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NEW FORUM RULE: This forum is no longer neutral

boards of FL
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Floridatexan wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:I console myself with the knowledge I was never so grossly foolish as to even consider voting for a man  so unqualified and untested as Obama simply because I felt some white public guilt over racism. My children would want me to think rather than go along with the brainless emotional mob that swept him in twice will all pay and you should for those colossal blunders.

Unless you voted third party (a wasted vote IMHO), the alternatives in 2008 and 2012 were...unimaginable.

Unimaginable over disappointing?



Boar has been growing this forum and innovating the service so well that it only seems fair to weed the place a bit.



Well when the only media they listen to is bought and paid for it's no wonder they are so grossly uninformed about the third party candidates .  They could make a saint a sinner with their selective editing an outright lies.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well when the only media they listen to is bought and paid for it's no wonder they are so grossly uninformed about the third party candidates .  They could make a saint a sinner with their selective editing an outright lies.




knothead wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well when the only media they listen to is bought and paid for it's no wonder they are so grossly uninformed about the third party candidates .  They could make a saint a sinner with their selective editing an outright lies.


Guess how many msm news outlets have carried gruber calling the american voters stupid?


TEOTWAWKI wrote:I console myself with the knowledge I was never so grossly foolish as to even consider voting for a man  so unqualified and untested as Obama simply because I felt some white public guilt over racism. My children would want me to think rather than go along with the brainless emotional mob that swept him in twice will all pay and you should for those colossal blunders.

Gawd, I wish he was able to run again! Obama for Pres in 2016!



Joanimaroni wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:I console myself with the knowledge I was never so grossly foolish as to even consider voting for a man  so unqualified and untested as Obama simply because I felt some white public guilt over racism. My children would want me to think rather than go along with the brainless emotional mob that swept him in twice will all pay and you should for those colossal blunders.

Unless you voted third party (a wasted vote IMHO), the alternatives in 2008 and 2012 were...unimaginable.

Unimaginable over disappointing?

I would replace "unimaginable" with "abominable", but, yes, ...

... Jebus-fucking-Crist, yes.



I propose an election for moderation of this forum... including primaries and debates over the course of several weeks.


I propose an election for moderation of this forum... including primaries and debates over the course of several weeks. a child sticking their hand in fire, you have come to the realization of what Net Neutrality is and have grasped Boards analogy in its entirety. In a democracy the people vote policy. In an Oligarchy a few who own and control the assets and wealth of a country decide policy. PK has just proposed net neutrality for this forum.



Why are you whining everyone ? Why do you want government regulation and more fees for the Internet? Wasn't that a reason we left the pnj site? Pay for play? So if you didn't want to pay for Internet use then at a website,
Why now ?



If you don't like what you want, look somewhere else for something you do want. It's not a right to surf the www



2seaoat wrote:I propose an election for moderation of this forum... including primaries and debates over the course of several weeks. a child sticking their hand in fire, you have come to the realization of what Net Neutrality is and have grasped Boards analogy in its entirety. In a democracy the people vote policy. In an Oligarchy a few who own and control the assets and wealth of a country decide policy. PK has just proposed net neutrality for this forum.

It doesn't surprise me that you can't tell the difference between democracy and fascist/progressive govt controls.


Why are you whining everyone ? Why do you want government regulation and more fees for the Internet? Wasn't that a reason we left the pnj site? Pay for play? So if you didn't want to pay for Internet use then at a website,
Why now ?

You do understand how utilities are regulated? Do you think with the regulation of Utilities that the average consumer pays more or less? Do you think that the person controlling the internet pipe will encourage competition or will they attempt to monopolize the pipe and extract maximum profit while fewer and fewer large multinational corporations set the rules for the pipe. Now, that monopoly which only uses 10% of the backbone is trying to control content of the pipe, and in so doing, destroying competitors who bring content at lower prices than their established alternative infrastructure found in cable tv and satellite. Pace your cost of the internet will go down and its content will go down if monopoly practices are discouraged and a level playing field is in place.


It doesn't surprise me that you can't tell the difference between democracy and fascist/progressive govt controls.

Well, this is easy enough to resolve. Labels mean little in the abstract amidst the clouds and Ivory towers. If we look at historic fascist government, we see that their first acts are to suspend elections and suspend civil liberties. Are you suggesting in the United States that we have suspended elections and civil liberties? If not, please use the correct political nomenclature. My daughter when she was young and helping me on a project would assist me in getting tools. I would ask her if she could hand me the Phillips screwdriver. She would reply, is that the plus or minus. I thought she showed a creative mind, and although it took me a moment to discover her alternative world, I asked for the plus.

boards of FL

boards of FL

2seaoat wrote:I propose an election for moderation of this forum... including primaries and debates over the course of several weeks. a child sticking their hand in fire, you have come to the realization of what Net Neutrality is and have grasped Boards analogy in its entirety.   In a democracy the people vote policy.  In an Oligarchy a few who own and control the assets and wealth of a country decide policy.  PK has just proposed net neutrality for this forum.

