Fact: Most of the chemical weapons in Saddam's inventory were either furnished by the United States, or their components were. And the U.S. also furnished formulas for mixing various chemical weapons. We did so to help thwart Iran during the Iraq-Iran war.
All of which goes to show that the good ole U.S.A. with all it's pretend advocacy of human rights, isn't the least concerned about selling WMD to anyone for any use they deem appropriate.
As for the mercenary chemical weapons disposal personnel who came into contact with this material and are now suffering ongoing medical problems, clearly their training and/or protective equipment was deficient.
More than likely, the gear they were issued was defective -- as a result of cost cutting by the DOD. Remember how many troops in 2003 had to ask mommy and daddy to send them body armor because the Army didn't issue it?
Pacedog want's to champion the U.S. for its foreign policy, and yet he bemoans the fact that the WMD disposal troops were sacrificed to save a few bucks.