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Unconfirmed, this may be the driver....

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Unconfirmed, this may be the driver.... WEBLakeisha-Holloway

Lakeisha Holloway



Lakeisha N. Holloway of Portland identified by police as driver who plowed into Vegas pedestrians



She was NOT DRUNK...



Unconfirmed, this may be the driver.... 2F8D9E3200000578-3368450-image-m-34_1450714280805


She was NOT DRUNK...

is that also unconfirmed?



2seaoat wrote:She was NOT DRUNK...

is that also unconfirmed?


He gave no indications as to a motive but ruled out the possibility of terrorism.

Meanwhile, LaShay Hardaway, Holloway’s cousin, said: ‘This is not like her. She’s a very successful woman, she’s always been successful, she’s an overachiever.

‘It’s not her character. We are all trying to figure out what happened. Something very tragic must have taken place in her life because this is not her.

‘This is not something she would ever do. We are so sorry for those families affected by this’.

Sheria Agum, another of Holloway’s cousins, said: ‘She’s sweet, she’s a loving mother. She’s a very strong mum’.

Miss Agum added that she last saw Holloway a month ago and after that she changed her number. Holloway’s mother told her she had not heard from her since and she ‘went off the radar’.

Miss Agum said that Holloway had been staying in Texas until recently but upon her return to the West coast she noticed a change in her character.

She said: ‘I have never seen my cousin like that. Her whole attitude changed. She was having problems down there. When she came back she was different’.

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

About a thousand gumshoe reporters are digging under every rock.  We'll all find out everything there is to know about this woman before it's over.  And don't fret,  not even obama or the illuminatti will be able to cover that up.  lol

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