if they vote for things like this guy's been preaching, they're not anything like a decent person, so I'm not gonna be "politically correct" and say they are.)
So, anyway, yeah, Democrats definitely have a problem, but it's important to keep the focus where it belongs: it's not that Trump's getting much more popular. Republicans are still stuck in about the same spot. I know they won't care much because a win is a win, but they can't really feel all that good, looking at their numbers. They can be happy that their opposition got weaker... but their side didn't really get stronger.
So, there's that.
I will say that, as much as I hate Trump winning the popular vote, I am glad that at least it was the popular vote this time. I despise the electoral college for some pretty bulletproof reasons I've explained before, so at least if he actually won the popular vote -- which this country should be going by -- I can't complain as much. Don't like the result, always gonna hate losing, but at least it's a legit thing and not some "hijink." Or, at least it is as it stands. I guess it could change once all the votes are counted, but, it probably won't change that much.
Also, you would think this would end their whole nonsensical "2020 was stolen!" bullshit. But reality's not really Republicans' thing, so they're still clinging to that fantasy. Somehow, it makes sense to them that the fed -- when it was under Donald Trump's control, "rigged" the election against him. But now, when it's under Biden's control, they didn't rig it. I mean... go figure.
By the way, Trump's "too big to rig" movement didn't really work out, anyway, since he didn't increase his vote count from much. They were pushing hard for bigger turnout... they just didn't get it. O' course, Harris did even worse with that, I'll admit. Fact is (and it's an ugly fact indeed), way too much of this country just still is not going to vote for a woman, especially a Black one. It's stupid, but, that's where we are. Yeah, there are economic factors and messaging problems and stuff, but... I really do think that "not voting for a black woman" thing is at the core of it.
I can't fault Harris -- she ran a great campaign, put together quickly, and she worked her butt off on the campaign trail. Everybody can always find a thing or two they'd have done differently in Monday-morning-quarterbacking, but overall, I can't fault her for much. And people are knocking Biden for not getting out sooner, for having tried for a second term at all, and o' course I wish he hadn't, but I can't really fault him overmuch, either -- he was doing a good job and wanted to keep doing it, but he just lost control of the narrative. I don't think he's senile, but he definitely doesn't present good optics, and once a story gets out there, people don't really give a shit if it's true or not.
Which is the only reason the Republican party operates at all, by the way: they've got nothing to recommend them in actual-factual real-world-results, but, their voters like to be told "stories." And they believe 'em, no matter what bullshit they are.
Which leads me to this: here's the bitterly fun thing we're all going to get to do, and it's a re-run of what happened before... but I wanna make sure y'all look at it: Republicans have been crying and crying and crying that Biden's economy is "terrible" and awful and bad.
But, keep your eye on the numbers, because I guaranfuckinggoddamntee you that, oh, six months from now at the most (I honestly don't think it'll even take that long), the same or lesser numbers will suddenly be cheered by Republicans, because suddenly when they think they can credit Trump with them, the stuff that was "terrible" before will suddenly be "fantastic."
We've seen that sitcom before, but I just wanna make sure y'all watch for it. And call it out when you see it. It won't really do any good -- Trumpers are brainwashed to the fucking bone -- but it's still satisfying.
Now, I'm hoping we're all as wrong as possible on our pessimism. This is still our country and we have to live in it (I'll be spending the money they wish I'd use on moving-to-Canada expenses to buy more weaponry instead), and none of us want to see it do badly just to "own the conservatards." I really want to be able to retire someday, so I'm hoping the Social Security I paid into for decades will still be there, and I'm hoping all the investments I've sunk so much into won't collapse (which they did during Trump's first reign -- I fortunately made it all back and then some under Biden's supposedly-"terrible" economy). I don't want women to suffer, or immigrants to suffer, or minorities to suffer, or even dumbass Trump voters to suffer just so they can learn how stupid they are when they find out what they actually voted for. I'm not into self-fulfilling prophecies, so, though I'll freely admit I hate Trump and Republicans, I hope they'll do a good job. I doubt they will, but no one will be happier than me if I'm wrong. I'll still vote against 'em if I have the chance, because history's shown me that Democrats still do a better job, but... still, the wronger we are about fascism/economic collapse/international embarrassment, etc., the better, right? Right. Hoping for the best doesn't mean we ever have to like the sonofabitch.
Although while we're being hopeful, let's stare down some shit that's already happening:
- The pieces of shit are already definitely feeling emboldened.
With Trump's win, his fanbase are taunting women with "Your Body, My Choice." https://www.yahoo.com/news/body-choice-emboldened-far-men-191536054.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall That shit's all over Elon Musk's incredibly poisonous and idiotic little shitbag-pacification-system.
