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Eight years of being told the ACA is a disaster

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Not one person has provided anything close to a rational replacement, but it never was the goal. It was always about a tax refund for the wealthy. Nothing more or less. Hypocrisy is so thick, that now the liar in chief is just vindictively wanting to simply repeal the ACA.....such cruel individuals rarely have taken power in America, and I cannot wait to they answer to their constituents.



When the burden falls on the young and healthy and beginning their career... it's not "a tax refund for the wealthy". The wealthy are older and already had healthcare. Stop parroting DNC talkingpoints and think for yourself dumb ass. Gawd you've become a propagandist hack.


You better get those northern Michigan tics out of your hair, may be eating into your brain. There was a 3.8% tax cut on the wealthy. That 3.8 has helped to fund the closing of the donut hole in part D as well as a small part going towards subsidies.


I always advised people to get the maximum under insured policy and uninsured policy you could get on your auto insurance. I started 30 years ago going to a commercial company which allowed million dollar coverage when the most my All State would do was 250k. Term life insurance is more affordable than whole life, but even term raises your rates based on your age at enrollment. My argument was that driving an auto is dangerous and could kill you. If you bought a term life insurance policy for a million dollars, it would be way expensive, but is a bargain to purchase an upgrade in your uninsured/ under insured policy because auto insurance was mandatory and the insurance pool was large which dropped the premiums. It is basic actuarial understanding of how insurance works which PK finds objectionable. So a person who drives only a few times a week, versus a person who drives for a living in his personal vehicle we should collectively throw our hands up and talk about how unfair the government is in mandating auto insurance which requires statutorily a minimum uninsured/ under insured rider. That is bone chilling stupid because it is not government intervention but sound principles of actuarial tables which allow the insurance pool to survive. The tax break for the wealthy is obscene when the result is twenty million people without insurance.



Given that we suffer as a nation from a severe case of amnesia concerning our history, it would be beneficial if the GOP leaders would quit reminding everyone that they PROMISED to repeal and replace the ACA now that it is in their face that, what do you know, many people really like it.

If they were smart (and not supported so heavily by big pharma etc.) they would start preaching that the ACA needs some fixing to become a program that really works for the American people. They could even claim, in a face-saving way that it was a total failure (even though it is clearly responsible for saving many lives and insuring many people). After declaring it a failure they could join with willing Democrats to arrive at some mutually agreeable changes.

In other words they could act like grownups in the face of the disaster that was last weeks attempt to repeal and replace. They should be able to "monitor and adjust" to fit current reality but they seem to be having trouble along those lines these days.

Approval of Congress is so low because they are seen as being dysfunctional. They can't get anything done and people are tired of that. This would really get everyone's attention and do wonders for their approval rating. It's a long shot though.



It's going to be unfortunate that many people will lose their health and their lives before democrats are back in office and right these wrongs known as tRumpcare.



panhandler wrote:It's going to be unfortunate that many people will lose their health and their lives before democrats are back in office and right these wrongs known as tRumpcare.  

I don't know about that, nothing seems to be getting done. Congress is out all next week and the whole month of August. They're might face a lot of pressure from their constituents and decide to leave things alone until the after the 2018 election.

As someone else mentioned, the Republicans don't seem to be able to govern and if they lose control of one house it's going to get worse.


One horrible terrorist attack where we lost 3000 innocent Americans resulted in a response of spending 6 trillion dollars pouring precious resources down the rabbit hole of profits for MIC. Yet, prior to the ACA 30k people were dying because of the lack of health insurance. That same 6 trillion could have paid for medicare for all for a generation. When one realizes that Ike warned us of how independently powerful MIC had become, and with their collective donations to congress the American people are simply a host where these vampire bats are trying to suck the blood out of this nation.

A small town about 10 miles away has built this small veteran's park. I observed volunteers putting small American flags around the park. They have a tank. They have a Huey helicopter. They have a fighter jet. They have artillery. The have all the hardware of war bringing death and horrors to innocent human beings. Since WWII it is questionable that any war has been fought which actually was defending America, yet this park is filled will post WWII military hardware. This hardware made huge profits for private corporations. It resulted in young Americans going off to undeclared wars and many lost their lives or were severely wounded.

