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4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens. The war between cops and citizens continues ...

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The police in North Dakota just attacked the anti-pipeline demonstrators with fire hoses, bombs, rubber bullets and pepper spray. Hundreds of demonstrators were injured, one woman had much of her arm blown off. The demonstrators were unarmed.

The result? Chalk up another score for the cops, and increased hatred across the country for anyone wearing a police uniform.

Fact: In the war on cops, innocent cops are victims. In the war on the citizens, innocent people are victims.

In the words of the great Rodney King: Can't we all just git along?

Fact: Fear brings hatred and hatred brings violence. The cops are doing it to themselves. Reality



Seems to me that those demonstrators were on private property which makes their actions illegal.

How do their illegal actions for weeks now, provide a reason for criminals to assassinate police?



Weren't the calls for swift firm actions when protestors occupied against the federal land agencies?



Markle wrote:Seems to me that those demonstrators were on private property which makes their actions illegal.

How do their illegal actions for weeks now, provide a reason for criminals to assassinate police?

I know the concept is difficult for you, but when cops brutalize people, they generate the fear of police officers. Eventually, for some people, that fear becomes hatred.

For most people, cops are the face of government. At this point in time, very few Americans trust their government. And very, very few trust cops.

Accordingly, the war will continue and the casualties will mount and more cops and citizens will die.

Isn't that what you want?



Just in case Wordslinger missed this factual comment.

WRONG AGAIN my good friend Socialist Wordslinger.

The vast majority of Americans strongly agree that ALL Americans should be treated equally.

Also, the vast majority of Americans strongly oppose anyone demanding benefits and entitlements NOT available to all. We also vehemently oppose anyone who demonstrates in a disruptive or destructive manner instead of working toward solutions.

Wordslinger supports the assassination of police in retaliation of one in a million occurrences most often instigated by the victim simply refusing to obey simple instructions.

Anyone who attempts to justify the assassination of the very people who keep ours a civil society are the real DEPLORABLES of our country.

Hopefully, Wordslinger defends assassin's out of a misguided idea that it somehow upsets others. If he is serious, that is pitiful and sad.



Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:Seems to me that those demonstrators were on private property which makes their actions illegal.

How do their illegal actions for weeks now, provide a reason for criminals to assassinate police?

I know the concept is difficult for you, but when cops brutalize people, they generate the fear of police officers.  Eventually, for some people, that fear becomes hatred.

For most people, cops are the face of government.  At this point in time, very few Americans trust their government.  And very, very few trust cops.

Accordingly, the war will continue and the casualties will mount and more cops and citizens will die.

Isn't that what you want?  


In U.S., Confidence in Police Lowest in 22 Years

by Jeffrey M. Jones

52% confidence in police ties 1993 low
Police still rate among most trusted institutions
Democrats show sharp decline in confidence

PRINCETON, N.J. -- While a majority of Americans remain confident in the police, 52% currently express "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in that institution, tying the low in Gallup's 22-year trend. Confidence has ranged fairly narrowly between 52% and 64% since 1993.

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Trust%20in%20Police_zpsa5lvvhgg

Very telling...very telling.  Democrats must be proud of their destructive record.



Some of those pipeline demonstrators were engaging in illegal and dangerous activities. Such as, cutting locks on pipeline valves and screwing with the valves to try and cause an oil spill. They were also damaging pipeline construction equipment and the like. Those kinds of activities should never be tolerated.

I read about squirting the protestors with water this morning. I figured that if the cold North Dakota weather did not drive them all away, the incoming Trump administration would. They have been camping out on Federal property, and have been allowed to stay up to this point.


How do their illegal actions for weeks now

Bundy and group gets a year plus......but a few weeks of folks protesting their burial grounds.....yep......they are just native Americans......silly to think otherwise.

I am a strong supporter of pipelines. They are safer than rail and make sense, but the quick take of pipeline easements run into problems when dealing native American land.



The comparison of how Bundy and his white cowboy revolutionaries was handled, vs. how the Native American protestors have been handled, speaks for itself.

Yes Virginia, racism is alive and thriving in Amerika.

What would it really have cost to re-rout the line around where the Indians have concern? A few million?

One thing about a pipeline -- it's duck soup to anyone who wants to blow a hole in it. They're virtually impossible to protect one end to another. This thing isn't anywhere near over.




Wordslinger wrote:The comparison of how Bundy and his white cowboy revolutionaries was handled, vs. how the Native American protestors have been handled, speaks for itself.

Yes Virginia, racism is alive and thriving in Amerika.

What would it really have cost to re-rout the line around where the Indians have concern?  A few million?

One thing about a pipeline -- it's duck soup to anyone who wants to blow a hole in it.  They're virtually impossible to protect one end to another.  This thing isn't anywhere near over.  


