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Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban

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1Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 11/22/2015, 4:25 pm



I guess this means no more bringing your cooler to Bands on The Beach? (unless you're gonna sit out in the sand)

How is this gonna keep rowdies off the boardwalk .... they can just consume their beverages on the sand right off the boardwalk .... and still be rowdy on the boardwalk.

Just wondering how much of this is motivated by actual problems .... or is it just a revenue opportunity for the boardwalk alcohol vendors?

What say you all?

2Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Re: Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 11/22/2015, 7:27 pm


What say you all?

I would have to see what areas, but the pattern of the attitude on Pensacola Beach of exclusion of the general public is really not surprising. Under the guise of controlling rowdy conduct, you kill two birds......the public has further restrictions on their free use of their beach, and the businesses and leaseholders exercise private ownership of the beach through exclusion through regulation or the creation of a monopoly which makes a visit to the beach more expensive and restrictive. Exactly what people predicted.

3Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Re: Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 11/22/2015, 7:36 pm



Fricking nazis.

4Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Re: Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 11/22/2015, 7:42 pm



Note this does not apply to the beach (out on the sand) itself .... just to open containers & consumption on the boardwalks & parking lots.

5Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Re: Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 11/22/2015, 8:11 pm


Note this does not apply to the beach (out on the sand) itself .... just to open containers & consumption on the boardwalks & parking lots.

That may be different. However, if it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, and waddles like a duck......there is a pretty good chance it is a duck. It still smells of exclusion.

6Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Re: Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 11/23/2015, 6:38 am



2seaoat wrote:Note this does not apply to the beach (out on the sand) itself .... just to open containers & consumption on the boardwalks & parking lots.

That may be different.  However, if it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, and waddles like a duck......there is a pretty good chance it is a duck.  It still smells of exclusion.

Exclusion of who?

7Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Re: Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 11/24/2015, 1:00 am


People who have traditionally brought alcohol to the beach, and have not bought their alcohol at establishments on the beach.......cheaper and less restrictive.

8Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Re: Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 11/24/2015, 7:17 pm



Walking on the boardwalk at Quiet water beach is like walking a gauntlet. Too many drunks loitering.

9Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Re: Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 11/24/2015, 7:58 pm


Walking on the boardwalk at Quiet water beach is like walking a gauntlet. Too many drunks loitering.

That certainly is not family friendly, but a drunk who purchases their alcohol from a beach establishment, or a drunk who has his drink in the parking lot, or beach, are both still drunk and obnoxious. Would not the better course be to arrest the offenders for public intoxication if they are really that bad?

10Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Re: Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 8/20/2017, 2:35 pm


Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Non-es10

11Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Re: Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 8/20/2017, 2:38 pm


Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Booze_10

12Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Empty Re: Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban 8/20/2017, 9:24 pm


asciighost wrote:Pensacola Beach Alchohol Ban Booze_10

So, ascii -- what do you REALLY think? Smile

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