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Bob would love it'

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1Bob would love it' Empty Bob would love it' 7/22/2018, 1:04 pm



Brew Ha Ha

Great local East Hill Bar and Diner. Located 12th ave. and Scott Street.

Bob would have loved this place. You can almost invision him sitting at the bar with YellowDog. The Pensacola memorabilia fills the restaurant as a tasteful reminder of older Pensacola times.

The food is very good... love the vegetable plate and pulled pork. The fried chicken looks awesome....crispy and juicy. I have been told it is the best...wish I could taste it.

Awesome bar with specialty drinks like a Jalapeño Margarita.

2Bob would love it' Empty Re: Bob would love it' 7/22/2018, 10:51 pm


Is this the new bar that replaced the lamp shop where the owner died of cancer? We don't drink so probably won't hurry in, but glad to know it's doing things right.

3Bob would love it' Empty Re: Bob would love it' 7/23/2018, 3:45 pm



Yes... the restaurant has very good food.

4Bob would love it' Empty Re: Bob would love it' 1/12/2019, 4:51 pm


Sorry to hear this restaurant is already on the ropes.  Never like to see a business fail, though hubby and I were no help as the place just never appealed to us enough to  try.

Pensacola Brew Ha Ha owner posts emotional video asking for help

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