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Hospital Bob
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26New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 2:16 am


You can school me on law and everything else. But not on this.

Again, if you think this is a minor fringe group, you have entirely missed the boat. If you remember our forum member Rick, and his trip to NY and his positions in regard to 911......he was a dyed in the wool nazi, who disclosed enough of his philosophy, and made the mistake where people were able to identify him as he acousted people in NY on the streets spewing his nazi propaganda. Again when the light is turned on a Nazi, they leave. They congregate on websites and forums which attract similar minded individuals and then spew the same on anonymous forums, until they are either identified or challenged regularly.

27New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 2:24 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Seaoat, if your primary sample for learning about the 9/11 "truth" movement is two people who have written posts on this and the pnj forum, then you really need a lot more education about this topic.
I repeat, Bush and Cheney and the other very white neocon celebrities are the primary villains for the vast majority of "truthers". Not blacks and not jews. And not even the muslims who actually did it. lol

28New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 2:28 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Okay so some of the neocon villains are jews.  I acknowledge that.
But when you listen to all the rhetoric of the whole body of truthers,  and especially from their leading spokespersons,  it's not the jewishness they focus on,  it's the neoconism.  But more than that it's mainly the utter distrust of government regardless of which politicians are in power and regardless if they're jews, christians, white or black.

29New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 2:36 am


Again you miss the central tenets of Nazi philosophy.   Democracy has been corrupted by the puppetmasters who control our politicians.   If you think it was about Bush and Cheney, you have not even paid attention to our resident Nazi.  There is a real and present danger in America which purports to challenge government foibles, yet there is no attempt to improve, rather destroy government.....again a central tenet to nazi philosophy.  Also, did you see how many folks from Pensacola went with Rick to hand out that literature, and his attempts to organize in danger is real and it is present.  It is not random.  It is calculated and it is organized.

30New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 2:38 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

You know what's most ironic about your take on this,  seaoat.
It's that in the past you have been a staunch across-the-board defender of muslims.  And it's primarily the muslims who pin 9/11 on the jews. And you are completely ignoring that fact.  lol

31New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 2:48 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:you have not even paid attention to our resident Nazi.
Very very few "truthers" also believe the moon landing was a fraud.  lol

I'm gonna have to leave this discussion now because I want to listen to Oliver Stone give his latest spiel and it comes on in 15 minutes...

I listened to it on Bill Maher's tv show and it's very Stone'ish as always.
There seems to be nuggets of truth in it mixed in with all the bs.
And another dose of it might help me get a better handle on it.
He's produced a movie which claims to retell just about all of American history and he's making these appearances to promote it.

32New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 2:53 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

By the way, teo, coincidentally I listened to Michael Medved interview one of the well known spokespersons for 9/11 conspiracy theory for a full hour on radio when I woke up this morning. Jesse Ventura.
And during that interview, Ventura really got pissed off when Medved asked him if he also thought the moon landing was a conspiracy and very defiantly yelled at Medved and told him no he doesn't believe that and said it was out of line to even ask him that.

33New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 8:19 am



The older I get, the more I distrust the government.  This is coming from a person that held a Top Secret Crypto code word clearance for 4 years.  I have hands on knowledge of how some parts of the government work.  Some of it is not pretty.  
Last week i went to Bobs house to look at a Coin operated Shooting game.  The name of the machine is "Kill the Jap".  We had talked about the machine before but to actually see the physical device was a shock.  Why?  Because it brought back memories of when it permissible and encouraged by this country to hate and demonize Japanese and Germans. Our Goverment has the power to divide the races and cause discontent.  We raped and destroyed the Nations of the American Indians..  The robber barons of the rail road ran rough shod over the rights of the people to built their rail system.  
There are serious questions in the Sigint community as to the validity of The actions in the Gulf of Tonkin that lead to the Vietnam war.

