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Huge increase in shootings and homicides

8 posters

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Chicago.....over 730 victims of GSW and over 130 deaths since January 2016. That is a 70% increase.

Strict gun laws cannot keep up with the total lack of respect for human life.



That's average for Chi-town. Liberals will blame the guns though and not the trigger puller



South Chicago is a cesspool . . . . . . worked there for one winter and those people are screwed . . . . . being born into a cesspool makes it practically impossible to escape . . . . . it is beyond a rough neighborhood . . . . . . gangs rule and they don't play!



Lots of excuses but no acceptance of responsibility on the part of my Progressive good friends.

Chicago has been under the rule of Democrats for decades. Totally corrupt city. On a par with New Orleans and others.

What happened in the equally dangerous and murderous city of New York when Republican Rudy Guiliani became mayor. He took Times Square from a sewer to a shining star of the city, murders were cut in half and crime was slashed.

Come the rule of Democrats in New York and SURPRISE, they destroy all the hard work done by the Republicans.



Markle wrote:Come the rule of Democrats in New York and SURPRISE, they destroy all the hard work done by the Republicans.  

I believe New York had a Republican mayor when this happened:

Huge increase in shootings and homicides Gettyimages-1161069_master



Markle wrote:Come the rule of Democrats in New York and SURPRISE, they destroy all the hard work done by the Republicans.  

I believe New York had a Republican mayor when this happened:

Huge increase in shootings and homicides Gettyimages-1161069_meter

Your desperation is duly noted.

I thought that was President Bush's fault? As you know, the attack was made possible by the wall erected by President Clinton between the sixteen or so intelligence agencies. The purpose, at the time, was to prevent leaks. The result was that all the different agencies were like blindfolded men describing what they were holding when each was holding or touching a different part of an elephant. They were not allowed to connect the dots. The Bush administration changed that defect, after it was discovered after 9/11.

As you know, the aftermath of 9/11 was handled by Mayor Rudy Guiliani masterfully. Guiliani had the New York agencies brainstorm what they would do if the unthinkable happened. They then did drills to see what worked and what did not.

Cute try though!



It won't be the last time it's repeated. They will continue until it's written in the text books and all that's known.

The nazis were particularly fond of this methodology... and we still know how much the progressives admired the nazis.

“When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.” Hitler



Markle wrote:I thought that was President Bush's fault?

What did former President Truman say about the person who occupies the Oval Office?

Huge increase in shootings and homicides Truman

You need to cease with your myopic blame-shifting and finally, once and for all, ADMIT that the "Buck" stopped on the desk of George W. Bush on 9/11/01. Of course, what was he doing during the all too important fateful minutes in which the attacks occurred?

Huge increase in shootings and homicides 299_booker_classroom_closeup2050081722-9138



Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:Come the rule of Democrats in New York and SURPRISE, they destroy all the hard work done by the Republicans.  

I believe New York had a Republican mayor when this happened:

Huge increase in shootings and homicides Gettyimages-1161069_meter

Your desperation is duly noted.

I thought that was President Bush's fault?  As you know, the attack was made possible by the wall erected by President Clinton between the sixteen or so intelligence agencies.  The purpose, at the time, was to prevent leaks.  The result was that all the different agencies were like blindfolded men describing what they were holding when each was holding or touching a different part of an elephant.  They were not allowed to connect the dots.  The Bush administration changed that defect, after it was discovered after 9/11.

As you know, the aftermath of 9/11 was handled by Mayor Rudy Guiliani masterfully.  Guiliani had the New York agencies brainstorm what they would do if the unthinkable happened.  They then did drills to see what worked and what did not.

Cute try though!

CUTE LIE, Markle. Guiliani and his jailbird police commissioner, Bernard Kerik, were responsible for the faulty radios used by police and firefighters that day. Why would Guiliani run drills for attacks on the WTC when Condi Rice clearly stated that no one could have envisioned such an attack, even though the WTC had been attacked in the past? It was easy for Guiliani to look heroic that day, since he was IN ON IT.



Note to all my republican friends: Reagan and
Giuliani are still dead.



Wordslinger wrote:Note to all my republican friends: Reagan and
Giuliani are still dead.

Lol... y'all sure hate facts... and staying on topic when it doesn't suit you. Btw... when did Giuliani die?



PkrBum wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Note to all my republican friends:  Reagan and
Giuliani are still dead.  

Lol... y'all sure hate facts... and staying on topic when it doesn't suit you. Btw... when did Giuliani die?

