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I was listening to NPR on my way back from Mobile

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I heard this lady singing and she knocked my socks off....she was much older than the song above but her voice had really mellowed beautifully and she was singing Jazz and playing the piano ..It made the trip home a real pleasure. I am sure a lot of you have heard her because y'all's so cultured....wanted to share... she died at 84 ...

Here I found the NPR show and it has an audio link....

Smile Smile Smile

Last edited by TEOTWAWKI on 9/29/2012, 3:00 am; edited 1 time in total



Here's the actual link...





This one reminds me of Chrissy....






TEOTWAWKI wrote:This one reminds me of Chrissy....

Cool music! I like....

and it the retro glasses or the song that reminds you of me Razz

I love it when you think of me baby...kiss kiss

hugs I love you

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I'll be damned. That was actually her given name.

"Born Blossom Margrete Dearie in East Durham, N.Y., on April 28, 1924"



bob... i started a thread some weeks ago about a story i heard on npr. it was on a show called "this american life" most of the stories are good... but #352: the ghost of bobby dunbar was really out there and i thght you would enjoy it for some reason. it's downloadable as a mp3 i think... which is great for simple players if you wanted to listen while walking. anyway... thght I'd mention it again.



hellooooo bob... not interested or haven't seen this thread?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I just now saw the post. I'll go listen to it now.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

just finished part one and now starting part two. it's an absolutely amazing story and equally tragic. and beyond that there's the descendant figuring it out a hundred years later. truly remarkable. thanks for sharing it with me.



no worries... i thght you would appreciate the twists and turns... great story. i'm travelling to a tennis tourn this week... I'm going to listen to more of them.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I've never listened to NPR much in the past with one exception being Prairie Home Companion which i listen to regularly and occasionally Car Talk.
But after I've started doing daily walks I put an app on my smartphone which gives me all the local radio stations through my bluetooth headset while I'm walking and I've been listening to a lot more NPR "Morning Edition".
I wonder if you'll agree with me about something. NPR is not what those morons on fox news and limbaugh say it is. The quality of the programming is heads and shoulders above that right-wing sewer on commercial AM. I think I may even make a pledge the next time they do the fundraising.



i agree. i boycotted them for about a year after they screwed over juan williams... but i missed it... lol.

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