To question the actions of such a government is not being a "Nazi".  Granted the talk and even some of the actions of people like Mr Teo is harsh and at times seemingly "over the top".  It scares some people.  It makes people challenge the statements.  It serves a purpose.
Mr Oats has every right to scream and "connect the dots" and attempt to save us from impending doom.  If people like Mr Oats  can be gloated into using a some what outdated and emotionally charged term such as "Nazi" then his argument has been effectively  diluted

34New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 8:53 am



Mr Ichi wrote:The older I get,  the more I distrust the government.  This is coming from a person that held a Top Secret Crypto code word clearance for 4 years.  I have hands on knowledge of how some parts of the government work.  Some of it is not pretty.  
Last week i went to Bobs house to look at a Coin operated Shooting game.  The name of the machine is "Kill the Jap".  We had talked about the machine before but to actually see the physical device was a shock.  Why?  Because it brought back memories of when it permissible and encouraged by this country to hate and demonize Japanese and Germans. Our Goverment has the power to divide the races and cause discontent.  We raped and destroyed the Nations of the American Indians..  The robber barons of the rail road ran rough shod over the rights of the people to built their rail system.  
There are serious questions in the Sigint community as to the validity of The actions in the Gulf of Tonkin that lead to the Vietnam war.

To question the actions of such a government is not being a "Nazi".  Granted the talk and even some of the actions of people like Mr Teo is harsh and at times seemingly "over the top".  It scares some people.  It makes people challenge the statements.  It serves a purpose.
Mr Oats has every right to scream and "connect the dots" and attempt to save us from impending doom.  If people like Mr Oats  can be gloated into using a some what outdated and emotionally charged term such as "Nazi" then his argument has been effectively  diluted
Good points.

35New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 9:47 am


It is hardly diluted. It is not simply over the top. It is a philosophy which is real and present in American politics. The poison has been present at the PNJ and here. Some of the other Nazis have left the forum, but those individuals were attempting to organize and recruit more members. They actually had a handful of people who went to NY and took a street action, and they were having public meetings in Pensacola. Much of what they posted went unchallenged. We live in a democracy. We are responsible for our government. Yes, each of us. We are neither powerless, nor are we controlled by puppet masters. Democracy is imperfect, but what nazis sell has always been half truths and lies which must be challenged at every turn. If you only think our resident nazi has just been anti government, you are either not wanting to pay attention to detail, or you tacitly agree with the philosophy......a historical reality which sadly has tragic results. Good Americans must fight evil at every turn, and turning one's head and allowing poison to become "normal" on a forum, or political discussion is simply unacceptable.

36New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 9:49 am



This is the first time I've heard of any group of Nazis from here going to NY.  Was Teo with them?

37New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 9:55 am



Nekochan wrote:This is the first time I've heard of any group of Nazis from here going to NY.  Was Teo with them?
LOL Must not have been a very effective group. I have never heard the story either. So much for ruining the minds of the folks on the forums.

38New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:03 am


No. We had about three active posters on the old PNJ. One went by the socks Rick, or Red. He was as Hallmark has so politely put it over the top. He was specific as to who was responsible for the 911 attack. It was the Jews. He was very specific about people of color and hispanics. He spewed hate and went from simply using the forum to spread hate to organizing right on the PNJ, and took a group of people to the streets of NY where they blamed the jews for the attack on America. He video taped his experience as they handed out their nazi literature in was almost comical the way New Yorkers ignored the protest as they walked by the nutcases.

He continued to post and tried to organize groups in Pensacola and constantly was giving dates and places to meet.......however, some folks recognized who he was from the video, and apparently he was the son of an important person in law enforcement, and when the light of day is shined on Nazis, like a roach in the kitchen at night when the light is turned on.....he scurried off the PNJ. Mere words to political action, and fortunately a younger member of the PNJ took him on and politely pointed out what a loser he was in his personal life. This has always been a central tenet where personal failure and frustration with what life has provided an individual can be substituted by a political philosophy which finds scapegoats which explains the individuals failures. Rick was a small man as indicated in the video, and actually seemed like a likeable guy who I tried to use kid gloves to challenge him and his cohorts. However, one brave young person on the PNJ took him on and told the truth.....the light went on and the roaches scurried.

