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Ahhhh, go jump off a bridge.

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1Ahhhh, go jump off a bridge. Empty Ahhhh, go jump off a bridge. 7/31/2012, 8:48 am



MILTON, Fla. -- A Milton woman wants more to be done to stop people from jumping from the Blackwater River Bridge.

Video posted to YouTube shows several people jumping from the bridge in July.

Lisa Clyatt is speaking before the city council on Monday asking them to add more signage and increase police patrols around the bridge. Clyatt says she's lived near the bridge for 15 years and more people than ever are taking the leap.

Jumping from a bridge is a state crime and jumpers could face charges if seen by an officer.Milton woman pushes for more bridge jumping prevention
Monday, July 30 2012, 07:53 PM CDT


Joanimaroni a kid we always jumped off the Texar bridge. Signage (what a cool word) would not have stopped us.

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