Has nothing to do with race. As you well know!

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Boring-marketing-content



Wordslinger wrote:The comparison of how Bundy and his white cowboy revolutionaries was handled, vs. how the Native American protestors have been handled, speaks for itself.

Yes Virginia, racism is alive and thriving in Amerika.

What would it really have cost to re-rout the line around where the Indians have concern?  A few million?

One thing about a pipeline -- it's duck soup to anyone who wants to blow a hole in it.  They're virtually impossible to protect one end to another.  This thing isn't anywhere near over.


Yeah, it really is over.

If that's your excuse, share with us all how many miles there are in the US of either oil or gas pipelines.



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:The comparison of how Bundy and his white cowboy revolutionaries was handled, vs. how the Native American protestors have been handled, speaks for itself.

Yes Virginia, racism is alive and thriving in Amerika.

What would it really have cost to re-rout the line around where the Indians have concern?  A few million?

One thing about a pipeline -- it's duck soup to anyone who wants to blow a hole in it.  They're virtually impossible to protect one end to another.  This thing isn't anywhere near over.


Yeah, it really is over.

If that's your excuse, share with us all how many miles there are in the US of either oil or gas pipelines.

Why would I want to do that? Off your meds again?



Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:The comparison of how Bundy and his white cowboy revolutionaries was handled, vs. how the Native American protestors have been handled, speaks for itself.

Yes Virginia, racism is alive and thriving in Amerika.

What would it really have cost to re-rout the line around where the Indians have concern?  A few million?

One thing about a pipeline -- it's duck soup to anyone who wants to blow a hole in it.  They're virtually impossible to protect one end to another.  This thing isn't anywhere near over.


Yeah, it really is over.

If that's your excuse, share with us all how many miles there are in the US of either oil or gas pipelines.

Why would I want to do that?  Off your meds again?

To make you look foolish and uninformed. You know, like always and then, you know you look foolish, whining, so then you make a feeble effort to insult me because I take guess is that you do as well. So what?



Markle, my fascist-racist friend: The thread or theme of this line of comment was that police brutality against citizens brings on the hatred and mistrust of cops that results in police being ambushed.

As usual, you opt to deviate from the thread because you know my statement was true. What we get from you instead is an unabashed attack on the Native American pipeline protestors.

You want more cops to die, just keep up your insane rhetoric defending their brutality. Reality.



Wordslinger wrote:Markle, my fascist-racist friend:  The thread or theme of this line of comment was that police brutality against citizens brings on the hatred and mistrust of cops that results in police being ambushed.  

As usual, you opt to deviate from the thread because you know my statement was true.  What we get from you instead is an unabashed attack on the Native American pipeline protestors.

You want more cops to die, just keep up your insane rhetoric defending their brutality.  Reality.

Which of these pipelines do we need to protect from stem to stern? I'm a bit confused about this.

YOU'RE the one who brought in the illegal pipeline demonstrations. Don't leave them now.

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Pipelines%20USA_zpstvk3mxoh



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Markle, my fascist-racist friend:  The thread or theme of this line of comment was that police brutality against citizens brings on the hatred and mistrust of cops that results in police being ambushed.  

As usual, you opt to deviate from the thread because you know my statement was true.  What we get from you instead is an unabashed attack on the Native American pipeline protestors.

You want more cops to die, just keep up your insane rhetoric defending their brutality.  Reality.

Which of these pipelines do we need to protect from stem to stern?  I'm a bit confused about this.

YOU'RE the one who brought in the illegal pipeline demonstrations.  Don't leave them now.

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Pipelines%20USA_zpstvk3mxoh

The possibility of fouling their drinking water was part of the cause of the demonstration. The other part dealt with protecting their sacred sites. I realize that as a racist-fascist Christian you don't respect anyone elses' religion You fucking hard right Christians are really all alike. But that said, why do you hate cops so much? The issue isn't about protest, it's about police brutality. And the penalties that will surely be incurred.



Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Markle, my fascist-racist friend: The thread or theme of this line of comment was that police brutality against citizens brings on the hatred and mistrust of cops that results in police being ambushed.

As usual, you opt to deviate from the thread because you know my statement was true. What we get from you instead is an unabashed attack on the Native American pipeline protestors.

You want more cops to die, just keep up your insane rhetoric defending their brutality. Reality.

Which of these pipelines do we need to protect from stem to stern? I'm a bit confused about this.

YOU'RE the one who brought in the illegal pipeline demonstrations. Don't leave them now.

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Pipelines%20USA_zpstvk3mxoh

The possibility of fouling their drinking water was part of the cause of the demonstration. The other part dealt with protecting their sacred sites. I realize that as a racist-fascist Christian you don't respect anyone elses' religion You fucking hard right Christians are really all alike. But that said, why do you hate cops so much? The issue isn't about protest, it's about police brutality. And the penalties that will surely be incurred.

