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BBQ wings from this past Sunday

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1BBQ wings from this past Sunday Empty BBQ wings from this past Sunday 3/6/2014, 10:33 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

Did some wing drummettes over the weekend. Used a random marinade that I found at the grocery store and spiced it up a bit with some hot sauce that I had on hand. Nothing special with the technique. Seared them at first and then lowered the grates down a bit and cooked them at around 325 for the rest of the way. They didn't last long after resting.

BBQ wings from this past Sunday LYgaUF7
BBQ wings from this past Sunday FCjynEu
BBQ wings from this past Sunday DIHOjUO
BBQ wings from this past Sunday N0BNeZT
BBQ wings from this past Sunday STSPu0Q
BBQ wings from this past Sunday UnCQ0ma
BBQ wings from this past Sunday JFD52SU
BBQ wings from this past Sunday 8DJWIA2
BBQ wings from this past Sunday HvFOwD4
BBQ wings from this past Sunday W87VsDG
BBQ wings from this past Sunday 1LiJWj3
BBQ wings from this past Sunday KgLbkcQ
BBQ wings from this past Sunday G0LqFkz
BBQ wings from this past Sunday VB7vbrO
BBQ wings from this past Sunday KDGuRkA



Nothing added after they were cooked?

boards of FL

boards of FL

I left them as is since they marinated for roughly an hour. Just dipped them in ranch.



I want to try a sauce like this one......

1 cup apricot preserves
1/2 cup your favorite barbecue sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon hot sauce


I like Viper BBQ sauce, made locally in Fairhope, AL.. It's comes in different heats and is carried at the Apple Market and Joe Pattie's..



Jake92 wrote:I like Viper BBQ sauce, made locally in Fairhope, AL..  It's comes in different heats and is carried at the Apple Market and Joe Pattie's..  

Thanks, I will try it.


I like the mild, and cry baby.. I haven't tried the devils butt yet.. LOL
If you like something VERY spicy, try the Atomic Sauce at the Wing Stop in the Walmart area on Mobile Hwy or on Bayou.. I bet you can't eat 4 wings with it..

boards of FL

boards of FL

Jake92 wrote:I like the mild, and cry baby..  I haven't tried the devils butt yet..  LOL
If you like something VERY spicy, try the Atomic Sauce at the Wing Stop in the Walmart area on Mobile Hwy or on Bayou..  I bet you can't eat 4 wings with it..

I called in a to-go order there one day and always get the next heat level down from atomic (which isn't hot at all). On this particular date, I ordered the atomic. Once I arrived at the store they told me they hadn't yet applied the sauce and wanted me to try a sample of the atomic first. I ended up passing on the atomic. That stuff is nuts.

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