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1Bob Empty Bob 9/14/2017, 10:32 am



1 thought of Bob yesterday while having lunch at McGuires. It was Hopkins Boarding House fried chicken day.

2Bob Empty Re: Bob 9/18/2017, 12:10 am


Have never had the opportunity to try that at McGuire's, and was only at Hopkins one time, I guess just to say we did. My husband wasn't comfortable with the farmhouse-type seating. I thought it was great, but never pushed him to go again. We have to pick our battles in marriage.

Anyway, nice to see someone thinking of Bob. Miss him.

3Bob Empty Re: Bob 9/18/2017, 9:58 pm



Of course I did not have the chicken but my friend did....she said it was awesome.

4Bob Empty Re: Bob 9/25/2017, 3:53 pm


"Of course" you didn't have the chicken? You mean because of breading, or some other prohibition?

We occasionally treat ourselves to Publix fried chicken but remove most of the skin. Still get the great flavor, and the chicken is more moist than their rotisserie variety, which we usually have once a week.

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