The paradigm is that Veteran's should be honored because of their courage to serve, and somehow conceptually we have entangled the same with military hardware, or Blue Angel demonstrations. The reality is war produces profits. Millions of innocents have been injured by our export of war for manipulated and unrealistic threats to America. Yet, there is no honoring of the community hospital where people struggle to pay the bills and work hours on saving people's lives who have no insurance. There are no parades for the real hero who saves lives, and improves the quality of life for Americans. I have tried for years to raise the same questions Ike raised, and then I drive by this small park filled with the hardware of death, and see tiny American flags being placed around these weapons, and wonder why we are not putting flags around the hospital across the river where a not for profit group of people have been serving Americans since the late 1800s. I simply do not know how to begin the dialogue to change the paradigm and stop killing innocents and helping Americans.



2seaoat wrote:One horrible terrorist attack where we lost 3000 innocent Americans resulted in a response of spending 6 trillion dollars pouring precious resources down the rabbit hole of profits for MIC.   Yet, prior to the ACA 30k people were dying because of the lack of health insurance.  That same 6 trillion could have paid for medicare for all for a generation.   When one realizes that Ike warned us of how independently powerful MIC had become, and with their collective donations to congress the American people are simply a host where these vampire bats are trying to suck the blood out of this nation.

A small town about 10 miles away has built this small veteran's park.  I observed volunteers putting small American flags around the park.  They have a tank.  They have a Huey helicopter.  They have a fighter jet.   They have artillery.   The have all the hardware of war bringing death and horrors to innocent human beings.  Since WWII it is questionable that any war has been fought which actually was defending America, yet this park is filled will post WWII military hardware.   This hardware made huge profits for private corporations.   It resulted in young Americans going off to undeclared wars and many lost their lives or were severely wounded.  

The paradigm is that Veteran's should be honored because of their courage to serve, and somehow conceptually we have entangled the same with military hardware, or Blue Angel demonstrations.   The reality is war produces profits.  Millions of innocents have been injured by our export of war for manipulated and unrealistic threats to America.   Yet, there is no honoring of the community hospital where people struggle to pay the bills and work hours on saving people's lives who have no insurance.   There are no parades for the real hero who saves lives, and improves the quality of life for Americans.   I have tried for years to raise the same questions Ike raised, and then I drive by this small park filled with the hardware of death, and see tiny American flags being placed around these weapons, and wonder why we are not putting flags around the hospital across the river where a not for profit group of people have been serving Americans since the late 1800s.   I simply do not know how to begin the dialogue to change the paradigm and stop killing innocents and helping Americans.


1) Defense industry profits don't disappear down a rabbit hole, they get spent in the civilian economy, buying homes and cars and TVs and keeping millions employed producing those items.

2) If you had a particle of understanding about the reality of money after the end of Bretton Woods, you'd realize that we as a nation could easily afford a strong defense AND healthcare for all AND total modernization of our infrastructure AND any other damn thing we wanted. Although I'm sure it's easier for you to grasp difficult concepts by reducing them to binary choices, surely by now, at your advanced age, you have learned that things are ALWAYS more complicated than that.

3) Since the Revolutionary War, the ONLY wars we have fought to defend America are the War of 1812 when we were invaded by perfidious Britain and the Civil War when we were attacked from within by traitors and thieves. All the other wars were fought to either ignobly steal land or to nobly defend others--and that includes WWII. After Pearl Harbor the reality is that we could have defended our homeland quite easily without attacking Japan or invading Europe. After Midway, we could have pulled back to a defensive perimeter.

4) Our huge military has helped maintain the Pax Americana all over the globe which is infinitely preferable to another world war. You have to ask yourself: Where would do you get the best chance to grow and prosper--in the US or in a totalitarian state? I disagree with most American military adventures but fear the alternative.

5) "The complexity of things, the multiplicity of minds and wills and the uncertainty of outcomes form the basis for keeping one's opinions ever subject to revision"


The imbalance is obvious, and the American health care system and military are the exceptions in the world. Spending on capital equipment where one is a cnc machine, and one is a fighter jet represents a capital investment which grows gdp long term, and the other represents a long term drag on gdp. The proposition that in the absence of America having a military 10 fold military larger than any other nation will result in more war is simply not true. Elimination of all things military is Ivory tower fuzzy thinking, but 10 to 1 weakens America in the long term. A healthy and productive work force grows GDP. A reduction in military spending grows gdp longterm.



What the hell do you think they use to make fighter jets? Machine tools, that's what. DUH!

You can look at numerous charts from the Fed. The money supply has to increase for the economy to grow and deficit spending increases the money supply.

Every time the government tries to reduce the deficit, a recession follows. Government deficits are private surplus. Private surplus, i.e. savings, is what grows the GDP by investment in--VOILA!--capital equipment. DUH!

You're still living the Age of Mercantilism. Wake up!



I'd agree if Congress took back the power to coin. That debt is accrued on top of the air dollar is a scam.