Yeah, I was curious when Rudy Giuliani died too.

Then again, Wordslinger is not familiar with the boiling point of water either.



Markle wrote:Come the rule of Democrats in New York and SURPRISE, they destroy all the hard work done by the Republicans.  

I believe New York had a Republican mayor when this happened:

Huge increase in shootings and homicides Gettyimages-1161069_master

Which POTUS led during the first attacks that led to the 2nd because he was too busy getting head in the WH?



Floridatexan wrote:
Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:Come the rule of Democrats in New York and SURPRISE, they destroy all the hard work done by the Republicans.  

I believe New York had a Republican mayor when this happened:

Huge increase in shootings and homicides Gettyimages-1161069_meter

Your desperation is duly noted.

I thought that was President Bush's fault?  As you know, the attack was made possible by the wall erected by President Clinton between the sixteen or so intelligence agencies.  The purpose, at the time, was to prevent leaks.  The result was that all the different agencies were like blindfolded men describing what they were holding when each was holding or touching a different part of an elephant.  They were not allowed to connect the dots.  The Bush administration changed that defect, after it was discovered after 9/11.

As you know, the aftermath of 9/11 was handled by Mayor Rudy Guiliani masterfully.  Guiliani had the New York agencies brainstorm what they would do if the unthinkable happened.  They then did drills to see what worked and what did not.

Cute try though!

CUTE LIE, Markle.  Guiliani and his jailbird police commissioner, Bernard Kerik, were responsible for the faulty radios used by police and firefighters that day.  Why would Guiliani run drills for attacks on the WTC when Condi Rice clearly stated that no one could have envisioned such an attack, even though the WTC had been attacked in the past?  It was easy for Guiliani to look heroic that day, since he was IN ON IT.

Attacked in the past with a DEM POTUS. TY very much. A DEM POTUS who did nothing but roll cigars up the vagina of a young intern.



PkrBum wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Note to all my republican friends:  Reagan and
Giuliani are still dead.  

Lol... y'all sure hate facts... and staying on topic when it doesn't suit you. Btw... when did Giuliani die?

Dammit....we didn't get invited to the funeral.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

If they had gun control in Chicago none of this would ever happen.  But it's mostly the fault of republicans.


Markle wrote:I thought that was President Bush's fault?

What did former President Truman say about the person who occupies the Oval Office?

Huge increase in shootings and homicides Truman

You need to cease with your myopic blame-shifting and finally, once and for all, ADMIT that the "Buck" stopped on the desk of George W. Bush on 9/11/01. Of course, what was he doing during the all too important fateful minutes in which the attacks occurred?

Huge increase in shootings and homicides 299_booker_classroom_closeup2050081722-9138

What was he supposed to be doing? Personally tracking down a suicidal crew of maniacs?

Liberal hypocrisy and lack of objectivity is astounding......



gatorfan wrote:
Markle wrote:I thought that was President Bush's fault?

What did former President Truman say about the person who occupies the Oval Office?

Huge increase in shootings and homicides Truman

You need to cease with your myopic blame-shifting and finally, once and for all, ADMIT that the "Buck" stopped on the desk of George W. Bush on 9/11/01. Of course, what was he doing during the all too important fateful minutes in which the attacks occurred?

Huge increase in shootings and homicides 299_booker_classroom_closeup2050081722-9138

What was he supposed to be doing? Personally tracking down a suicidal crew of maniacs?

Liberal hypocrisy and lack of objectivity is astounding......

Or running out of the school....upsetting the kids. I think following SS instructions and waiting 3 minutes on preparations was more importsnt.



Bob wrote:If they had gun control in Chicago none of this would ever happen.  But it's mostly the fault of republicans.
Huge increase in shootings and homicides Laughinganimationdog

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I have a question.  Why do black lives matter only when it's cops doing the shooting.  Why do black lives not matter when it's black civilians doing the shooting?  And why does asking this question make me a racist?



Because it doesn't fit the ideologic narrative that blacks are oppressed and that guns are bad all by themselves.

Anything that undermines that must be silenced by any means necessary.



Bob wrote:I have a question.  Why do black lives matter only when it's cops doing the shooting.  Why do black lives not matter when it's black civilians doing the shooting?  And why does asking this question make me a racist?

In my opinion, it does not make you a racist. Who is calling you a racist?

As for your question, you'd have to ask a representative of BLM. I'm an old white guy.

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