I'm glad for Krauthammer standing up against white supremacists (even though his name's always sounded like it should be one of their groups!
) There are still Republicans with principles and moral courage (not that it takes much to denounce
fucking NAZIS ) and I'm glad to see them standing up. Marco Rubio, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orin Hatch, Corey Gardner, Mitt Romney, and others have made it clear that they do not stand for this, and I may not agree with them on much else, but I'm glad that they're decent human beings on this issue, and I respect them for that. Those are getting harder to find. I don't like Republicans because I've seen how their policies consistently make things worse, but, they should be a viable,
American party. It's healthier for the country when we have two capable parties competing. But they have to be decent.
One of those parties cannot be motherfucking
white nationalists. No way. Not on American soil. We kill that shit, we don't support it.
Lately, under Trump, the GOP has become a sickly, cringing thing, bowing to white nationalism. And on the long term that imperils their future. If they survive this, it'll be because of principled people like the aforementioned lifting it up out of the dreck that the mentally ill Donald Trump has weakly and cowardly face-planted it in. There's going to have to be a civil war inside the Republican party, and I hope sanity and decency will be victorious over Trump. America is too great a country for the shit he's spewing.