39New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:07 am



For  me, It boils down to this.  I am not afraid to read ANYTHING on this forum.  I have no fear of being "Poisoned" that lead into the path of darkness.  While I appreciate Mr Oats efforts to protect me and explain like I am a wayward child, the dangers of Nazism, it is unnecessary.    Mr Oats labels who he wants as "Nazis".  He has taken the role of the forum police.  I am here to protect you, trust me, I know best.  Fuck Free speach, I will let you know what is true.  I am the mighty Oat.

40New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:10 am


LOL Must not have been a very effective group. I have never heard the story either. So much for ruining the minds of the folks on the forums.

They are never effective when good citizens challenge the poison. A young man on the PNJ just took him out at the knees on the issues and by pointing out what a complete FU this individual more people learned his identity, they too shared stories about the personal failures of the poster. His poison stopped. He left the forum. The young man who had the courage to challenge his racist views gave examples of what he saw from this guy. Nazis do not thrive in the open, and in fact can be rendered ineffective simply by good citizens telling the truth and standing up against evil.

41New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:11 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Mr Ichi wrote:
Last week i went to Bobs house to look at a Coin operated Shooting game.  The name of the machine is "Kill the Jap".  
Here's a very little known tidbit you'll like learning about.
Kill the Jap and Kill the Rat (Hitler) were not the only conversions for that rifle game. There were several other conversion themes.

This one is the damndest of all. As far as I'm aware, no known example of the machine itself is known to exist by collectors. But it was made and it was sold (in how many numbers we have no way of knowing).
We know about it only from an ad in a trade magazine. Here's a black and white scan of the ad.

New forum rule - Page 2 Africa10

42New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:13 am



Nekochan wrote:This is the first time I've heard of any group of Nazis from here going to NY.  Was Teo with them?
Rick seems like a great choice for a Nazi name. Rolling Eyes

43New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:24 am


Fuck Free speach, I will let you know what is true. I am the mighty Oat.

That is certainly one way to look at it. I guess not challenging nazi ideology which has been historically posted on the PNJ and here is ok with you. You certainly are entitled to your opinion, and if you are comfortable with Nazi sites and the poison which flows into this forum, then most certainly do not challenge the same and ignore my posts. You could always leave if mere words are too much for you to bear the thought that someone actually wants to challenge hate and prejudice.

44New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:31 am


Rick seems like a great choice for a Nazi name. Rolling Eyes

He actually was a good looking kid who looked like a tiny Rick Sutcliff who pitched for the Cubs. He was about five foot four inches tall and slender with red hair. He was very enjoyable if you could get him off topic, but his purpose on the PNJ was to spread Nazi propaganda. Hitler played with his dogs......Rick was likeable and actually on none political threads showed intelligence. I do not remember the poster who outed him, but he consistently made intelligent posts and started very gently questioning Rick's nazi beliefs and posts.....the response was similar to what I am receiving, but in the end he had too much truth to share with all of us at the PNJ and Rick disappeared.

45New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:40 am



Mr Ichi wrote:For  me, It boils down to this.  I am not afraid to read ANYTHING on this forum.  I have no fear of being "Poisoned" that lead into the path of darkness.  While I appreciate Mr Oats efforts to protect me and explain like I am a wayward child, the dangers of Nazism, it is unnecessary.    Mr Oats labels who he wants as "Nazis".  He has taken the role of the forum police.  I am here to protect you, trust me, I know best.  Fuck Free speach, I will let you know what is true.  I am the mighty Oat.
I concede I have followed this dialogue for the past few days and Mr. Oats' point-of-view is being attacked and called names like the forum police for one. Any fair minded person would have to concede that the poster in question whom Oats has labeled a Nazi is a serial poster and many of his comments and/or threads are more than over the top. I believe that many of these threads/comments are the posters' method of stimulating conversation but follow a very dark side. We do have free speech and both the poster and Mr Oats can fire away . . . . I also suspect some here resent Mr. Oats' intellect along with his proven ability to articulate his thoughts.

