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Krauthammer says what Trump did today was a "moral disgrace!"

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When one of the Kings of conservatism turns on you, you're a real loser. See for yourself



From FB, News & Guts, quotes from Herr Drumpf's news conference:

Here's a look at some of President Trump's stunning news conference today:

"What about the alt left that came charging at, as you say, at the alt right? Do they have any a semblance of guilt? What about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands swinging clubs? Do they have any problem? I think they do. That was a horrible, horrible day. Wait a minute. I'm not finished. I'm not finished, fake news."

"You had a group on one side that was bad. You had a group on the other side that was also very violent. And nobody wants to say that. I'll say it right now. You had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit and they were very, very violent."

"Not all of those people were Neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue, Robert E. Lee."



Linked from Word's same posted website, to me the following appalling story, about a visibly uneducated racist ignoramus spewing his particularly virulent brand of hatred, SAYS IT ALL:

Leave it to a klansman to disrespect a woman killed in a domestic terror attack mere days after her death.

According to the North Carolina-based news station WBTV, Justin Moore, a man who identified himself as the Grand Dragon for the Loyal White Knights of Ku Klux Klan claimed Heather Heyer deserved to die in the attack on counterprotesters at the “Unite the Right” rally.

“I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore said in a voicemail to WBTV. “They were a bunch of Communists out there protesting against somebody’s freedom of speech, so it doesn’t bother me that they got hurt at all.”

Moore went on to say that he thinks “we’re going to see more stuff like this happening at white nationalist events.”

“We were out there and I seen a lot of communist flags and anti-fascist and we’re going to see more stuff like this,” Moore continued. “White people are getting fed up with the double standard setup in America today by the controlled press.”

WBTV noted that Moore’s Klan chapter is based in Pelham, NC, and that some of its members were in Charlottesville over the weekend to join in on the white supremacist rally.

The voicemail for their chapter praises James Alex Fields, Jr., the 20-year-old Nazi who killed Heyer and wounded dozens of others when he plowed through a crowd of ounterprotesters Saturday.

“Nothing makes us more proud at the KKK than we see white patriots such as James Fields Jr, age 20, taking his car and running over nine communist anti-fascist, killing one [expletive]-lover named Heather Heyer,” the recorded message said. “James Fields, hail victory. It’s men like you that have made the great white race strong and will be strong again.”


I'm glad for Krauthammer standing up against white supremacists (even though his name's always sounded like it should be one of their groups! Wink ) There are still Republicans with principles and moral courage (not that it takes much to denounce fucking NAZIS ) and I'm glad to see them standing up. Marco Rubio, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orin Hatch, Corey Gardner, Mitt Romney, and others have made it clear that they do not stand for this, and I may not agree with them on much else, but I'm glad that they're decent human beings on this issue, and I respect them for that. Those are getting harder to find. I don't like Republicans because I've seen how their policies consistently make things worse, but, they should be a viable, American party. It's healthier for the country when we have two capable parties competing. But they have to be decent.

One of those parties cannot be motherfucking white nationalists. No way. Not on American soil. We kill that shit, we don't support it.

Lately, under Trump, the GOP has become a sickly, cringing thing, bowing to white nationalism. And on the long term that imperils their future. If they survive this, it'll be because of principled people like the aforementioned lifting it up out of the dreck that the mentally ill Donald Trump has weakly and cowardly face-planted it in. There's going to have to be a civil war inside the Republican party, and I hope sanity and decency will be victorious over Trump. America is too great a country for the shit he's spewing.



They make me ashamed of being an white American!


President Trump is an abomination. It will take at least a generation to heal the damage this man has already done.



He needs to be impeached due to mental incompetence and easily convicted in the Senate of the same.

Someone please tell me and show me what video Trump watched that showed a quiet peaceful demonstration in Charlottesville. You know, the one he talked about in one of his rants. If he saw a quiet demonstration and the rest of the world saw torch-carrying white people chanting Natzi slogans what is there to say except that he is either being fed an intense line of total BS or he is seriously not able to process information he doesn't like.