By the way: one good personal note about Xitter: at least we don't have to put up with our resident troll anymore -- he's too busy spending what seems like every minute of his apparently-not-valuable-at-all time over there howling the same dumb, brainwashed things over and over into a void. The fact that nobody even reads him or talks to him doesn't seem to phase him at all, except me once in a while when I just want to laugh over how sad the smoking ruins of his pitiful life are. Xitter, overall, has turned into a toxic waste dump. Unchecked Nazi shit all over the place, MAGAs spitting racial slurs as black people, calling women all kinds of vile things, every other word is "retard" lately. When you give conservatives "free speech," the first thing they do with it is start saying racist/sexist/homophobic shit.
In all truth, the worst thing you can do to most Republicans is give 'em the unchecked power to show you who they are. They will ALWAYS do the worst things possible.
Anyway, there's lots more on that front: https://www.isdglobal.org/digital_dispatches/your-body-my-choice-hate-and-harassment-towards-women-spreads-online/
Shit like this:
A subset of the narratives were threatening women with sexual assaults, ISD found five posts on X that called for “rape squads” or “rape,” the largest of which had 18,000 views and came with the phrase “your body, my choice.”
Manosphere influencer Andrew Tate, in a post on X on November 7, stated: “I saw a woman crossing the road today but I just kept my foot down. Right of way? You no longer have rights.” The post received 688,000 views in under two hours. Another X user, stated: “women threatening sex strikes like LMAO as if you have a say”; the post has received 10 million views.
I hope I don't ever see any guy saying that kind of shit to a woman, because I'm not sure I could stop myself from doing something really bad to him, consequences be damned.
And shit like this is happening: https://www.aol.com/black-people-receiving-racist-text-232451459.html Trump's little shitbags feel like they won't face any consequences of their actions, so they're dragging the racist shit right out there in public. Nazis have increased their marching in public since Trump took over. Here's the most recent example from a couple days ago - https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/11/11/2285228/-Nazi-demonstrators-in-Michigan?pm_campaign=trending&pm_source=sidebar&pm_medium=web But it's been steady. Groups like Patriot Front, Blood Tribe, etc. are emboldened. Order of the Black Sun wave DeSantis flags:
And on a personal note, as the son of an immigrant, if my idiotic MAGA co-worker who talks to herself all day doesn't quit getting triggered by the right-wing bullshit she watches on her computer and whispering "Go back to your own country, I don't want you here, I don't want you here, oh boo hoo hoo, poor you, go back where you came from, shut up, we don't want you here!" loud enough to be heard, we're gonna have an incident. I put up with a LOT of her bullshit all day long just to keep peace in the office, but I am NOT gonna put up with a whole lot more of that particular shit. I don't want to cause tense situations at work by telling somebody off, and I don't want to maybe cost somebody their job, even if they're an asshole, but there's only so much of that kind of thing I'm gonna endure. She talks to herself all day, every day. I am convinced she can't even think unless she hears herself say things. When she's not complaining to herself about almost everything (usually saying "Oh my god!" over and over), then she's chanting weird prayers or singing gospel songs or old 70's pop songs ("Afternoon Delight," usually). Our supervisor has had to say things to her a few times for getting too loud, so there is a precedent. Like I said, I'm trying not to have to do anything, I'm hoping it'll just pass, but... jeez. Thing is, I'm nice to the idiot, too -- she's always bugging me to help her because her I.Q. is probably around 80 and everybody has to do half her job for her. Her mom even baked me a cake once 'cuz I helped her so much when her leg was broken. And now I get to listen to "go back where you came from" shit. I know it's not aimed at me, or my dad, but... shit.
Thing is, immigrants aren't affecting her in any way, shape, or form. They're not doing a damn thing to her. She only hates them because she's been told to hate them.
And, of course, she's a "Christian." She goes around the room all the time lately to the other Christians, saying "We won't be here in a year anyway, because the rapture is going to happen soon."
I wonder what her beloved Jesus would think of her attitude toward immigrants? Hmmm, I think there are some verses about that. https://authentictheology.com/2019/07/06/10-bible-verses-on-welcoming-immigrants-treating-them-well/ Maybe she shouldn't count on that "rapture" too much.
-- We're going to have an intelligence crisis in this country. Think about it: what countries are going to be willing to share their intel with a guy who is clearly in Vladimir Putin's pocket, and who has a pitiful need to be a submissive wretch to every adversarial dictator he thinks is "tough." He keeps saying "it's GOOD that I have a good relationship with Putin/Kim/Orban." NO IT REALLY ISN'T. Donald Trump cannot recognize who intends America harm (because he doesn't really care if they cause America harm as long as they pretend to like him), and he's also got a big track record of playing sloppy with classified documents and classified information (even just to "show off" - https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-allegedly-revealed-classified-info-nuclear-submarines-according-rcna119173 . Our allies are going to be hesitant to share their intel with us anymore, because it'll put their own sources and agents at risk, and who can trust Trump not to tip off his "friends" Putin, Kim, etc.? America is about to become isolated in a very crucial area. I hope it won't result in terrorist attacks or power-moves by foreign adversaries, but... let's just say I'm not gonna be surprised.
