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I have a purpose

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1I have a purpose Empty I have a purpose 11/14/2017, 2:34 pm


I went to Northwestern Hospital for a two day stay which involved emoblization of the liver where small beads are inserted into the vascular portion of the tumors on my liver which blocks off the blood supply and they usually insert radiation. I had my left lung lobe removed in 2008, and have been fighting the spread with my 11th surgery yesterday. Endocrine cancer is slow. Steve Jobs lasted 7 years from his tumor on his pancreas which beat the odds at the time as 48 months was usually mortality.

I just got home and was released early from the hospital. I am feeling great and all the people who have told me about horrible experiences with this procedure were NOT taking medical pot and did not have a state issued card.

Normally in the hospital, the first priority is to remove pain. So opiates can basically knock a person unconscious with increased dosage, and dull pain and the senses. I believe hospitals and the medical profession in the regulatory structure which is controlled by big Pharmacy is the primary source of opiate abuse in America. My story I am about to tell is just one more:

[b evidence is evidence from anecdotes, i.e., evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony. ... Accurate determination of whether an anecdote is "typical" requires statistical evidence.[/b]

And that is the problem with America's response in creation of the drug war is mostly anecdotal evidence which cuts both ways......pot is the pathway drug to the opiate epidemic, or pot solves all problems. This primitive response is no acceptable when so many precious tax dollars has been flushed down the toilet with expansions of the criminal justice system as more people are dying now from opiate addiction than who die in car accidents.

I am writing a bill to give to my congressman, and various Illinois politicians on the oversight committee for the Illinois department of Health. It will be simple. I had to self medicate at Northwestern Hospital on my prescription where the State of Illinois gave me a photo id to go to licensed clinics in Illinois to get the chewable medications which contain cabinoids in varying strength, yet Northwestern's Hospital pharmacy is not authorized to do the same under federal law or the Illinois medical pot legislation where it took me two months to get my terminal patient card approved.

A person going into a licensed hospital should have the opportunity to have ALL approved medications dispensed from a hospital pharmacy. Federal law restricts this and further compounds the problem with not allowing credit cards or any banking transaction to take place in medical pot approved states.

My barebone proposal is simple"

1. Enabling paragraphs which cite each federal statute which impacts the legal use of medical Pot. This would lift criminal penalties, banking restrictions, and any other regulatory blocks to medical pot.

2. Allows licensed Hospitals in each state to be exempt from any restriction on dispensing medical caniboids from their pharmacy to a patient, after the patient has met with a pharmacy consultant on the differing pain benefits of certain combinations of caniboids. These prescriptions would be only 90 day approval prescriptions, with a one day approval process from the federal government as long as the patient gave their consent and agreed to be in a nationwide study of pain reduction with caniboids. The federal program and the pharmacy consultants would be compensated from a separate tax on federal medical pot. This law would be given a five year trial to gather the data, and would require congressional hearings to review the medical evidence over the five year trial.

My argument is simple. We need to save taxpayers money. We need to reevaluate our failed drug war, not with anecdotal evidence from police or potheads.....we need empirical medical evidence.

I took my gummies before surgery, I took them after and all through the night and had ZERO pain, on a procedure which was suppose to be painful, and bad nausea . Millions of others have been given opiates for this pain relief and people keep increasing the doses until little old ladies are hooked on opiates and like a tar baby their pills become available and the epidemic rages.

I will get the law changed before I die. Period. I will not see people suffering when there are more moderate non addictive pain interventions which because of Anecdotal criminal justice evidence, or pot heads who says it will cure your bunyons.....we need science and trials but the catch 22 of our federal laws blocks and cause this crisis. Big Pharm will lobby against this but one dying man can beat them.

2I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/14/2017, 3:17 pm



3I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/14/2017, 3:28 pm


Good work! Smile

I'm iffy on recreational drugs (I'm not even crazy about people drinking, although I don't think pot's any worse), but, that's a different matter and just my personal opinion, anyway. But any drug or substance that has a medical use should be legal. There's no sane reason to have a stigma about something that helps people. And pot is much safer than opiods. If caniboids are getting such good results, then that should be a go-to painkiller in such situations.

