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Routine traffic stop leads to death of two Hattiesburg police officers- shot in cold blood

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I would assess the suspects are cut of the same cloth as the Baltimore thugs who destroyed the town. I'm sure Sal and Word say that they had it coming and rationalize it some sick way in their minds.


Why is this in the political section. There is a thread in the proper place addressing this tragedy. Common criminals killing police officers is not political, and has happened since the beginning of time. Turning the deaths into a political commentary is a typical Butchmeup fear mongering effort to scare people.....but when you think you are a bad asz.....I guess the rules do not apply.


2seaoat wrote:Why is this in the political section.  There is a thread in the proper place addressing this tragedy.  Common criminals killing police officers is not political, and has happened since the beginning of time.  Turning the deaths into a political commentary is a typical Butchmeup fear mongering effort to scare people.....but when you think you are a bad asz.....I guess the rules do not apply.

Just out of idle curiosity have you asked the same of Wordslinger who has numerous threads about police in this same section?

If not, why not?



gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Why is this in the political section.  There is a thread in the proper place addressing this tragedy.  Common criminals killing police officers is not political, and has happened since the beginning of time.  Turning the deaths into a political commentary is a typical Butchmeup fear mongering effort to scare people.....but when you think you are a bad asz.....I guess the rules do not apply.

Just out of idle curiosity have you asked the same of Wordslinger who has numerous threads about police in this same section?

If not, why not?

Routine traffic stop leads to death of two Hattiesburg police officers- shot in cold blood  B1-15310



Our Socialist/Communist good friend Wordslinger is afraid to be conspicuous by cheering for the deaths of two police officers.


Just out of idle curiosity have you asked the same of Wordslinger who has numerous threads about police in this same section?

If not, why not?

I know logic is difficult for you to grasp, but police officers are government employees. When police officers are randomly killing citizens without justification, it becomes a training issue and a political priority.

Common criminals killing citizens or police officers is not political. It is a tragedy, but it certainly is not political. Slinger's repeated threads are dealing with the transformation of America into a police state where peace officers have become a danger to citizens..........but again logic was not necessary for a government employee.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I can't believe you butchemups and scaredy cats are hiding under your beds over this.  These are common criminals and it happens every day.  A hundred times more people are killed in car wrecks and struck by lightning.
Besides,  it aint happened to me so why should I give a shit.
I am much more concerned about where that pack of milk duds came from. It better have come from a concession stand is all I can say.


Nope, there are probabilities and there is comprehension. Probabilities can change, but lack of comprehension is usually a permanent state which feeds butchmeups irrational fears.....those brown kids on buses still have you in a tizzy?..........or did the Muslim horde displace the same?



One of the officers was white; the other was black. Are we going to try and politicize every incident between police and criminals? My condolences to the families of these officers.


2seaoat wrote:Just out of idle curiosity have you asked the same of Wordslinger who has numerous threads about police in this same section?

If not, why not?

I know logic is difficult for you to grasp, but police officers are government employees.  When police officers are randomly killing citizens without justification, it becomes a training issue and a political priority.

Common criminals killing citizens or police officers is not political.  It is a tragedy, but it certainly is not political.  Slinger's repeated threads are dealing with the transformation of America into a police state where peace officers have become a danger to citizens..........but again logic was not necessary for a government employee.

It's interesting to note that your first response is to attack someone when asked a simple question. And then,

Routine traffic stop leads to death of two Hattiesburg police officers- shot in cold blood  1870652_o

Routine traffic stop leads to death of two Hattiesburg police officers- shot in cold blood  1870652_o



by 2seaoat Yesterday at 12:19 pm
Why is this in the political section. There is a thread in the proper place addressing this tragedy. Common criminals killing police officers is not political, and has happened since the beginning of time. Turning the deaths into a political commentary is a typical Butchmeup fear mongering effort to scare people.....but when you think you are a bad asz.....I guess the rules do not apply.
Man cops getting
Wasted is political

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Floridatexan wrote:
One of the officers was white; the other was black.  Are we going to try and politicize every incident between police and criminals?

If it being half black officers and half white officers is what should take the politics out of it,  then why did this case get so politicized...

Routine traffic stop leads to death of two Hattiesburg police officers- shot in cold blood  Baltimore+officers+charged

Last edited by Bob on 5/11/2015, 12:27 pm; edited 1 time in total



What's at issue is the militarization of domestic police forces and training them to occupy impoverished neighborhoods and view the citizens as enemy combatants.

Their skin color is irrelevant.

They all wear the same uniform.