46New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:45 am



2seaoat wrote: Fuck Free speach, I will let you know what is true.  I am the mighty Oat.

That is certainly one way to look at it.  I guess not challenging nazi ideology which has been historically posted on the PNJ and here is ok with you.  You certainly are entitled to your opinion, and if you are comfortable with Nazi sites and the poison which flows into this forum, then most certainly do not challenge the same and ignore my posts.  You could always leave if mere words are too much for you to bear the thought that someone actually wants to challenge hate and prejudice.

You mean "flee before the light of Seaoats truth finds me out? LOL Not today my friend. I am not a total ghost. Challenge away all the hate and prejudice. The world has been waiting for a long time.,

btw Not fleeing but I have a few things to do with my comrades. brb

47New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:49 am



knothead wrote:
Mr Ichi wrote:For  me, It boils down to this.  I am not afraid to read ANYTHING on this forum.  I have no fear of being "Poisoned" that lead into the path of darkness.  While I appreciate Mr Oats efforts to protect me and explain like I am a wayward child, the dangers of Nazism, it is unnecessary.    Mr Oats labels who he wants as "Nazis".  He has taken the role of the forum police.  I am here to protect you, trust me, I know best.  Fuck Free speach, I will let you know what is true.  I am the mighty Oat.
I concede I have followed this dialogue for the past few days and Mr. Oats' point-of-view is being attacked and called names like the forum police for one.  Any fair minded person would have to concede that the poster in question whom Oats has labeled a Nazi is a serial poster and many of his comments and/or threads are more than over the top.  I believe that many of these threads/comments are the posters' method of stimulating conversation but follow a very dark side.  We do have free speech and both the poster and Mr Oats can fire away . . . . I also suspect some here resent Mr. Oats' intellect along with his proven ability to articulate his thoughts.
So I guess you saw where Seaoat compared Teo to a child molester.  Just to be clear--you're on board with this as well?

48New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:54 am


I think that it is assumed that my target is the messenger. It is the message. However, the messenger consistently brings the same to this forum. I personally think with a conscious effort the two can be separated. If it were simply a libertarian debate, I would not be so insistent to call it what it is. I have also tried for six years to use kid gloves to challenge the messenger as to the content of his posts which reference Nazi sites and contain hate and prejudice. So if I walk a lonely path, and people think I am being unfair, truth will determine the same. Have you ever seen me call PK a nazi. He espouses libertarian beliefs, but he has never connected the same to a racial and religious belief system which is the foundation of the definition of a Nazi.

49New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:58 am



Nekochan wrote:
knothead wrote:
Mr Ichi wrote:For  me, It boils down to this.  I am not afraid to read ANYTHING on this forum.  I have no fear of being "Poisoned" that lead into the path of darkness.  While I appreciate Mr Oats efforts to protect me and explain like I am a wayward child, the dangers of Nazism, it is unnecessary.    Mr Oats labels who he wants as "Nazis".  He has taken the role of the forum police.  I am here to protect you, trust me, I know best.  Fuck Free speach, I will let you know what is true.  I am the mighty Oat.
I concede I have followed this dialogue for the past few days and Mr. Oats' point-of-view is being attacked and called names like the forum police for one.  Any fair minded person would have to concede that the poster in question whom Oats has labeled a Nazi is a serial poster and many of his comments and/or threads are more than over the top.  I believe that many of these threads/comments are the posters' method of stimulating conversation but follow a very dark side.  We do have free speech and both the poster and Mr Oats can fire away . . . . I also suspect some here resent Mr. Oats' intellect along with his proven ability to articulate his thoughts.
So I guess you saw where Seaoat compared Teo to a child molester.  Just to be clear--you're on board with this as well?
That was while he was still groping for a blunt object to retaliate for the cancer face. He's now found it... he thinks.

Little does he realize... the blunt object was always his intellect.

50New forum rule - Page 2 Empty Re: New forum rule 10/28/2013, 10:58 am



So if I walk a lonely path, and people think I am being unfair, truth will determine the same.

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