4I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/14/2017, 3:52 pm


YOU GO, GUY!!! GIT 'ER DONE! What a perfect late life crusade for you.

Plus what zsomething said, top to bottom, agreed 100%.

5I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/14/2017, 4:20 pm



zsomething wrote:Good work! Smile

I'm iffy on recreational drugs (I'm not even crazy about people drinking, although I don't think pot's any worse), but, that's a different matter and just my personal opinion, anyway.   But any drug or substance that has a medical use should be legal.  There's no sane reason to have a stigma about something that helps people.  And pot is much safer than opiods.  If caniboids are getting such good results, then that should be a go-to painkiller in such situations.

I agree

6I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/14/2017, 6:32 pm


Letter sent to congressman who is a frequent guest on cable news, and copies to doctors, and six departments at Northwest University. As I was writing this letter to my congressman we got a sad phone call that my cousin has lost her battle with breast cancer and died from a procedure which resulted in septic shock. At the same time I have a cousin in Alabama who I have been waiting this entire month to get her phone call that she has passed from auto immune disease. They both could have benefited in their health battles with access to alternative pain medications which could have improved their quality of life.

As my wife said I can be an insufferable dick when I get my dander up, but what piszes people off when I start moving forward with something and start banging the drums and squeaking that wheel is that I am usually right about the underlying issue, but am such a dick that I pisz people off......true dat, but here the congressman can speak with medical professionals, and all the doctors and nursing staff that I have talked to in the hospital want more options when dealing with pain medications, but how can you dispense a legal pot drug in a hospital pharmacy when federal law blocks the same. Self medication may in an ad hoc manner solve that patient's pain, but it is sure no way to practice medicine or fight the pain killer epidemic.

7I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/14/2017, 9:26 pm



So sorry about your cousin. Good luck with the letters.

8I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/14/2017, 11:39 pm



Great that you had such good results. Best wishes for success with your cause. How have other states been able to vote in medical pot? Parents have to move to other states to get treatment for their children who benefit from the effects of medical pot. Many support your efforts. It's a fight against big Pharma. Money. Have to make it profitable.  Good luck!

9I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/15/2017, 12:11 am


All the states which have legalized the sale of medical pot still face the federal restrictions which do not allow doctors in hospitals to have options to treat their patients with medical pot while admitted to a hospital. It will require a slow process to get your ID card and hundred of thousands of patients are being admitted across the United States, and even in the states which have passed the law, they must dispense the medicine from independent dispensaries which Hospitals are restricted. We are by design only reaching probably 1% of the American public facing pain issues, which only leaves opiates as the medical choice, which in my opinion is Sophies choice......poison by opiates, or utter uncontrolled pain with no attempt to use approved alternatives with medical pot.

This chit is just not that complicated and requires concerned citizens and courage by our politicians. Both are in short supply. Hell the Florida voters gave a mandate to the legislature, and where in Florida are patients getting medicine as the legislators all but ignored the people of the state and have been dragging their feet. We need science and not the knucle dragging idiocy which thinks global climate change is not happening and that pot is medical canniboids which get you high and lead to pain killer abuse and heroin.

10I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/15/2017, 11:20 am



2seaoat wrote:All the states which have legalized the sale of medical pot still face the federal restrictions which do not allow doctors in hospitals to have options to treat their patients with medical pot while admitted to a hospital.  It will require a slow process to get your ID card and hundred of thousands of patients are being admitted across the United States, and even in the states which have passed the law, they must dispense the medicine from independent dispensaries which Hospitals are restricted.   We are by design only reaching probably 1% of the American public facing pain issues, which only leaves opiates as the medical choice, which in my opinion is Sophies choice......poison by opiates, or utter uncontrolled pain with no attempt to use approved alternatives with medical pot.

