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Get Em While They're Still Cheap

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1Get Em While They're Still Cheap Empty Get Em While They're Still Cheap 12/28/2013, 12:06 pm



US Postage Stamps' price will increase by 3 cents to $.49 on January 26, 2014.

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

colaguy wrote:US Postage Stamps' price will increase by 3 cents to $.49 on January 26, 2014.

I don't use a lot of stamps and I would venture to say that I still have 30 to 40 of the "forever" stamps. These were probably bought when 1st class postage was either $.42 or $.44 per stamp.



Ghost Rider wrote:
colaguy wrote:US Postage Stamps' price will increase by 3 cents to $.49 on January 26, 2014.

I don't use a lot of stamps and I would venture to say that I still have 30 to 40 of the "forever" stamps. These were probably bought when 1st class postage was either $.42 or $.44 per stamp.

I'm sure you know, but those "old" Forever Stamps are still usable today. Their value increases as the USPS increases stamp prices.

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

colaguy wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:
colaguy wrote:US Postage Stamps' price will increase by 3 cents to $.49 on January 26, 2014.

I don't use a lot of stamps and I would venture to say that I still have 30 to 40 of the "forever" stamps. These were probably bought when 1st class postage was either $.42 or $.44 per stamp.

I'm sure you know, but those "old" Forever Stamps are still usable today.  Their value increases as the USPS increases stamp prices.

Yep and thanks.

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