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Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics

Hospital Bob
8 posters

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The place was packed out. It must confound you liberals on how the pendulum of politics has swung back to those who tell it like it is and don't promise handouts for votes,
Just a return to an America folks can be proud of. I said it here and the pnj forums, this aforementioned pendulum .... How it would swing back and it has with a vengeance. Little by little in 2010, then 2012, 2014, and now liberals and their antics are going to get something even most conservatives would not have believed possible. Told ya so

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

This proves it, obamasucks. Liberals are now history. From now on it's ALL republican and ALL conservative and America will be great again. I'm stoked. Wish I was 20 again so I could live through all the upcoming greatness.


Obamasucks wrote:The place was packed out.  It must confound you liberals on how the pendulum of politics has swung back to those who tell it like it is and don't promise handouts for votes,
Just a return to an America folks can be proud of. I said it here and the pnj forums, this aforementioned pendulum .... How it would swing back and it has with a vengeance. Little by little in 2010, then 2012, 2014, and now liberals and their antics are going to get something even most conservatives would not have believed possible. Told ya so

I'm not confounded; I understand that his supporters are real.

quote from one:

“Hopefully, he’s going to sit there and say, ‘When I become elected president, what we’re going to do is we’re going to make the border a vacation spot, it’s going to cost you $25 for a permit, and then you get $50 for every confirmed kill,’ ” said Jim Sherota, 53, who works for a landscaping company. “That’d be one nice thing.”

yep, I get it



This is what was being handed out in the parking lot of the rally ....

Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics Screen26

Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics Screen27

Let there be no confusion regarding from where Trump's support comes.



At least now we know who PeeDog is going to support in the Republican Primary........ The cat is out of the bag. Semi-demented poster Markle will be soon to follow.

Oh my, this forum will fun during the months remaining before the election.



How about it Markle -- your demented sidekick is all fired up as a Trump supporter for President.

Aren't you joining the Trump train? Hmm, it rhymes with chump change ...



Salinsky wrote:This is what was being handed out in the parking lot of the rally ....

Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics Screen26

Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics Screen27

Let there be no confusion regarding from where Trump's support comes.

Your utter desperation is duly noted. Is that what was taught to you by the DailyKOS or The Nation?



Markle wrote:
Salinsky wrote:This is what was being handed out in the parking lot of the rally ....

Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics Screen26

Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics Screen27

Let there be no confusion regarding from where Trump's support comes.

Your utter desperation is duly noted.  Is that what was taught to you by the DailyKOS or The Nation?

Dear Semi-sane "I know NOSSING! Markle, do you have any evidence whatsoever that either of the posted photos are false?

By the way, your very real desperation is showing. LOL



The Progressives here are offended by FREE SPEECH which caused NO RIOTS, NO SHOOTINGS, NO RAPES, NO ASSAULTS, NO DEFECATING IN PUBLIC and the list goes on.

Meanwhile, they forget their beloved Occupy Wall Street movement.

Material sold by them. Wordslinger has subscriptions to most.
Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics May-1-NYC-Books-641x375

Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics May-1-NYC-Black-Bloc-641x375

Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics May-1-NYC-18-641x375



Markle wrote:
Your utter desperation is duly noted.  Is that what was taught to you by the DailyKOS or The Nation?

Actually, no.

Those pics were tweeted by a reporter from the Washington Post who was on the ground for the rally.

Why would you be surprised that neo-fascists would be at the Trump affair?

Actually, strike that, why would you think anyone but neo-fascists would be at the Trump affair?

Here's ya go, Ol' Man Markle ....

Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics Bonbon-dbfbe36b2ab7e3e46f8bdbc19fcc3ada

Enjoy that while you get yourself all worked up flipping through your Occupy Wall Street scrapbook.


What confounds me is that you have A friend.