This chit is just not that complicated and requires concerned citizens and courage by our politicians.   Both are in short supply.  Hell the Florida voters gave a mandate to the legislature, and where in Florida are patients getting medicine as the legislators all but ignored the people of the state and have been dragging their feet.   We need science and not the knucle dragging idiocy which thinks global climate change is not happening and that pot is medical canniboids which get you high and lead to pain killer abuse and heroin.

There is hope if the right tactics are applied. The groundwork has been established. I think a substantial majority of Americans are in favor of legalizing medical pot even if they are not crazy about the 'getting high' aspect of just smoking or eating non-medical pot. They see the parents of children who are helped with medical pot pleading with legislators to get this straightened out on a national level.

That being said I can see a parallel between this issue and marriage equality. Who would have thought we would be where we are today with that? People were informed and educated and the scales tipped toward fairness. The campaign to legalize medical pot may be on the same trajectory?

Positive public opinion coupled with a play to big Pharma showing how they could partake in HUGE profits might be a useful idea. Think of all the taxes the Federal and possibly state governments could collect on these new products.

11I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/15/2017, 12:07 pm



2seaoat wrote:I went to Northwestern Hospital for a two day stay which involved emoblization of the liver where small beads are inserted into the vascular portion of the tumors on my liver which blocks off the blood supply and they usually insert radiation.  I had my left lung lobe removed in 2008, and have been fighting the spread with my 11th surgery yesterday.  Endocrine cancer is slow.  Steve Jobs lasted 7 years from his tumor on his pancreas which beat the odds at the time as 48 months was usually mortality.

I just got home and was released early from the hospital.  I am feeling great and all the people who have told me about horrible experiences with this procedure were NOT taking medical pot and did not have a state issued card.

Normally in the hospital, the first priority is to remove pain.  So opiates can basically knock a person unconscious with increased dosage, and dull pain and the senses.  I believe hospitals and the medical profession in the regulatory structure which is controlled by big Pharmacy is the primary source of opiate abuse in America.  My story I am about to tell is just one more:

[b evidence is evidence from anecdotes, i.e., evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony. ... Accurate determination of whether an anecdote is "typical" requires statistical evidence.[/b]

And that is the problem with America's response in creation of the drug war is mostly anecdotal evidence which cuts both ways......pot is the pathway drug to the opiate epidemic, or pot solves all problems.  This primitive response is no acceptable when so many precious tax dollars has been flushed down the toilet with expansions of the criminal justice system as more people are dying now from opiate addiction than who die in car accidents.

I am writing a bill to give to my congressman, and various Illinois politicians on the oversight committee for the Illinois department of Health.  It will be simple.  I had to self medicate at Northwestern Hospital on my prescription where the State of Illinois gave me a photo id to go to licensed clinics in Illinois to get the chewable medications which contain cabinoids in varying strength, yet Northwestern's Hospital pharmacy is not authorized to do the same under federal law or the Illinois medical pot legislation where it took me two months to get my terminal patient card approved.

A person going into a licensed hospital should have the opportunity to have ALL approved medications dispensed from a hospital pharmacy.  Federal law restricts this and further compounds the problem with not allowing credit cards or any banking transaction to take place in medical pot approved states.

My barebone proposal is simple"

1.  Enabling paragraphs which cite each federal statute which impacts the legal use of medical Pot.  This would lift criminal penalties, banking restrictions, and any other regulatory blocks to medical pot.

2.  Allows licensed Hospitals in each state to be exempt from any restriction on dispensing medical caniboids from their pharmacy to a patient, after the patient has met with a pharmacy consultant on the differing pain benefits of certain combinations of caniboids.  These prescriptions would be only 90 day approval prescriptions, with a one day approval process from the federal government as long as the patient gave their consent and agreed to be in a nationwide study of pain reduction with caniboids.  The federal program and the pharmacy consultants would be compensated from a separate tax on federal medical pot.  This law would be given a five year trial to gather the data, and would require congressional hearings to review the medical evidence over the five year trial.

My argument is simple.  We need to save taxpayers money.  We need to reevaluate our failed drug war, not with anecdotal evidence from police or potheads.....we need empirical medical evidence.

