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Happy Thanksgiving!

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1Happy Thanksgiving! Empty Happy Thanksgiving! 11/26/2020, 12:45 pm


Hope everyone is enjoying a healthy, warm and happy holiday with those you love.

As for what to be most grateful for this Thanksgiving, aside from the presence of loved ones there's no contest in my book -- it's the results of the 2020 presidential election. THANK HEAVEN.

Floridatexan, Telstar and zsomething like this post

2Happy Thanksgiving! Empty Re: Happy Thanksgiving! 11/30/2020, 8:39 pm



Happy Thanksgiving, Linda. I cooked, like I always do, but I didn't have any extra guests this year...just my oldest daughter and her kids. But my youngest daughter and her husband are driving from North Dakota around the middle of December and staying until after the New Year. They are experienced campers and will be camping along the way. I hope your holiday was special and I have high hopes for our country now that the orange menace is gone. Unfortunately, my brother and my husband's brothers are apparently lost in space, as are a lot of others.

Telstar, RealLindaL and zsomething like this post

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