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1Nurse.Boy.Fighter Empty Nurse.Boy.Fighter 9/11/2010, 9:08 am



Anybody seen this one? It's currently on Cox In Demand.

The music is incredible, if you're into Jamaican music (not just reggae, either.) The story is about soul, faith and heart. I'll leave it at that, so as not to spoil.

2Nurse.Boy.Fighter Empty Re: Nurse.Boy.Fighter 9/11/2010, 6:56 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

PerennialBulldog1 wrote:Anybody seen this one? It's currently on Cox In Demand.

The music is incredible, if you're into Jamaican music (not just reggae, either.) The story is about soul, faith and heart. I'll leave it at that, so as not to spoil.

Interesting name, though I have never heard of it. Downloading now.

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