You're giving him way too much credit here. I guarantee you none of them get it. None realize what is going on in this thread and, clearly, none know what 'net neutrality' means.

It's like watching someone brainwash Browns fans into believing that Johnny football has been their QB this whole season, rather than Hoyer. Look at PACEDOGs posts above.

"Come on guys! Let's stick with Manzeil! Who cares about the flashy guy we drafted! Manzeil has led us to our greatest start in franchise history! Why would you want Hoyer to come and screw everything up?"



by 2seaoat Today at 10:05 am
Why are you whining everyone ? Why do you want government regulation and more fees for the Internet? Wasn't that a reason we left the pnj site? Pay for play? So if you didn't want to pay for Internet use then at a website,
Why now ?

You do understand how utilities are regulated? Do you think with the regulation of Utilities that the average consumer pays more or less? Do you think that the person controlling the internet pipe will encourage competition or will they attempt to monopolize the pipe and extract maximum profit while fewer and fewer large multinational corporations set the rules for the pipe. Now, that monopoly which only uses 10% of the backbone is trying to control content of the pipe, and in so doing, destroying competitors who bring content at lower prices than their established alternative infrastructure found in cable tv and satellite. Pace your cost of the internet will go down and its content will go down if monopoly practices are discouraged and a level playing field is in place.
You do understand that if need be I can get basic Internet and learn to deal with it..... Much like when. I took a thousand dollar pay cut last January.



2seaoat wrote:It doesn't surprise me that you can't tell the difference between democracy and fascist/progressive govt controls.

Well, this is easy enough to resolve. Labels mean little in the abstract amidst the clouds and Ivory towers. If we look at historic fascist government, we see that their first acts are to suspend elections and suspend civil liberties. Are you suggesting in the United States that we have suspended elections and civil liberties? If not, please use the correct political nomenclature. My daughter when she was young and helping me on a project would assist me in getting tools. I would ask her if she could hand me the Phillips screwdriver. She would reply, is that the plus or minus. I thought she showed a creative mind, and although it took me a moment to discover her alternative world, I asked for the plus.

You must be divorced from reality. Our elections are a two party one result fraud... and our civil liberties are dissolving.

Have you considered taking notes to help you keep up with current events?


You must be divorced from reality. Our elections are a two party one result fraud... and our civil liberties are dissolving.

Have you considered taking notes to help you keep up with current events?

Civil liberties are not dissolving. One would have to be asleep at the wheel not to realize what the Supreme Court has been doing in the last five years concerning Governmental overreach in particular under the fourth amendment. In regard to monitoring of communications by the government, the Supreme Court, Congress, and the American Press have been vigilant in protecting our rights to privacy. In what fascist nation historically would this dialogue even happen?

Our elections are not a fraud. The ACA is a clear example. One party advocated its passage and one did not. Every American who voted controlled the fate of that legislation. In a fascist nation, please give an example where the people voting actually contradicted and controlled the fascist regime. It did not happen. To simply call something a fraud because you disagree with the ultimate policy which was implemented is intellectually dishonest. It is not I who lives in the Ivory Tower of misplaced political concepts. I have always been where the rubber meets the road, and know first hand that elections matter.

boards of FL

boards of FL

PkrBum wrote:
2seaoat wrote:It doesn't surprise me that you can't tell the difference between democracy and fascist/progressive govt controls.

Well, this is easy enough to resolve.  Labels mean little in the abstract amidst the clouds and Ivory towers.  If we look at historic fascist government, we see that their first acts are to suspend elections and suspend civil liberties.  Are you suggesting in the United States that we have suspended elections and civil liberties?   If not, please use the correct political nomenclature.  My daughter when she was young and helping me on a project would assist me in getting tools.  I would ask her if she could hand me the Phillips screwdriver.  She would reply, is that the plus or minus.  I thought she showed a creative mind, and although it took me a moment to discover her alternative world, I asked for the plus.  

You must be divorced from reality. Our elections are a two party one result fraud... and our civil liberties are dissolving.

Have you considered taking notes to help you keep up with current events?

Touring test. You wouldn't pass it.



2seaoat wrote:You must be divorced from reality. Our elections are a two party one result fraud... and our civil liberties are dissolving.

Have you considered taking notes to help you keep up with current events?

Civil liberties are not dissolving. One would have to be asleep at the wheel not to realize what the Supreme Court has been doing in the last five years concerning Governmental overreach in particular under the fourth amendment. In regard to monitoring of communications by the government, the Supreme Court, Congress, and the American Press have been vigilant in protecting our rights to privacy. In what fascist nation historically would this dialogue even happen?

