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How To Separate An Egg With A Water Bottle

2 posters

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I've always avoided recipes that call for separating the egg yolk from the egg white. This video makes it look nearly effortless.



VectorMan wrote:I've always avoided recipes that call for separating the egg yolk from the egg white. This video makes it look nearly effortless.

That video is no longer available, but I posted this on Facebook in August so I can provide a link that's still good:

"Apply simple hydraulics to separate egg yolk from the whites.

Best method I've ever heard of. The video is Chinese, so just ignore the audio and watch the demonstration (unless you speak Chinese, of course!).

So easy, and no mess!"

SUPER trick... I love it!



Thanks, riceme.



WOW and the yolk stayed intact.



VectorMan wrote:Thanks, riceme.

You're very welcome, sweetheart. That is my absolute favorite trick I've ever learned in the kitchen!



I watched the video and was amazed but still a bit skeptical so I tried it myself just for laughs. It really really does work and without breaking the yolk. My wife was so amazed she has decided to keep a few clean, sterilized water bottle around for this purpose.



Ghost_Rider1 wrote:I watched the video and was amazed but still a bit skeptical so I tried it myself just for laughs. It really really does work and without breaking the yolk. My wife was so amazed she has decided to keep a few clean, sterilized water bottle around for this purpose.

I always used to do it the old fashioned way, using the shells to separate the yolk from the white, but this is soo much more efficient, easier and an awesome trick!


I am inspired to bake a Pavlova just because of this. One bit of yolk and it's all over with so I will let you know.

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