"Mr. Trump’s immigrant-bashing rhetoric is intended to galvanize political anger and win Republican primaries, not incite a lynch mob. The trouble is that his contempt-filled hyperbole appeals not to rational discourse but to passions — passions that can and do get out of hand."



nadalfan wrote:

"Mr. Trump’s immigrant-bashing rhetoric is intended to galvanize political anger and win Republican primaries, not incite a lynch mob. The trouble is that his contempt-filled hyperbole appeals not to rational discourse but to passions — passions that can and do get out of hand."

Yes, we've seen that in Ferguson, St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit and many other cities.

Oh...wait...who started and expanded those riots?

Who is causing the outrageous confrontations today? Would that be the Black Lives Matter Mobs?

Who has been instigating all the racial discontent in the US? Would you like a list starting with what has been done starting with the Oval Office? No, I didn't think you would.



Salinsky wrote:
Markle wrote:
Your utter desperation is duly noted.  Is that what was taught to you by the DailyKOS or The Nation?

Actually, no.

Those pics were tweeted by a reporter from the Washington Post who was on the ground for the rally.

Why would you be surprised that neo-fascists would be at the Trump affair?

Actually, strike that, why would you think anyone but neo-fascists would be at the Trump affair?

Here's ya go, Ol' Man Markle ....

Friend went to trump rally last night and sent pics Bonbon-dbfbe36b2ab7e3e46f8bdbc19fcc3ada

Enjoy that while you get yourself all worked up flipping through your Occupy Wall Street scrapbook.

Specifically please point out what is negative about neo-fascism.  Especially when compared with your, and my good friend Wordslinger's beloved Socialism/Communism.

"Neo-fascism is a post–World War II ideology that includes significant elements of fascism. Neo-fascism usually includes ultranationalism, populism, anti-immigration policies or, where relevant, nativism, anti-communism, anti-marxism, anti-anarchism and opposition to the parliamentary system and liberal democracy."


please point out what is negative about neo-fascism.

Racism and xenophobia. It always is a stepping stone to fascism, and if you ask what is negative about fascism, you define yourself.



I'm not defending markle's position necessarily... but aren't those the predominant factors in human civilization?

Natural infact? I agree that they are evaporating with globalization... but they still form the foundation of most nations.

Y'all need to realize that we are headed away from those things... it doesn't require the mouth frothing and vitriol.



by Salinsky Yesterday at 4:02 pm
This is what was being handed out in the parking lot of the rally ....

See the image

See the image

Let there be no confusion regarding from where Trump's support comes.
Funny Sally but that pic is from outside the White House


Markle wrote:
nadalfan wrote:

"Mr. Trump’s immigrant-bashing rhetoric is intended to galvanize political anger and win Republican primaries, not incite a lynch mob. The trouble is that his contempt-filled hyperbole appeals not to rational discourse but to passions — passions that can and do get out of hand."

Yes, we've seen that in Ferguson, St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit and many other cities.

Oh...wait...who started and expanded those riots?

Who is causing the outrageous confrontations today?  Would that be the Black Lives Matter Mobs?

Who has been instigating all the racial discontent in the US?  Would you like a list starting with what has been done starting with the Oval Office?  No, I didn't think you would.

Mobs? Really?
The BLM is essentially a civil rights movement designed to bring awareness to the relationship between blacks and the police and institutionalized racism as a whole. That you don't recognize it or see the movement as unnecessary is because you lack awareness. Maybe you would like to explain why you disagree with this movement.
Have there been radical elements among protesters? Yes, but those individuals are not seeking the presidency nor are any of the candidates endorsing those views.
Why don't you tell us who has been instigating the racial discontent? I think it's reality and increased awareness of that reality.
I've seen a president who is very measured when talking about race. You have accused President Obama of being divisive before, but you have never answered specifically how he has done that. Please go ahead and explain.



Thanks, Ol' Man Markle & random internet guy.

Very instructive.

GOP 2016 - What's So Bad About Fascism?



2seaoat wrote:please point out what is negative about neo-fascism.

Racism and xenophobia.  It always is a stepping stone to fascism, and if you ask what is negative about fascism, you define yourself.

So Semi-sane Markle thinks neo-fascism is great. Is that new to anyone here? LOL

Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power. Benito Mussolini

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