I'm sorry?

YOU are the one that changed the subject to the difficulty of protecting every foot of the pipeline from one end to the other.

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Profanity%208_zpsyntqyp4i



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Markle, my fascist-racist friend:  The thread or theme of this line of comment was that police brutality against citizens brings on the hatred and mistrust of cops that results in police being ambushed.  

As usual, you opt to deviate from the thread because you know my statement was true.  What we get from you instead is an unabashed attack on the Native American pipeline protestors.

You want more cops to die, just keep up your insane rhetoric defending their brutality.  Reality.

Which of these pipelines do we need to protect from stem to stern?  I'm a bit confused about this.

YOU'RE the one who brought in the illegal pipeline demonstrations.  Don't leave them now.

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Pipelines%20USA_zpstvk3mxoh

The possibility of fouling their drinking water was part of the cause of the demonstration.  The other part dealt with protecting their sacred  sites.  I realize that as a racist-fascist Christian you don't respect anyone elses' religion  You fucking hard right Christians are really all alike.  But that said, why do you hate cops so much? The issue isn't about protest, it's about police brutality.  And the penalties that will surely be incurred.

I'm sorry?

YOU are the one that changed the subject to the difficulty of protecting every foot of the pipeline from one end to the other.

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Profanity%208_zpsyntqyp4i

Violence begets violence, as you well know. If a group of people are deadset against a pipeline, it can be seriously damaged quite easily.

Instead of dealing with the protestors at Standing Rock, the police chose aggressive confrontation -- which was not the case -- as you well know when Madman Bundy and his revolutionary cowboys were confronting the police.

Once again, why do you want cops to die?



Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Markle, my fascist-racist friend:  The thread or theme of this line of comment was that police brutality against citizens brings on the hatred and mistrust of cops that results in police being ambushed.  

As usual, you opt to deviate from the thread because you know my statement was true.  What we get from you instead is an unabashed attack on the Native American pipeline protestors.

You want more cops to die, just keep up your insane rhetoric defending their brutality.  Reality.

So when the demonstrators occupied PRIVATE PROPERTY, in your mind, the police came on the scene and immediately began shooting rubber bullets and fire hoses on the illegal occupants.

Is that how it happened?

Which of these pipelines do we need to protect from stem to stern?  I'm a bit confused about this.

YOU'RE the one who brought in the illegal pipeline demonstrations.  Don't leave them now.

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Pipelines%20USA_zpstvk3mxoh

The possibility of fouling their drinking water was part of the cause of the demonstration.  The other part dealt with protecting their sacred  sites.  I realize that as a racist-fascist Christian you don't respect anyone elses' religion  You fucking hard right Christians are really all alike.  But that said, why do you hate cops so much? The issue isn't about protest, it's about police brutality.  And the penalties that will surely be incurred.

I'm sorry?

YOU are the one that changed the subject to the difficulty of protecting every foot of the pipeline from one end to the other.

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Profanity%208_zpsyntqyp4i

Violence begets violence, as you well know.  If a group of people are deadset against a pipeline, it can be seriously damaged quite easily.

Instead of dealing with the protestors at Standing Rock, the police chose aggressive confrontation -- which was not the case -- as you well know when Madman Bundy and his revolutionary cowboys were confronting the police.

Once again, why do you want cops to die?

So in your mind, the demonstrators illegally occupied the private property and were then immediately set upon by crazed police shooting them with rubber bullets and water cannons terrorizing the illegal occupants.

Is that right?



Wordslinger wrote:Markle, my fascist-racist friend:  The thread or theme of this line of comment was that police brutality against citizens brings on the hatred and mistrust of cops that results in police being ambushed.  

As usual, you opt to deviate from the thread because you know my statement was true.  What we get from you instead is an unabashed attack on the Native American pipeline protestors.

You want more cops to die, just keep up your insane rhetoric defending their brutality.  Reality.

Many of the officers killed were ambushed.

Gunfire deaths this year4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Arrow-red-large
59 officers killed



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Markle, my fascist-racist friend:  The thread or theme of this line of comment was that police brutality against citizens brings on the hatred and mistrust of cops that results in police being ambushed.  

As usual, you opt to deviate from the thread because you know my statement was true.  What we get from you instead is an unabashed attack on the Native American pipeline protestors.

You want more cops to die, just keep up your insane rhetoric defending their brutality.  Reality.

So when the demonstrators occupied PRIVATE PROPERTY, in your mind, the police came on the scene and immediately began shooting rubber bullets and fire hoses on the illegal occupants.

Is that how it happened?

