"Confederate statues are killing people right now. You don’t need me to tell you this—just ask any Black American. People are still suffering from the attacks of the “brilliant” Jackson. They are still being crushed by the “gallant” Lee. The Lost Cause is in everything from the low wages at the nearest coffee shop, to the excess of Black people dying from COVID-19. This is not an argument about remembering something that happened in the 19th century, or even the 20th. This is about defining who we are now.
The Southern cause is, and was, only ever about slavery. And slavery was only ever about greed. Even white supremacy is just a sideshow to that cause—a salve to excuse raw cruelty, abuse, and inhumanity toward fellow humans. Slavery didn’t happen because white men thought themselves superior. It happened because slavery was profitable. The myth of white supremacy was always there, always an excuse to repress and reject; to steal the effort and ideas of people of color. The convenience of that myth was that it justified the worst horrors, and enabled the most profit. And after the war, the Southern cause became just … the cause. America’s cause. Because white Americans decided it was easier to compromise with slavery than eradicate it. Easier, and far more profitable..."
(Read the whole thing...including the comments).