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Merry Christmas to whoever

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1Merry Christmas to whoever Empty Merry Christmas to whoever 12/24/2021, 4:39 pm


whoever is still posting here, I wish yoiu a merry "Christmas and hope you will be with loved ones tomorrows. It's been a good year and problems seem to fade away with enough time. I'm still proud of my vote for Joe Biden-he's doing his best and people need to remember that.
We will be having a big family dinner tomorrow at my daughter's house, and we agreed to make it a picnic. No hard cooking for anyone-just mac and cheese, ham, chicken and anything else you'd take to a picnic. We're looking forward to that.
Anyway- Y'all have a great Christmas and New Year. We're planning on it.

Telstar likes this post

2Merry Christmas to whoever Empty Re: Merry Christmas to whoever 12/24/2021, 7:47 pm



A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours Big Dog. santa

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