Which of these pipelines do we need to protect from stem to stern?  I'm a bit confused about this.

YOU'RE the one who brought in the illegal pipeline demonstrations.  Don't leave them now.

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Pipelines%20USA_zpstvk3mxoh

The possibility of fouling their drinking water was part of the cause of the demonstration.  The other part dealt with protecting their sacred  sites.  I realize that as a racist-fascist Christian you don't respect anyone elses' religion  You fucking hard right Christians are really all alike.  But that said, why do you hate cops so much? The issue isn't about protest, it's about police brutality.  And the penalties that will surely be incurred.

I'm sorry?

YOU are the one that changed the subject to the difficulty of protecting every foot of the pipeline from one end to the other.

4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Profanity%208_zpsyntqyp4i

Violence begets violence, as you well know.  If a group of people are deadset against a pipeline, it can be seriously damaged quite easily.

Instead of dealing with the protestors at Standing Rock, the police chose aggressive confrontation -- which was not the case -- as you well know when Madman Bundy and his revolutionary cowboys were confronting the police.

Once again, why do you want cops to die?

So in your mind, the demonstrators illegally occupied the private property and were then immediately set upon by crazed police shooting them with rubber bullets and water cannons terrorizing the illegal occupants.

Is that right?

Actually it wasn't private property, it was Federal property and most of the protestors who were hosed with a water cannon in freezing temperatures were indeed acting non-violently, as was the woman who lost most of her arm to a grenade tossed by the Sheriff's mob.

From day one there was no attempt whatever to negotiate or even hear the complaints of the protestors.

No wonder cops are being ambushed all over the country.

No wonder.



Joanimaroni wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Markle, my fascist-racist friend:  The thread or theme of this line of comment was that police brutality against citizens brings on the hatred and mistrust of cops that results in police being ambushed.  

As usual, you opt to deviate from the thread because you know my statement was true.  What we get from you instead is an unabashed attack on the Native American pipeline protestors.

You want more cops to die, just keep up your insane rhetoric defending their brutality.  Reality.

Many of the officers killed were ambushed.

Gunfire deaths this year4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Arrow-red-large
59 officers killed

As should be expected when cops all across the country have been demonstrating brutality. The perpetrators are simply exercising their hatred -- a product of fear.

As I said elsewhere, as long as cops choose to bully, beat and murder citizens, retaliation should be expected. The problem is, many of the victimized cops are as innocent as the suspects other cops have murdered.



Wordslinger wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Markle, my fascist-racist friend:  The thread or theme of this line of comment was that police brutality against citizens brings on the hatred and mistrust of cops that results in police being ambushed.  

As usual, you opt to deviate from the thread because you know my statement was true.  What we get from you instead is an unabashed attack on the Native American pipeline protestors.

You want more cops to die, just keep up your insane rhetoric defending their brutality.  Reality.

Many of the officers killed were ambushed.

Gunfire deaths this year4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Arrow-red-large
59 officers killed

As should be expected when cops all across the country have been demonstrating brutality.  The perpetrators are simply exercising their hatred -- a product of fear.

As I said elsewhere, as long as cops choose to bully, beat and murder citizens, retaliation should be expected.  The problem is, many of the victimized cops are as innocent as the suspects other cops have murdered.  

All suspects killed by officers were not innocent. When an officer is shot in the head sitting in a patrol or ambushed that is premeditated murder.



Joanimaroni wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Markle, my fascist-racist friend:  The thread or theme of this line of comment was that police brutality against citizens brings on the hatred and mistrust of cops that results in police being ambushed.  

As usual, you opt to deviate from the thread because you know my statement was true.  What we get from you instead is an unabashed attack on the Native American pipeline protestors.

You want more cops to die, just keep up your insane rhetoric defending their brutality.  Reality.

Many of the officers killed were ambushed.

Gunfire deaths this year4 cops ambushed and murdered by angry citizens.  The war between cops and citizens continues ... Arrow-red-large
59 officers killed

As should be expected when cops all across the country have been demonstrating brutality.  The perpetrators are simply exercising their hatred -- a product of fear.

As I said elsewhere, as long as cops choose to bully, beat and murder citizens, retaliation should be expected.  The problem is, many of the victimized cops are as innocent as the suspects other cops have murdered.  

All suspects killed by officers were not innocent. When an officer is shot in the head sitting in a patrol or ambushed that is premeditated murder.

And we've seen more than a half dozen innocent, unarmed suspects gunned down by rogue cops in the past year. I vividly remember the one where a black unarmed suspect was shot in the back and killed by a Law Enforcement Officer. Don't you?

If the cops want to continue their war on the people, they and you should expect casualties.



How can you willingly cede more and more scope and power to the govt and then complain when they smack you down?

Are you really that short sighted?

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