I just called Matt Gaetz's office and asked when he is going to post his position on the events in Virginia. I said I was embarrassed to be a white person with things like this going on. I asked how long it was going to take for my representative to come out against neo-Natzis? His office person said he was in a meeting with his communication staff at that moment putting something together. I told her I'd never agreed with one thing I saw on Gaetz's site but that this was beyond Republican and Democrat. Are we Americans or are we Natzis?

Two weeks ago he (Trump) wanted to get in bed with the Russians and now he is defending Natzis? He really is confused.



othershoe1030 wrote:He needs to be impeached due to mental incompetence and easily convicted in the Senate of the same.

Someone please tell me and show me what video Trump watched that showed a quiet peaceful demonstration in Charlottesville. You know, the one he talked about in one of his rants. If he saw a quiet demonstration and the rest of the world saw torch-carrying white people chanting Natzi slogans what is there to say except that he is either being fed an intense line of total BS or he is seriously not able to process information he doesn't like.

I just called Matt Gaetz's office and asked when he is going to post his position on the events in Virginia. I said I was embarrassed to be a white person with things like this going on. I asked how long it was going to take for my representative to come out against neo-Natzis? His office person said he was in a meeting with his communication staff at that moment putting something together. I told her I'd never agreed with one thing I saw on Gaetz's site but that this was beyond Republican and Democrat. Are we Americans or are we Natzis?

Two weeks ago he (Trump) wanted to get in bed with the Russians and now he is defending Natzis? He really is confused.

I agree with everything you say above ... except Natzis is spelled Nazis. WS



I thght he was supposed to be out by Sept? Oh well... IMPEACHNOW..!!

"Or later is ok... any time really is good... but before 2020 would be great... thanks". Every leftist.


Thank you. I just sent an email to my republican congressman who is often a guest on CNC. I basically told him in my semi retired state I do not have the resources I once had to support primary opponents to the Dixiecrat take over of the Party of Lincoln, but I will organize and support any primary opponent in the State of Illinois whose republican representative not only condemns evil, but condemns the evil of this white house and the hijacking of the Party of Lincoln by hateful Dixiecrats. People must become engaged. A handful of moral people standing up against evil can let these worms crawl back under a rock. My wife has told me there is an organization which is photographing in detail the Nazi and KKK members and posting them on a website for people to identify these people. People attach names and addresses to these hateful people and this website confirms before posting, and then lets employers and neighbors know who these people are. Apparently people are getting fired and their neighbors are finding out who they are. Small steps.



PkrBum wrote:I thght he was supposed to be out by Sept? Oh well... IMPEACHNOW..!!

"Or later is ok... any time really is good... but before 2020 would be great... thanks". Every leftist.

What is your point? Are you so ridiculous you think only leftists hate Trump and want him gone? Are you a racist pig?


What is your point? Are you so ridiculous you think only leftists hate Trump and want him gone? Are you a racist pig?

I think during the all our time sharing posts over the year we often play devils advocate. I get it. However, I would simply ask PK the following:

1. Do you reject entirely and without exception the ideology of Nazis and KKK members?

2. Do you recognize in your support of some policies which you espouse the concept of white supremacy at the worst, or white privilege at the best?

3. Do you see a path to fight hate in America?



It's stupid and loaded to even ask me that. I'm just laughing at you all getting spun up over statues that dems erected. I can't stand bigoted assholes and have the scars to prove it. But just because a few hundred assholes still don't get it... doesn't paint the other 99.99999% as racists or Nazis... and that leftist narrative is simply more identity politics for the ever growing useful idiots. Tear all of the historical statues and markers down... idgaf. But someday that episode that dealt with slavery will be largely erased from history and nobody will be able to point to a single piece of evidence or cast shame. What you all consider an aggrandizement will be/is a wart... it might be a worse punishment to be forced to keep them. Very few cretins agree with something awful that happened in our (and the world's) past... but you be certain that they love this spotlight. The simple fact is that no slave or slave owner exists today... not one. I think completely shunning and ignoring them would be more effective as deterrent and preserve history as a lesson... but again I don't really care. It's a contrived political issue at this point.


It's a contrived political issue at this point.

White Supremacy and Nazi ideology is certainly not contrived, but it is most certainly moral and political. You have clearly given your Trump like answer, and in that answer you have declared where you stand.

