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Computer problems

9 posters

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1Computer problems Empty Computer problems 10/23/2016, 11:19 am


My best laptop with windows 7 won't start window's. Have started in safe mode and completed the steps microsoft suggests in msconfig, have restored to earlier time in safe mode, have run malware bytes in safe mode, virus program won't work in safe mode. One microsoft article says HDD is shot, so how can it be started in safe mode if it is shot? Just can't get windows to start and I have everything on that computer. It is almost 5 years old but when I bought it I added several options and it cost $1300.00. Any suggestions?

2Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 12:31 pm



Try to load what you want onto a zip drive while in safe mode. The are also boot programs that you can put onto a clean zip drive then choose that port as a drive to start programs. I haven't done this stuff in a long time... so I really can't remember prog names anymore.

3Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 12:48 pm



It likely is something very simple, PPCA. I think you need to perform what is called a "Clean Boot."  The instructions for Windows 7 are about halfway down the page:

Have you recently loaded a new piece of software? Incompatibilities can cause the problems you are experiencing.

I am no computer wizard, but I mostly do all of my own stuff. I am guilty of 'experimenting' and causing problems, then having to fight my way out of them (usually successfully).

If Microsoft is still offering a chance to upgrade to Windows 10 for free, I would do this if I were you. I have used W10 for one year now, and I like it.

4Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 2:24 pm


OK this is from a TOTAL ignoramus  (me), especially when it comes to laptops, but I just have to ask:  Are you running the machine plugged in to power, or on battery?  If on power, have you tried unplugging it from the wall and just leaving it completely alone for several  hours or, better yet, overnight?    This has worked for me for a couple of severe problems with my PC over the years.   It somehow 'resets everything.'   (Non-technical term - lol.)   Don't know if this ever works with laptops but it's worth a try, maybe?

Forgive me if this is a doofus answer.  I warned you.   Smile

5Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 2:27 pm



RealLindaL wrote:OK this is from a TOTAL ignoramus  (me), especially when it comes to laptops, but I just have to ask:  Are you running the machine plugged in to power, or on battery?  If on power, have you tried unplugging it from the wall and just leaving it completely alone for several  hours or, better yet, overnight?    This has worked for me for a couple of severe problems with my PC over the years.   It somehow 'resets everything.'   (Non-technical term - lol.)   Don't know if this ever works with laptops but it's worth a try, maybe?

Forgive me if this is a doofus answer.  I warned you.   Smile

Not a doofus answer at all. You may be onto something. I work on my wife's laptop frequently, but I do not have loads of experience with them.

6Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 3:54 pm


Actually pkr and z and tried these suggestions a few times. Now I am unplugging it. Someone in a microsoft forum last night suggested something similar, unhook anything you may have attached, mouse, etc and try and it worked for them. I am now going to try the unplugging Linda. My sister-in-law who lives in Kansas does repair computer's and did say you can safe boot even if your HDD is failing. She even suggested the clean boot. If it doesn't work after the unplugging and trying a couple other things I am going to have to assume the HDD is shot.

7Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 4:24 pm



Most likely... but you can still extract most of the data in safe mode. There are free boot progs that you can load on a zip drive too that I used to use... some with tools for correcting errors and transferring files too. That might allow you to extract your data. Whelp... that's about the run of help I'm capable of from here... lol. Good luck.

8Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 4:25 pm



ppaca wrote:Actually pkr and z and tried these suggestions a few times. Now I am unplugging it. Someone in a microsoft forum last night suggested something similar, unhook anything you may have attached, mouse, etc and try and it worked for them. I am now going to try the unplugging Linda. My sister-in-law who lives in Kansas does repair computer's and did say you can safe boot even if your HDD is failing. She even suggested the clean boot. If it doesn't work after the unplugging and trying a couple other things I am going to have to assume the HDD is shot.

It is super easy to change a HDD in a laptop, PPCA. Here is a 500GB SATA  for $34.99, Amazon Prime:

Unless you are downloading movies, etc., it will take you years to fill a 500GB drive.

You just need a screwdriver to remove the cover, on the bottom of your laptop, and undo a couple of screws on the old HDD, and reverse the process after popping in the new HDD

Do you have access to your original software and Windows 7?

9Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 5:30 pm


ppaca wrote:I am now going to try the unplugging Linda.

Fingers and toes crossed! Just don't be tempted to plug it back in too soon.
Let us know....

10Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 6:43 pm



I got nothing.

I started using a computer when I used MS-DOS to do mail merges. Yet it was always a tool, not a hobby.

I've "fixed" my laptop and desktop dozens of times but I have no clue what I did each time.

I have a friend who works for FDLE in computer crime and he'll either fix it if I can get online or stop by after work or on a weekend.

11Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 8:50 pm


I would suggest getting the largest usb thumb drive and installing windows 10 to the thumb drive when connected to the laptop. You will have to go online and read some how to install windows to alternative drives, but it basically comes down to identifying the thumb drive as your program drive and turning your existing hard drive into a secondary hard drive. If the Hard drive is shot, the computer should still be able to boot and you can attempt to transfer files and data to the thumb drive. If windows 10 works, and your hard drive is functional, you can still launch your other programs from the auxillary drive.