I took my gummies before surgery, I took them after and all through the night and had ZERO pain, on a procedure which was suppose to be painful, and bad nausea .  Millions of others have been given opiates for this pain relief and people keep increasing the doses until little old ladies are hooked on opiates and like a tar baby their pills become available and the epidemic rages.

I will get the law changed before I die.  Period.  I will not see people suffering when there are more moderate non addictive pain interventions which because of Anecdotal criminal justice evidence, or pot heads who says it will cure your bunyons.....we need science and trials but the catch 22 of our federal laws blocks and cause this crisis.  Big Pharm will lobby against this but one dying man can beat them.

You're on a righteous quest -- best of luck Sesoat! I'm also a big C survivor (larynx and recently bladder). And pot is definitely one of my aides.

12I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/15/2017, 3:50 pm


I hope you are finding comfort. I would love to see older people getting access to medical pot without all the hurdles they have established. It is a hard battle because in the shadows are the alcohol, restaurant industry, and and big pharm who do not want competition. In the state of Florida, they are afraid of a drop in revenue with people using medical pot to relax before going out to dinner, and not drinking. Alcohol represents at least 15% profit in a meal, and they want to build a wall. Distributors will lose package sales, and competition is loss profits.

13I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/15/2017, 7:46 pm



When I drink too much, I get a hangover and feel terrible the next day. When I take a toke or two I feel fine later.

The issue is simple: Pot is not as dangerous or harmful physically to a user than alcohol. I have never met a pothead who is physically addicted. Seaoat is right. It's the alcohol companies whose lobbyists keep pushing legislators to keep pot illegal. So, once again, same as with the oil companies, people making zillions from harmful products are buying off politicians, and so we have men and women rotting in prisons who were caught with an ounce of grass, and people like me who have had chemo five times have to deal illegally for what makes our conditions tolerable.

14I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/15/2017, 9:28 pm



I can't give medicinal pot the glowing recommendation for all pain. But I hate that our govt restricts it.

We the people deserve to accept the repercussions.

15I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/15/2017, 10:25 pm


I've never tried pot for medical purposes. I have tried it a couple of times for "nonmedical" purposes and I found it quite pleasant. It's very annoying to me that even though Floridians have said we can have it for medical reasons, doctors still are slow to prescribe it because of federal laws.
I have a very stubborn form of glaucoma, and right now I am taking a pill called Diamox because none of the drops have worked well enough. It's one of the most obnoxious drugs I've ever taken. It causes hiccups, extreme fatigue, constipation and a feeling of bloating that makes me not want to eat, tingling in the hands and feet, it screws with my blood sugar, and of all things, causes blurry vision in one of my eyes. Since it's for glaucoma pressure, that seems to be a step backwards to me. I can't help believing that cannabis would be a much easier drug on the system, but of course my doctor is not certified to prescribe it. There are only a couple of respectable doctors in the area who will prescribe it and they are primarily childrens neurologists. I hate to change my eye specialist-I actually have 3 of them, all at West Florida-because I've gone there for 15 years now and they all know my problems. But none of them prescribe cannabis. I had some new laser surgery last week that MAY bring the pressure down to where I can toss the Diamox, I'll find out tomorrow, but I honestly thought that once we voted this thing would be settled. Seaoat is right- there is still a lot of work to do. It's a shame our government really does not care about the will of the majority of the people. Big Pharm owns them, that's for sure. And meanwhile we're out there taking meds that damage livers and kidneys and all kinds of other organs instead of something natural and safe.

16I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/15/2017, 11:08 pm



As soon as big Pharma figures out how to make a buck from medical pot BINGO there will be effective pressure on Congress and this will get done. It will happen so fast it will make your head spin!

17I have a purpose Empty Re: I have a purpose 11/17/2017, 9:14 am



othershoe1030 wrote:As soon as big Pharma figures out how to make a buck from medical pot BINGO there will be effective pressure on Congress and this will get done. It will happen so fast it will make your head spin!

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