I will be playing poker with a friend I first befriended in An Order of the Arrow regional camping initiation when we were in sixth grade. We went to different grade schools but came in contact with each other and in High School became good friends. He is one of the most intelligent people I have known as he was offered scholarships to MIT and IIT and took the IIT scholarship. He screwed up by drinking and joining a fraternity and dropped out. He later finished his degree and married his high school girlfriend. He went into the scientific area but not as a lead guy, but as a lab tech who was frustrated. He divorced his wife. She fooled around with some black guys when she was single again, and then married a white teacher. He and another friend have very disturbing racial attitudes about the inferiority of the black race. They both had engineering degrees and resent East asian engineers calling them dot heads.

He finally in his later years became a supervisor and had a black tech he supervised. The black tech filed an eeoc complaint about his racism. He was awarded over 100k. This guy was one of the first persons I knew who went out and got a conceal and carry permit, and when I ask him WTF are you afraid of......he implies that black people are savages....but not overtly in those words but in slippery language which says you never know what neighborhood you will be in........He asked me to stop talking about Trump at election time, and we all agreed to not talk politics as six of us were beating up two.

So this intelligent guy is bitter and hurt with the way his life turned off, and he is exactly who I think of when I see your posts. I will never abandon my friend and spent a month in his condo in Cape Coral two years ago, but I also will never stop trying to have him see the light.



2seaoat wrote: and he is exactly who I think of when I see your posts.  I will never abandon my friend and spent a month in his condo in Cape Coral two years ago, but I also will never stop trying to have him see the light.  

You have literally called every single person that I've ever seen you disagree with a racist... EVERY one.

So you'll pardon me if I don't give a shit about your anecdotes. Try to make your point using facts.



Compare and contrast:

Mr. tough-guy badass killing machine:

The same guy later when the cops want to talk to him, crying like a baby:

Ladies and gentlemen, your master race.


They just won't stop....

Get used to it. When evil is confronted we can see the results. He had zero sympathy for an innocent woman who died directly from Nazi incitement, and his tears and amazement in the response I think are genuine. When people he loves reject him, and when decent good people reject his hateful rhetoric, it works, and yes they will not stop.

In regard to anyone who disagrees with me being a racist, I may not be correct in every circumstance about those who are racist, but I am damn near batting pretty close to 950 in baseball the chart because racism is complex, and this guy and others who harbor those feelings get hurt when accused. This guy was proudly spewing off what a bad asz he was. I know real bad asz people who have actually done bad things. They would never interview. period. This is not a video game. Real people are being hurt.



"As a Republican I renounce all racism & bigotry, That's not us. And now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get to the Voter ID law rally."
John Fugelsang



PkrBum wrote:It's stupid and loaded to even ask me that. I'm just laughing at you all getting spun up over statues that dems erected. I can't stand bigoted assholes and have the scars to prove it. But just because a few hundred assholes still don't get it... doesn't paint the other 99.99999% as racists or Nazis... and that leftist narrative is simply more identity politics for the ever growing useful idiots. Tear all of the historical statues and markers down... idgaf. But someday that episode that dealt with slavery will be largely erased from history and nobody will be able to point to a single piece of evidence or cast shame. What you all consider an aggrandizement will be/is a wart... it might be a worse punishment to be forced to keep them. Very few cretins agree with something awful that happened in our (and the world's) past... but you be certain that they love this spotlight. The simple fact is that no slave or slave owner exists today... not one. I think completely shunning and ignoring them would be more effective as deterrent and preserve history as a lesson... but again I don't really care. It's a contrived political issue at this point.

And the fact remains that the racists who caused the death of Ms. Heyer, shouted their very real and valid hatred for Jews, Blacks, and anyone who isn't lily white. Fucking confederate statues erected by southern racists, and revered by current southern racists are a constant reminder of what's wrong in America. They don't allow a statue of Hitler in Germany, we should insist on statues celebrating racist traitors to the United States of America be destroyed. Reality.




You continue to amaze me with your false equivalency. It is beyond moronic. A European statute of Lenin is purchased by private citizens and taken to a Mall on Private Property and displayed. Here is a clue. The government had nothing to do with the same, and the statue was put on private property. So if you want to get statutes of Hitler, Mao, Castro, Stonewall Jackson, or Lee and put them on your property and there is no zoning restriction on the same......go for it , but terrorist monuments celebrating white supremacy on public land needs to be located in museums or private property.