Our elections are not a fraud. The ACA is a clear example. One party advocated its passage and one did not. Every American who voted controlled the fate of that legislation. In a fascist nation, please give an example where the people voting actually contradicted and controlled the fascist regime. It did not happen. To simply call something a fraud because you disagree with the ultimate policy which was implemented is intellectually dishonest. It is not I who lives in the Ivory Tower of misplaced political concepts. I have always been where the rubber meets the road, and know first hand that elections matter.

It doesn't surprise me that someone too stupid to realize that their stupidity is the key component to govt overreach doesn't realize the same. Has the govt stopped warrantless snooping? Has the patriot act or ndaa been repealed?

We likely don't even know of all the unconstitutional govt acts because the stupid among us don't care.

It must be nice to be clueless... I almost envy you.



boards of FL wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
2seaoat wrote:It doesn't surprise me that you can't tell the difference between democracy and fascist/progressive govt controls.

Well, this is easy enough to resolve.  Labels mean little in the abstract amidst the clouds and Ivory towers.  If we look at historic fascist government, we see that their first acts are to suspend elections and suspend civil liberties.  Are you suggesting in the United States that we have suspended elections and civil liberties?   If not, please use the correct political nomenclature.  My daughter when she was young and helping me on a project would assist me in getting tools.  I would ask her if she could hand me the Phillips screwdriver.  She would reply, is that the plus or minus.  I thought she showed a creative mind, and although it took me a moment to discover her alternative world, I asked for the plus.  

You must be divorced from reality. Our elections are a two party one result fraud... and our civil liberties are dissolving.

Have you considered taking notes to help you keep up with current events?

Touring test. You wouldn't pass it.

This from a peon too stupid to realize that their stupidity is the cornerstone of govt overreach. What a rube.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Pkrbum on the policy of employing voter id laws that disenfranchise voters:

PkrBum wrote:Lol... there are nearly NO differences in the results of the two parties. They certainly say different things...

which useful people such as yourself gobble up and mistake for outcomes.

Pkrbum on Bush, Obama, and their respective policy ideas:

PkrBum wrote:Not if you're able to objectively examine results and ignore the rhetoric. The results are unmistakably similar.

Pkrbum when merely asked to provide his own opinion - in the form of something more substantive than "same results" - about an article he poted:

PkrBum wrote:Why would an economist be interested in what a random internet dude thinks about currency? Do you have a point?

Pkrbum on net neutrality:

PkrBum wrote:It doesn't surprise me that you can't tell the difference between democracy and fascist/progressive govt controls.

Pkrbum when merely asked to explain how things would work out in a world sans the EPA:

PkrBum wrote:I'm not a libertarian... and this is a dumb exercise. The epa isn't going anywhere... it will continue to grow in size and scope.

New energy rules are coming out this summer... stay tuned.

Here again, he is no different than a poor AI algorithm designed by a freshmen computer science major.

Step 1:  No matter the subject of discussion, interject the idea that the results are the same no matter what.

Step 2:  When asked to provide a response that is more substantive, either 1) respond with a rhetorical question or 2) claim that doing so would be pointless.

Note that never at any point is anything of substance provided.  Note that never at any point is anything produced that would suggest Pkrbum actually understands what he is reading and is making an honest attempt to directly respond.  The underlying subject doesn't matter.  Ahem.  The "results are always the same".   Make the same repeated opening statement and then deflect when asked to be more substantive.

Your touring test results are in, Pkrbum.  I regret to inform you that you fail.  You're so dumb that you don't create the perception that there is a living, human being with a functioning brain on the other end of the keyboard.  A college freshmen could easily create an algorithm that would post on this forum in the same manner that you do and no one here would be able to tell the difference.  Your "intelligence" is indistinguishable from a 101 computer sci homework assignment.

Here is an extra credit question.  Perhaps you can redeem yourself:

In your own words, what does net neutrality mean?



Do you really think that the opinion of someone too stupid to realize that they were played as stupid bothers me?

Lol... not even close.



boards of FL wrote:

Touring test.  You wouldn't pass it.

NEW FORUM RULE:  This forum is no longer neutral - Page 2 Th?&id=HN.608035767382508762&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1

It's turing test moron.



boards of FL

boards of FL

boards of FL wrote:Step 2:  When asked to provide a response that is more substantive, either 1) respond with a rhetorical question or 2) claim that doing so would be pointless.

And immediately after pointing this out...

boards of FL wrote:Here is an extra credit question.  Perhaps you can redeem yourself:

In your own words, what does net neutrality mean?

PkrBum wrote:Do you really think that the opinion of someone too stupid to realize that they were played as stupid bothers me?

Lol... not even close.

I rest my case. Thank you, Pkrbum-bot.

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