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Wind of Change

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1Wind of Change Empty Wind of Change 2/7/2016, 2:11 pm


2Wind of Change Empty Re: Wind of Change 2/18/2016, 11:06 am




3Wind of Change Empty Re: Wind of Change 2/18/2016, 11:09 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

I was always a big fan of this song as a kid growing up in the 80s.

4Wind of Change Empty Re: Wind of Change 2/18/2016, 11:17 am



My daughter won 1st place for gulf coat kids house --she made a drawing of a little girl with a flower and the girl was blowing the flower which sent petals flying and she wrote on top--Winds of change and it was so cool

She was in 3rd grade I don't know how she came up with that by herself -its just one of my keepsakes forever

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