It is not the fact that Lee owned slaves. This is one more false equivalency to equate slave ownership with the terrorist succession to keep human beings in chains, when it is Lee's well documented treasonous acts toward the United States. What would we do if the Joint chief of Staff left America and compromised our country working with North Korea and killed 500k Americans. Then when some folks suggested putting his statue on public land, the horror of the same would fade with time. However, a black man in America must relive indignity and white privilege each and every day. When they look at the public square which they pay taxes, they must be reminded that these traitors who wanted to keep people of color in chains are dog whistle being supported by white people who want to make America great again.



I agree with everything you say above ... except Natzis is spelled Nazis. WS

Thanks for the spelling heads up! Not one of my strong suits, lol.

Baltimore mayor says she wanted to remove Confederate statues 'quickly and quietly'

Baltimore's mayor said she wanted to move “quickly and quietly” after officials approved a plan to remove four Confederate statues Monday night, a decision that came amid a national furor over a violent white nationalist gathering in Virginia organized to protest the removal of a Confederate statue there.

Mayor Catherine Pugh told reporters Wednesday morning she felt the best way to remove the monuments, in an effort to keep the community safe, was to do the work overnight.

“I though there’s enough grandstanding, enough speeches being made [on the top], let’s get it done,” she said. “I spoke with the city council on Monday and said, 'With the climate in this nation, I think it’s very important that we move quickly and quietly'...and that’s what I did.”

I still think Trump will be gone by Thanksgiving. He's lost support from the leaders of the business community and military. He's proven time and again to be totally out of touch with reality and extraordinarily ignorant of history and politics, etc. etc. George Will said tonight he thought he'd resign in a huff sooner rather than later. We can only hope.


2seaoat wrote:It's a contrived political issue at this point.

White Supremacy and Nazi ideology is certainly not contrived, but it is most certainly moral and political.  You have clearly given your Trump like answer, and in that answer you have declared where you stand.

I will be playing poker with a friend I first befriended in An Order of the Arrow regional camping initiation when we were in sixth grade.  We went to different grade schools but came in contact with each other and in High School became good friends.   He is one of the most intelligent people I have known as he was offered scholarships to MIT and IIT and took the IIT scholarship.  He screwed up by drinking and joining a fraternity and dropped out.  He later finished his degree and married his high school girlfriend.   He went into the scientific area but not as a lead guy, but as a lab tech who was frustrated.  He divorced his wife.   She fooled around with some black guys when she was single again, and then married a white teacher.   He and another friend have very disturbing racial attitudes about the inferiority of the black race.  They both had engineering degrees and resent East asian engineers calling them dot heads.

He finally in his later years became a supervisor and had a black tech he supervised.   The black tech filed an eeoc complaint about his racism.   He was awarded over 100k.   This guy was one of the first persons I knew who went out and got a conceal and carry permit, and when I ask him WTF are you afraid of......he implies that black people are savages....but not overtly in those words but in slippery language which says you never know what neighborhood you will be in........He asked me to stop talking about Trump at election time, and we all agreed to not talk politics as six of us were beating up two.

So this intelligent guy is bitter and hurt with the way his life turned off, and he is exactly who I think of when I see your posts.  I will never abandon my friend and spent a month in his condo in Cape Coral two years ago, but I also will never stop trying to have him see the light.  

So you hang around racists and use their condo but continually condemn people for being racist? Imagine that?



This is the cover of The Economist magazine.

Krauthammer says what Trump did today was a "moral disgrace!" 20170819_LDD001_0



The article in the Economist is worth reading too. The cover so blew me away that I hadn't read the actual article.

Forget the collusion with the Russians or even the conflicts of interest etc. etc. but he may get the boot due to being unfit for office. I keep hoping!

Mr Trump is not a white supremacist. He repeated his criticism of neo-Nazis and spoke out against the murder of Heather Heyer (see our Obituary). Even so, his unsteady response contains a terrible message for Americans. Far from being the saviour of the Republic, their president is politically inept, morally barren and temperamentally unfit for office.
Start with the ineptness. In last year’s presidential election Mr Trump campaigned against the political class to devastating effect. Yet this week he has bungled the simplest of political tests: finding a way to condemn Nazis.

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