I would suggest putting a new hard drive in as soon as you have transferred data and programs to the thumb drive. Once you have the new drive in( it is a no brainer and should not take you more than five minutes to replace a hard drive in a laptop) I would at that point get a microsoft or utube on reinstalling windows 10 to your new harddrive, and transferring your programs. Hopefully, you have saved the originals software install codes and disks if provided. I will try to find some links for you.

12Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 8:54 pm


Not entirely clear with language issues, but his step by step is good.

13Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 8:57 pm



14Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/23/2016, 9:12 pm


Also, your connections on the hard drive may be dirty or corroded. Simply kill the power, open the back of your laptop. Remove the hard drive and blow out the connectors. Get a can of air. reinstall, and power up.

15Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/24/2016, 6:58 pm



ppaca wrote:My best laptop with windows 7 won't start window's. Have started in safe mode and completed the steps microsoft suggests in msconfig, have restored to earlier time in safe mode, have run malware bytes in safe mode, virus program won't work in safe mode. One microsoft article says HDD is shot, so how can it be started in safe mode if it is shot? Just can't get windows to start and I have everything on that computer. It is almost 5 years old but when I bought it I added several options and it cost $1300.00. Any suggestions?

Try removing your battery and putting it back. Don't ask me why.

16Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/25/2016, 1:20 am


Any luck, ppaca?

17Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/25/2016, 10:20 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

Pour some beer on in and then get a macbook.

I approve this message.

18Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/25/2016, 8:07 pm



ppaca wrote:My best laptop with windows 7 won't start window's. Have started in safe mode and completed the steps microsoft suggests in msconfig, have restored to earlier time in safe mode, have run malware bytes in safe mode, virus program won't work in safe mode. One microsoft article says HDD is shot, so how can it be started in safe mode if it is shot? Just can't get windows to start and I have everything on that computer. It is almost 5 years old but when I bought it I added several options and it cost $1300.00. Any suggestions?
 That does sound strange, if it's your harddrive then how can it run in safe mode? Maybe some software is corrupted. Since you have so much invested in it, I would take to the professionals and see what they can do. At the very least they should be able to back up your data. I have a lot of digital photos stored on my PC and it's about 4 and 1/2 years old. So I have a anti virus program which is called Avast, that I can't praise enough. It can also do a "boot time" scan. The other thing I have is a 2 TB cloud storage device which cost me about 40 bucks at Best Buy, and it continuously backs up everything on my harddrive.

19Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/25/2016, 8:30 pm


Thanks everyone for the replies and must be a mac runs the forums because all day up until an hour ago kept getting error's from work and when I first got home.

My SIL that works on computer's in another state said yes you can boot in safe mode if hard drive is failing. No that computer still won't boot and tried everything everyone has suggested except buy a MAC. I have a back up external 1TB hd I transfer pics over to ever so often but haven't in about 6 months, so will try and save those in safe mode and transfer any real important file this weekend and try and set to factory, if not I have the original disc.

Thanks again.

20Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/25/2016, 8:48 pm


The more I have thought about this, I think I have your answer.

P: (850) 889-4045 F: (850) 889-4047

Call these folks over on 90 in Pace and see if they carry your laptop battery, and if you could bring in your laptop battery to be tested. It is starting to sound like a replacement battery to me. Call, Test, replace, and I am about 90% certain you will have solved your problem. If the battery is ok, then you need to install windows 10. I had to wait forever on that store, so you might want to check the Pensacola store.

21Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/26/2016, 12:50 am


2seaoat wrote:If the battery is ok, then you need to install windows 10.

It makes no sense to attempt to install another operating system if the HDD is failing.

22Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/26/2016, 3:58 am


It makes no sense to attempt to install another operating system if the HDD is failing.

I can see that you did not read my post or links and are confused. You do not install the new operating system on the questionable hard drive. You install it on the thumb drive and use the existing hard drive as a secondary drive and not your program drive. Thank you for confirming something for me. However, if the battery has failed, it impacts the entire operation of the computer. Windows 10 booting on an alternative drive still does not solve a battery issue if it is failed or failing.

23Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/30/2016, 1:32 pm


Just a thought, if all else fails try to book a copy of LINUX (Mint etc) from a thumb drive. I have a copy if you want to use it...

24Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/30/2016, 2:21 pm


Thanks everyone, I have worked on it since last night used original disc and it won't boot although it must reset to factory, but it won't even come up in safe mode anymore. I have two hard drives a 500 and 250 don't know which one is bad or maybe both. When I get a chance in a few weeks. I did get all my pictures off on my external drive and let any other files go, the most important ones were from 3 or 4 years ago and I haven't looked at them in that amount of time.

Does anyone know how to tell which one is bad?

25Computer problems Empty Re: Computer problems 10/30/2016, 2:30 pm


Hallmarkgard wrote:Just a thought, if all else fails try to book a copy of LINUX (Mint etc) from a thumb drive.  I have a copy if you want to use it...  

Thank you Hallmark I may try that down the road if I can't get this fixed.

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