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Temp Jobs the Obama Economy

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1Temp Jobs the Obama Economy Empty Temp Jobs the Obama Economy 4/20/2014, 11:30 pm



Yep, and Seaoat believes, in a previous thread, that this is a good thing. Work all the jobs you can lol.....he never had to do so in his life, but since he has HIS, the rest of us be damned.

2Temp Jobs the Obama Economy Empty Re: Temp Jobs the Obama Economy 4/21/2014, 7:10 am



Most of you liberals here are those that are at retirement age anyhow and could care less. The economy cannot be sustained at any decent rate with PT work at PT pay. This is not recovery, this is continued recession. The real unemployment rate is far above what there was in the Great Depression. It's estimated that 31% of the workforce has been idled or working some of these great temp jobs.

3Temp Jobs the Obama Economy Empty Re: Temp Jobs the Obama Economy 4/21/2014, 8:56 am



Got to keep those voters on the gov teet.  Wink 

4Temp Jobs the Obama Economy Empty Re: Temp Jobs the Obama Economy 4/21/2014, 1:07 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Most of you liberals here are those that are at retirement age anyhow and could care less. The economy cannot be sustained at any decent rate with PT work at PT pay. This is not recovery, this is continued recession. The real unemployment rate is far above what there was in the Great Depression. It's estimated that 31% of the workforce has been idled or working some of these great temp jobs.

The reason so many Americans are struggling with part time jobs is that their employers chose to screw their workers instead of pay for their health insurance. If you really care, put some pressure on Walmart, MacDonald's, Dominos, etc. While you're at it, tell your party to stop supporting companies who shipped their manufacturing overseas ....

5Temp Jobs the Obama Economy Empty Re: Temp Jobs the Obama Economy 4/21/2014, 10:09 pm



Wordslinger wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Most of you liberals here are those that are at retirement age anyhow and could care less. The economy cannot be sustained at any decent rate with PT work at PT pay. This is not recovery, this is continued recession. The real unemployment rate is far above what there was in the Great Depression. It's estimated that 31% of the workforce has been idled or working some of these great temp jobs.

The reason so many Americans are struggling with part time jobs is that their employers chose to screw their workers instead of pay for their health insurance.  If you really care, put some pressure on Walmart, MacDonald's, Dominos, etc.  While you're at it, tell your party to stop supporting companies who shipped their manufacturing overseas ....  

Only if we could just dictate to these businesses what they pay, what they receive in profit oh and a number of things. hmmmm so close, almost there.

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