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simon and garfunkel...

5 posters

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1simon and garfunkel... Empty simon and garfunkel... 1/2/2010, 4:26 pm



2simon and garfunkel... Empty Re: simon and garfunkel... 6/14/2012, 12:47 pm



3simon and garfunkel... Empty Re: simon and garfunkel... 2/18/2016, 10:45 am



omg this made me cry what a sweet man and it shows threw his music -im so glad he left us his music so I can come back time to time and listen to it

4simon and garfunkel... Empty Re: simon and garfunkel... 2/18/2016, 10:56 am



well Teo just didn't have many songs he posted this was a good one though

5simon and garfunkel... Empty Re: simon and garfunkel... 2/18/2016, 11:02 am



This must be the song teo left for us and its great-- but sad at the same time

6simon and garfunkel... Empty Re: simon and garfunkel... 10/26/2016, 10:30 pm



Miss him!

7simon and garfunkel... Empty Re: simon and garfunkel... 10/27/2016, 1:30 am


Bridge Over Troubled Waters is one of my favorite S & G songs -- always and forever moving. Have often thought to learn it but it's one of those numbers that needs far more than just my single acoustic guitar and voice to do it justice. I didn't know Teo well at all but if he liked this kind of music, he must've been a good guy.

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