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Vegetarian friendly restaurants

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1Vegetarian friendly restaurants Empty Vegetarian friendly restaurants 1/3/2010, 10:25 pm



Does anyone know of any *nice* vegetarian friendly restaurants in town? I know of a few restaurants that have a special vegetarian plates that they can make (Fish House, Global Grill, etc.) but these dishes are not on the menu and they can be a real hassle to order. The New York Deli is the probably the nicest place I know of in town with a vegetarian friendly menu. Any recommendations would be appreciated.


boards of FL

boards of FL

It's sort of amazing that there is such a lack of vegetarian options in a metropolitan area the size of Pensacola.

I came across the Pensacola Vegetarian Society website just now out of curiosity, and even they only have two restaurants listed: Sluggos and End of the Line Cafe. While both are good, it seems like Pensacola is large enough to have a market demand for a vegetarian option that does not cater to a younger crowd.


boards of FL wrote:It's sort of amazing that there is such a lack of vegetarian options in a metropolitan area the size of Pensacola.

I came across the Pensacola Vegetarian Society website just now out of curiosity, and even they only have two restaurants listed: Sluggos and End of the Line Cafe. While both are good, it seems like Pensacola is large enough to have a market demand for a vegetarian option that does not cater to a younger crowd.

I get what you mean, Boards. I do think EOTL has great vegan food and love everything I've had there. Don't want to hang around the younguns so much though now that I am older. I love you



Hello Guys i think that for many people,being a vegetarian is more than just a preference.It is a way of lifestyle.Those who cease eating creature products usually do so for spiritual, moral, ecological or health factors, or a mixture of the above, and try to integrate their values into their everyday lifestyle.Thanks a lot!!

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