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A book for Seaoat

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1A book for Seaoat Empty A book for Seaoat 3/9/2013, 10:19 am




How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got SHAFTED


Mike Lofgren spent 28 years in Congress, the last 16 as a senior analyst on the House and Senate Budget committees...

2A book for Seaoat Empty Re: A book for Seaoat 11/8/2013, 10:45 pm


Could not say it better. To pull the shaft out of the middle class will require cooperation across the aisle and a full force attack on subsidies for everybody but the middle class.

Somebody like Rand Paul six months ago was actually being considered as a candidate for President......the guy is an empty bucket. Crazy is one thing, but stupid is hard to fix.

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