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Fifty Shades of Grey

3 posters

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1Fifty Shades of Grey Empty Fifty Shades of Grey 6/14/2012, 7:35 am

no stress

no stress

My wife read this series and I have to tell you married guys out there that I totally recommend it.

2Fifty Shades of Grey Empty Re: Fifty Shades of Grey 6/14/2012, 9:22 am



Mine just started.

3Fifty Shades of Grey Empty Re: Fifty Shades of Grey 6/14/2012, 9:37 am

no stress

no stress

Then you'd better eat your Wheaties brother. It brought out a side in the love of my life that i had never seen.

4Fifty Shades of Grey Empty Re: Fifty Shades of Grey 6/14/2012, 1:27 pm


GUNZ wrote:Then you'd better eat your Wheaties brother. It brought out a side in the love of my life that i had never seen.

lol! lol! lol!

5Fifty Shades of Grey Empty Re: Fifty Shades of Grey 2/22/2013, 3:25 am



Gunz wrote:My wife read this series and I have to tell you married guys out there that I totally recommend it.

So momma needed some outside stimulation?

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