-- Putin's already gloating over Trump's subservience to him by broadcasting nude photos of Trump's wife on Russian television. It's a total "what you gonna do about it, bitch?" move just to rub it in how much Trump is his little suck-up. And all Trump's going to do about it is rescue Putin from Ukraine. I'm hoping Ukraine will continue to get funding from NATO, because America's not in the freedom business anymore. We had one of our worst enemies on the ropes, without having to involve any of our own troops, but Trump will rescue him. What a fucking stupid miserable waste, and a loss to America. O' course, it'll be a bigger one to Ukraine. And Gaza's going to face a real nightmare, because Trump's going to tell Bibi "do whatever you want, kill them all." We're probably not going to have many strong allies left by the end of this... the only allies Trump seems to want are the ones who are actually our enemies.
-- Speaking of intelligence crises, Trump's announced he's getting rid of the Department of Education and sending responsibility for education "back to the states." Oh, great. After having been to a Mississippi school, get ready for a bunch of fucking morons who are gonna learn NOTHING but religion (which is anti-education to begin with). I went to a private school in Mississippi, I saw first-hand how far behind we were compared to the private schools once I got to college. Hardly anyone from my high school graduating class made it through college. Whenever I run into an old classmate now they're spraying houses for bugs or delivering FedEx packages. Nothing wrong with those jobs, but... that's all you're gonna get out of a lot of these states. The Christian version of madrassas. And that worked out really well for Afghanistan, didn't it?
-- Looks like we're going to have a Stupidity Cabinet. Elon Musk, the most overrated supposed "genius" (who's never actually developed anything) is going to be in charge of cutting the budget. I don't want to sound mean, but... the guy's autistic. One thing autistic people are not good at, through no fault of their own, is understanding humans. The budget is all about the needs of humans. And Elon's not even redeemed by having to learn how to work around his Asperger's -- because he's rich, he's never had to adjust. So, that's a recipe for disaster. Then we have RFK Jr., a fucking nut, in charge of medicine. A guy who doesn't believe in vaccines will be dealing with future pandemics. Good fucking luck, world. What's funny is, he's already talking about taking away Doritos and Gummi Bears. Imagine the conniption fit right-wingers would pitch if some Democrat did that? Ye godz. Then, funniest of all, Mr. "I wonder who's win in a fight, a werewolf or a vampire?!" Hershell Walker is going to be put in charge of our missile defense shield. Trump wants us to have an "iron dome" because "iron dome" sounds really cool. We already have the missile defense we need, but Trump doesn't understand much of anything so he's gonna waste time and money on this shit, and put a guy with the brain of a toddler in charge of it. Okay.
-- I wonder how MAGAs are going to react when those tarriffs start doing their thing? They pitched fits because eggs were expensive... wait'll the price of fucking everything goes up. Also, they think "drill baby drill" is going to fix everything. America's already drilling at maximum capacity. That's already stupid (the U.S. has something like approximately 5 year's worth of oil in the ground to meet our needs... once we use that up we'll be a sitting duck for any military who wants to duke it out with us) even when Biden was doing it, but the real problem isn't we aren't drilling enough, it's that we have hardly any refineries. So we ship that oil off to other countries to refine it. Ya ain't gonna get cheap gas without something like the pandemic happening to slow consumption. Stopping electric cars is only gonna make that worse. But, the "libs" like electric cars, so we gotta stop 'em to make the libs sad, ha ha ha. I swear, the United States may become the first country in history to "spite" itself into decline.
-- The Christian fertility cult may have started a big backlash. There's something called the "4B Movement" kicking in, with women deciding to stay single and not have babies, directly due to MAGA. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/11/10/2284893/-The-4B-Movement-women-s-last-option-to-live-in-peace-and-safety?utm_campaign=trending I've got a friend who works in another department, and several girls in their 20's work there. They all came in really upset last week. One of them had obviously been crying a lot. She's got a conservative boyfriend, and she's about to break up with him because of stupid shit he does. And she's declared she's not getting married and not having kids, because she doesn't want 'em brought into this world. She's lost faith in humanity, basically.
Hell, so have I, really. I already knew we had a large population of shitbags. I'm glad that, at least, that didn't really grow very much. I've already written off the Republicans -- they're hopelessly stupid people and you'll never stop them from being led like a bunch of sheep. But I am disappointed that there weren't enough decent people to counter it. People had their chance to stop this shit, and they blew it.
Anyway, that's enough ranting from me for the while... more later, I'm sure. I didn't cover a tenth of the stuff that's likely in store for our country.
And it's y'all's turn, anyway.