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Greedy Bastards - Dylan Ratigan

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1Greedy Bastards - Dylan Ratigan Empty Greedy Bastards - Dylan Ratigan 9/16/2012, 12:20 pm



Ratigan advances "...a manual to stop the greedy bastards..." Using 4 core values, acronymed VICI (Visibility, Integrity, Choice, Interests).

"Visibility. There is a reason why vampires like the dark..."

"Integrity...the prices we pay are so manipulated by the unholy alliance between greedy bastards in business and the politicians they buy that we can't tell the real value of anything."

"Choice...If I have only one way to get the health insurance I need or a quality education for my children, then I will pay any price..."

"Interests. People can work together productively only if their interests are aligned...if a few (basketball) players get paid off by gamblers to throw the game, then our interests (winning the game) are no longer aligned..."



Floridatexan wrote:
Ratigan advances "...a manual to stop the greedy bastards..." Using 4 core values, acronymed VICI (Visibility, Integrity, Choice, Interests).

"Visibility. There is a reason why vampires like the dark..."

"Integrity...the prices we pay are so manipulated by the unholy alliance between greedy bastards in business and the politicians they buy that we can't tell the real value of anything."

"Choice...If I have only one way to get the health insurance I need or a quality education for my children, then I will pay any price..."

"Interests. People can work together productively only if their interests are aligned...if a few (basketball) players get paid off by gamblers to throw the game, then our interests (winning the game) are no longer aligned..."

Thank God for books on CD. Huh?

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