Poor gator could not understand that simple concept, and when I suggested ignorance and lack of comprehension was a component of this thread being placed in the wrong section, Bob starts doing an analysis of black and white cops......I guess we have to play the cards we are dealt and some get it and some are hopelessly incapable of getting it.



by Floridatexan Today at 12:22 pm

One of the officers was white; the other was black. Are we going to try and politicize every incident between police and criminals? My condolences to the families of these officers.
You do when it is the other way around

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Sal wrote:What's at issue is the militarization of domestic police forces and training them to occupy impoverished neighborhoods and view the citizens as enemy combatants.

How is that the issue in a thread entitled:  "Routine traffic stop leads to death of two Hattiesburg police officers- shot in cold blood"
Are you sure you replied to the right thread?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

You need to listen to this no good old uncle tom.  She's nothing but a scaredy cat butchemyup racist.  I bet she's one of those tea party wingnuts who worships George W. Bush and hates those little brown bags of garbage.



Bob wrote:
How is that the issue in a thread entitled:  "Routine traffic stop leads to death of two Hattiesburg police officers- shot in cold blood"

Because the debate turned to why Slinger's threads about systematic police brutality and abuses belong in the politics section, and this thread regarding a heinous but apolitical criminal act really does not.

Keep up.



by Sal Today at 1:41 pm
Bob wrote:

How is that the issue in a thread entitled: "Routine traffic stop leads to death of two Hattiesburg police officers- shot in cold blood"

Because the debate turned to why Slinger's threads about systematic police brutality and abuses belong in the politics section, and this thread regarding a heinous but apolitical criminal act really does not.

Keep up.
Keep up,
This is a different topic.


Bob keep that is funny......he is still looking for his car keys.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

So when I turn on Rachel Maddow, because she has billed tonight's show as a discussion of how Barrack Obama's face should be added to Mt. Rushmore;
but then when I tune into the show I discover it's really about how intelligent Hillary Clinton is;   then the whole thing is my problem and I should be "keeping up"?


Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I'm now switching the thread to a different topic again since that's how we roll around here.

It seems Rob Lowe and all his ugly personalities have now been shit-canned from DirecTV commercials.
And replaced with one of the most heavenly beautiful creatures I have ever laid eyes on.
p.s.  play the bottom youtube on this page.  choice.



[quote="2seaoat"]Just out of idle curiosity have you asked the same of Wordslinger who has numerous threads about police in this same section?

If not, why not?

I know logic is difficult for you to grasp, but police officers are government employees.  When police officers are randomly killing citizens without justification, it becomes a training issue and a political priority.

Common criminals killing citizens or police officers is not political.  It is a tragedy, but it certainly is not political.  Slinger's repeated threads are dealing with the transformation of America into a police state where peace officers have become a danger to citizens..........but again logic was not necessary for a government employee.[/quote

We fully understand that you would love for crime and the killing of police officers not be political. After all, cities run by Democrats and Progressives have the highest rate of violent crime and murder.

Wordslinger's threads are the result of hate and paranoia.



gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Why is this in the political section.  There is a thread in the proper place addressing this tragedy.  Common criminals killing police officers is not political, and has happened since the beginning of time.  Turning the deaths into a political commentary is a typical Butchmeup fear mongering effort to scare people.....but when you think you are a bad asz.....I guess the rules do not apply.

Just out of idle curiosity have you asked the same of Wordslinger who has numerous threads about police in this same section?

If not, why not?

I'll speak for myself, thank you. The fact that two cops have been gunned down while on duty is news, not political. No one is arguing for anything in a statement of fact about a news event. On the other hand, my rants against militarized police, and police violence are 100% political and aimed at influencing correction and change.



Wordslinger wrote:
gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Why is this in the political section.  There is a thread in the proper place addressing this tragedy.  Common criminals killing police officers is not political, and has happened since the beginning of time.  Turning the deaths into a political commentary is a typical Butchmeup fear mongering effort to scare people.....but when you think you are a bad asz.....I guess the rules do not apply.

Just out of idle curiosity have you asked the same of Wordslinger who has numerous threads about police in this same section?

If not, why not?

I'll speak for myself, thank you.  The fact that two cops have been gunned down while on duty is news, not political.  No one is arguing for anything in a statement of fact about a news event.  On the other hand, my rants against militarized police, and police violence are 100% political and aimed at influencing correction and change.  


Good, a real answer without 2SO’s childish attacks and insults. 2SO ought to take a lesson from your answer, I asked a simple question and instead of a simple answer 2SO responds with nothing but ignorant bloviating. As usual.

I’ll never ask 2SO for the time because he’ll respond by telling me how to build a watch…..

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