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Journeyman by Erskine Caldwell

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1Journeyman by Erskine Caldwell Empty Journeyman by Erskine Caldwell 8/27/2010, 1:29 am


Journeyman by Erskine Caldwell Ersk10

Found this book yesterday 1948 paperback edition.

Haven't ever read Erskine Caldwell but apparently his novels were controversial in their day.

Anyone read any of his work?



I think I had to read Tobacco Road in HS but I can't remember it.....may have it confused with Grapes of Wrath....enjoy.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:I think I had to read Tobacco Road in HS but I can't remember it.....may have it confused with Grapes of Wrath....enjoy.


Thanks. I just started reading it last night. It's already looking interesting.

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