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What can be done to change the record setting pace of murders and shootings in Chicago?

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What can be done to change the record-setting pace of murders and shootings in Chicago?

According to the CPD’s most recent CompStat figures, 133 people have been murdered in 2016, compared to 77 during the same period in 2015. Shootings are up 91 percent.

Is light sentencing the problem as is mentioned in the article or something else?


Too funny......the states with the highest murder rates have the toughest sentencing and highest per capita rate of jailed citizens.....propaganda is taking a little bit of truth and twisting the same to create a lie. If you think a gang banger is worried about have never met a gangbanger,,,,,its a business.....and murder is part of the deal, but how come Florida has more murders per capita than Illinois.....there is a correct answer.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Markle wrote:What can be done to change the record-setting pace of murders and shootings in Chicago?

According to the CPD’s most recent CompStat figures, 133 people have been murdered in 2016, compared to 77 during the same period in 2015. Shootings are up 91 percent.

Is light sentencing the problem as is mentioned in the article or something else?

The problem is there can be no claim of bigotry and racism with black on black crime.  The only lives which matter are the ones in which a claim of white bigotry and racism can be made.  Without that,  no one cares.  THAT is the problem.


The problem is there can be no claim of bigotry and racism with black on black crime.

What utter lack of understanding of what really drives crime. Poverty is clearly the most important component in crime, with youth the second most important factor. When a racist system does not hire minority folks, and those folks have been in structural poverty since the reality of Jim Crow and Slavery before, you think that black on black crime has nothing to do with the same and a decade of fairness can erase a century plus of oppression......what an apologist for your racist views.



Bill clinton is a racist now too for telling the truth... right?



2seaoat wrote:Too funny......the states with the highest murder rates have the toughest sentencing and highest per capita rate of jailed citizens.....propaganda is taking a little bit of truth and twisting the same to create a lie. If you think a gang banger is worried about have never met a gangbanger,,,,,its a business.....and murder is part of the deal, but how come Florida has more murders per capita than Illinois.....there is a correct answer.

Just as I thought, EXCUSES but no solutions.

As for the murder rate, it appears you are playing the all too perfect roll of foil, once again. Your post is not true.

What can be done to change the record setting pace of murders and shootings in Chicago? 5108da77-e997-4e62-9c15-af2f76f78cdb_zpsca2da319

What can be done to change the record setting pace of murders and shootings in Chicago? 55ee1394-7a8c-461d-a04e-7a8a31fdeebf_zps94cffdab

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Looks like Bill Clinton agrees with me.  At least until he was made to walk it back.
This must prove that Clinton is a racist like I am.  And that's a little weird since he's known as "America's first black president".  lol


Bill Clinton's 1994 crime bill was the most damaging legislation to minorities in America in the last fifty years. He would put a black kid in jail selling crack for years, while a white kid selling cocaine would get a lesser sentence.......sorry you can take the boy out of Arkansas, but you can never take all the Arkansas out of the boy. He definitely likes elevator that makes it all ok......

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Well if Bill Clinton ilikes The Allman Brothers then that definitely makes him a racist. The Allman Brothers played a big part in getting Jimmy Carter elected and of course Carter had all the same ideas as David Duke. Lol



2seaoat wrote:Bill Clinton's 1994 crime bill was the most damaging legislation to minorities in America in the last fifty years.  He would put a black kid in jail selling crack for years, while a white kid selling cocaine would get a lesser sentence.......sorry you can take the boy out of Arkansas, but you can never take all the Arkansas out of the boy.  He definitely likes elevator that makes it all ok......

That was, in fact, unfair and has been changed.



So no one has a solution for the massive increase in murders and shootings in Chicago?

Are we then to simply accept that as the new normal?



Markle wrote:So no one has a solution for the massive increase in murders and shootings in Chicago?

Are we then to simply accept that as the new normal?

It sure looks that way.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Markle wrote:

Are we then to simply accept that as the new normal?

It's just one of the great many signs of a nation in stark decline.



Bob wrote:
Markle wrote:

Are we then to simply accept that as the new normal?

It's just one of the great many signs of a nation in stark decline.

We have been in decline.

Why are some cities in a far worse state of decline than others?

Florida is doing quite well under Gov. Rick Scott.

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