2seaoat wrote:  A healthy and productive work force grows GDP.  

Quite unsurprisingly, you have the cart before the horse--or in your case, the jackass.

A healthy and productive work force is RESULT of a growing GDP, not the cause. DEMAND increases productivity, not labor supply. C'mon, Seaoat, this is basic macro.


DEMAND increases productivity, not labor supply. C'mon, Seaoat, this is basic macro.

You need some remedial help.



2seaoat wrote:DEMAND increases productivity, not labor supply. C'mon, Seaoat, this is basic macro.

You need some remedial help.

Perhaps I do but not for this.

Go ahead, smart guy, lay it out. You're just avoiding admitting you're wrong--which is, by the way, the true mark of an inferior mind, just like Donald Trump.

So, go ahead, quote some text that says a productive work force increases GDP.



quote="PkrBum"]When the burden falls on the young and healthy and beginning their career... it's not "a tax refund for the wealthy". The wealthy are older and already had healthcare. Stop parroting DNC talkingpoints and think for yourself dumb ass. Gawd you've become a propagandist hack.[/quote]

Right, if you ain't white an' a good Christian an' you can't afford to pay to keep your child alive, fuck you. Golly them right wing conservatives really understand freedom and independence....



Eight years of being told the ACA is a disaster DLpPDb6


Demand does not necessarily increase productivity. Sorry, that is the stupidest thing which has ever been posted on this forum under the guise of someone knowing what they are talking about concerning economics.

Let me help you just a bit.......did the great demands for potatoes in Ireland increase the productivity of potatoes? Honestly, do not pretend to be a learned person, and just stick to the sophistry.



2seaoat wrote:Demand does not necessarily increase productivity.   Sorry, that is the stupidest thing which has ever been posted on this forum under the guise of someone knowing what they are talking about concerning economics.

Let me help you just a bit.......did the great demands for potatoes in Ireland increase the productivity of potatoes?  Honestly, do not pretend to be a learned person, and just stick to the sophistry.

WHAT? The productivity of potatoes? What on earth are you talking about. The demand for automobiles in the early 20th century certainly increased the productivity of the manufacturers. See how that works? The potato famine was caused by a disease, not a lack of productivity. The demand for wheat in this country in the 19th century caused an increase in the productivity of farmland.


The demand for wheat in this country in the 19th century caused an increase in the productivity of farmland. foot in your mouth was not enough?



2seaoat wrote:The demand for wheat in this country in the 19th century caused an increase in the productivity of farmland. foot in your mouth was not enough?

Perhaps you can explain "the productivity of potatoes". Exactly how does that work? Do they get up out of the ground and operate Bridgeports?

At least my feet are in my mouth not banging away on a keyboard, making up nonsense!


Fake news, Trump University, and rampant sophistry. You do not even slightly understand why your posts are so absurd. Gobbly gook and not even a clue as to why 2 + 2 does not equal 5.



2seaoat wrote:Fake news, Trump University, and rampant sophistry.  You do not even slightly understand why your posts are so absurd.   Gobbly gook and not even a clue as to why 2 + 2 does not equal 5.

As usual, you're not making sense and are refusing to respond to my original statement that demand increases productivity.

As any fool, except, apparently YOU, can easily see that the demand for a good increases the productivity of the manufacturers of the item. If lots of people want something, the production of it will increase. See how that works? Demand increases productivity, not root vegetables.

I think you must have studied Econ at Trump University and I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that Donald himself was your tutor.


Productivity is an economic measure of output per unit of input. Inputs include labor and capital, while output is typically measured in revenues and other gross domestic product (GDP) components such as business inventories.

If you understood what productivity is(you are clueless), you would understand that demand does not increase productivity. This is such a simple concept that a junior in high school could grasp the same, yet you are once again wasting my time with pure idiocy.



2seaoat wrote:Productivity is an economic measure of output per unit of input. Inputs include labor and capital, while output is typically measured in revenues and other gross domestic product (GDP) components such as business inventories.

If you understood what productivity is(you are clueless), you would understand that demand does not increase productivity.   This is such a simple concept that a junior in high school could grasp the same, yet you are once again wasting my time with pure idiocy.

First off, you're wasting your own time. The only reason you're responding to my posts with your fatuous drivel is that you're afraid you might finally be exposed as a fraud.

Secondly, we're not talking about productivity, we're talking about the INCREASE in productivity which is required by an increase in demand. If demand increases you have to increase at least one of the inputs to meet the demand, you have to hire more people or raise more capital. DUH!

Even a graduate of the one of those diploma mills clustered around Chicago should be able to grasp that simple concept.

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