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Why Donald Trump will do even worse in the second debate

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Why Donald Trump will do even worse in the second debate


Can Donald Trump bounce back in his next debate with Hillary Clinton, after she outperformed him so emphatically in their first meeting? It's going to be awfully tough for him. It isn't a matter of downing a triple espresso beforehand or coming up with a clever line or two. To change things in a meaningful way, he'd have to essentially stop being Donald Trump.

An extraordinary article in The New York Times paints Trump's staff as something akin to earnest yet overwhelmed elementary school teachers trying to figure out how to contain and channel the behavior of a unruly child who hasn't taken his meds. They suggest he should practice, only to be rebuked. They bring in a podium for a mock debate, and see it go unused. In the end, it all falls apart......



With this strategy of telling his followers to watch a sex tape at 3AM (I wonder what his vulgar short fingers were doing?) of a Miss Universe from Venezuela, it’s a two-fer! I think he’s gonna get 100% of the hispanic vote and probably all the skirts, too. Amiright?

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